As others have alluded to, its all about your definition of "worked."
If you are a person with severe lung damage, niether hypertonic saline nor any other drug is going to reverse that. Therefore, if by "worked" you mean increased PFTs, then I think you will be dissappointed. However, if by "worked" you mean prevented further decline, then I think you will be happier.
I've been using hypertonic saline for about 14 months now, and have been thrilled. I've maintained my baseline, and only needed one round of IVs. If I can continue maintaining my baseline, I will continue to be thrilled.
Similar to what others have said, Hypertonic Saline is something that I can "feel" working - which I can't say about a lot of other stuff (not to imply that other treatments don't work). And yes, that's sexy.
26 m w/cf