have i missed something?


New member
From what I understand, they can read anonymously, but can not reply with out having a sign on name.


New member

Anony's can no longer post. Personally I think it has been wonderful. There has been no name calling or fighting.

It has been wonderfully peaceful around here lately.




New member
LOL, seems to do the trick craig <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Also, the site was being attacked (I believe as far as the server goes) and had a lot of downtime for a few days due to these attacks. Shortly after the mods told us that, they announced this anon. change. So I assume they are related.


New member
Yeah I have 2 agree, it is so much more peaceful and chilled round
here the last few days.  Speaking of which where is Sean
Davies?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">Weird 'eh?


New member
Not meant 2 cause any hard feeling, but where is he?!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
One thing I dont like about not being anon, is I have to sign on at work when I want to post, and I hate having to sign on, but if I want to post I have to now.


New member
i don't really like it because I have personal questions to ask and I'd rather not sign in. Like my sex question the other day. I wanted to post as anon. I wish registered users had the option to post anon.


New member
sara, i see what you mean but nobody judges each other on here i find <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. i read that. the peeps who replied were all in the same boat!!!!! i like the new rules, the personal attacks were getting out of control and vicious <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> i had a thread on the family page that i was embarassed to put my name to but i did it anyway , no one bashed me though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I have found that there is NOTHING I cant ask. Sometimes (depending on the topic) I forewarn those that might be a little weak in the knees etc or a little too conservative for the topic, but I have NEVER had a problem with being judged inappropriately. I also realize that its easy for me because I have never hidden my CF. I am foward & open to anyone that is willing to ask, listen & be educated about my CF whether its directly related to CF or a side affect of it! If you are embarrassed about a topic or possible dont want someone to come on here & see that you posted such a post....I can understand that. Sadly tho...we have take the bad with the good of not allowing the anonymouses to post!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sarabeth87</b></i> i don't really
like it because I have personal questions to ask and I'd rather not
sign in. Like my sex question the other day. I wanted to post as
anon. I wish registered users had the option to post anon.</end quote></div><br>
I agree with you Sara and I like your idea of being able to
post anon if you are a registered user  for the very reason
you posted.  I think because that option is not available
people might share less personal information and not ask as
many personal questions that they might otherwise
have.   Certainly there have been benefits to not
having anon postings but I don't know if the benefits outweigh this


New member
The problem was that registered users WERE the ones posting the nasty anonymous posts (for the most part), it wasn't just random anons who happened to come upon the site for one day, clearly the anon's who were posting new the history of things on both sides of every disagreement.

Sometimes when I want to ask a question, I wish I could go anon. but the thing is, what have I really got to hide? Nothing. NO sense in being embarassed about anything. I know it's easier said than done but that's just how I feel.


New member
Maybe Jeanne or Bill can let others email a private question when they do not want others to know who they are as they would be anonymous. Jeanne or Bill can post this particular question on one of their forum blogs or create an anonymous forum blog for others to respond to. The anon poster would have to disclose who they are through an email to Jeanne and Bill.

This way there is control over anon postings and the benefits from the origninal poster can feel a sense of privacy if they feel it is necessary.


New member
Risa, that's a brilliant idea. I like that a lot!!!!

Because I know I myself have family that reads this site and sometimes things are just none of their business.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

Risa, that's a brilliant idea. I like that a lot!!!!

Because I know I myself have family that reads this site and sometimes things are just none of their business.</end quote></div>

Very true. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Risa</b></i>

Maybe Jeanne or Bill can let others email a private question when they do not want others to know who they are as they would be anonymous. Jeanne or Bill can post this particular question on one of their forum blogs or create an anonymous forum blog for others to respond to. The anon poster would have to disclose who they are through an email to Jeanne and Bill. </end quote></div>

This sounds good, I agree. However I wonder how time consuming this would be for Bill and/or Jeanne and if they've got that kind of extra time?
And would the original question or comment <b>only</b> be anonymous, or would people wanting to respond be able to respond anonymously too? That's where I'm getting into the fact that it may be time consuming for Bill/Jeanne when every anonymous post has to go through them???


New member
I was suggesting that the anon person write and the usernames would respond. I do not believe it would be that time consuming. I would think that maybe one question would pop up once per week. I do not remember seeing many anon questions. I do believe that Jeane has a lot of wisdom and she will know the sincerity of the writer as to whether it would be appropriate to post.