New member
Hi - I dont mean to hijack this thread but I wasnt sure how to start a new one. My son Jack (5yo) has had lung concerns since birth. He has always made a lot of mucus and had a rattling in his chest. He was dx'd with asthma as a very young infant and lived on oripred and tons of neb treatments. He was sweat tested at 6 months old...negative. The next few years he always suffered with bouts of asthma - he has become barrel chested and more recently had Pnuemonia. We started to see a pulmo and she did a bronch. The bronch results showed severe inflamation with a high count of inflammatory cells, a massive amount of mucus that was so thick it was hard to get a sample out and tons of bacteria. She sent him for another sweat test and again it came out normal. She then sent him to an ENT. He took a look in his nose and said "I'm looking at a kid with CF" (nice huh?) He then sent us for a CT of the sinus. To my surprise it showed that Jack has Pansinusitis. He has NEVER had a sinus symptom!!!!! IM SHOCKED!!!!!! The doctor felt that he could make a dx of CF or Cilia Dyskenesia by the look of the bronch and CT????????? He is sending Jack for the Ambry Long Panel and another Bronch and nasal endoscopy on the 29th. Jack's ONLY symptoms are thick mucus in his lungs and this pansinusitis???? Wouldnt he be sick????? I am so confused??? Can a doctor really tell if a child has cf by the look of their sinus ct?