Have to go to Clinic today....


New member
Hey Everyone,
I have to go to Clinic today and I am nervous about it. Well that just comes across as me being a Witch (for lack of a stronger term).

How do you cope with stress? I swear my blood pressure is thru the roof right now because I am not looking forward to this.

There is nothing that I am nervous about....specifically. But I am so crabby (well and I have my period too.......ok too much info).

How do you cope with clinic days and being nervous? I hate feeling this way! I don't like being unhappy! And I don't want to come off to hospital staff as being a crab.

I hope all goes well today at clinic, I'll be happy when it's over with!

29 female, CF


New member
Hey Everyone,
I have to go to Clinic today and I am nervous about it. Well that just comes across as me being a Witch (for lack of a stronger term).

How do you cope with stress? I swear my blood pressure is thru the roof right now because I am not looking forward to this.

There is nothing that I am nervous about....specifically. But I am so crabby (well and I have my period too.......ok too much info).

How do you cope with clinic days and being nervous? I hate feeling this way! I don't like being unhappy! And I don't want to come off to hospital staff as being a crab.

I hope all goes well today at clinic, I'll be happy when it's over with!

29 female, CF


New member
Hey Everyone,
I have to go to Clinic today and I am nervous about it. Well that just comes across as me being a Witch (for lack of a stronger term).

How do you cope with stress? I swear my blood pressure is thru the roof right now because I am not looking forward to this.

There is nothing that I am nervous about....specifically. But I am so crabby (well and I have my period too.......ok too much info).

How do you cope with clinic days and being nervous? I hate feeling this way! I don't like being unhappy! And I don't want to come off to hospital staff as being a crab.

I hope all goes well today at clinic, I'll be happy when it's over with!

29 female, CF


Hey Kelli,

I know what you mean making the hosp staff think you are happy. I always want to be able to put on my best attitude when I go in, so they at least think im a happy person...lol. I actually like going to my clinic, I feel like I am somewhat at home with them. I try to make an adventure out of it. I live an hour away from them, so I have to either drive in with someone (i will NOT drive in Boston for my life) or take the train. The train makes it feel like I'm just going in to visit Boston for the day! It makes it seem a lil more fun and usually I eat at a restaurant. I hope this doesnt come off the wrong way, but try and make it seem like a treat. Like reward yourself for not being nervous or doing a good job on PFT's or something like that.

I hope your appointmentt goes well and you feel better once you get there!


Hey Kelli,

I know what you mean making the hosp staff think you are happy. I always want to be able to put on my best attitude when I go in, so they at least think im a happy person...lol. I actually like going to my clinic, I feel like I am somewhat at home with them. I try to make an adventure out of it. I live an hour away from them, so I have to either drive in with someone (i will NOT drive in Boston for my life) or take the train. The train makes it feel like I'm just going in to visit Boston for the day! It makes it seem a lil more fun and usually I eat at a restaurant. I hope this doesnt come off the wrong way, but try and make it seem like a treat. Like reward yourself for not being nervous or doing a good job on PFT's or something like that.

I hope your appointmentt goes well and you feel better once you get there!


Hey Kelli,

I know what you mean making the hosp staff think you are happy. I always want to be able to put on my best attitude when I go in, so they at least think im a happy person...lol. I actually like going to my clinic, I feel like I am somewhat at home with them. I try to make an adventure out of it. I live an hour away from them, so I have to either drive in with someone (i will NOT drive in Boston for my life) or take the train. The train makes it feel like I'm just going in to visit Boston for the day! It makes it seem a lil more fun and usually I eat at a restaurant. I hope this doesnt come off the wrong way, but try and make it seem like a treat. Like reward yourself for not being nervous or doing a good job on PFT's or something like that.

I hope your appointmentt goes well and you feel better once you get there!


New member
Hi, Kelli. I don't really get nervous at appointments, just angry that I have to get up early to meet them (mine are usually first thing in the a.m.). My mother still goes with me, so we usually do lunch afterwards. Food is always a nice perk. Sometimes, on the mornings that I'm really not happy about going, I'll get myself a milkshake somewhere and bring my favorite book to read in the waiting room. Not only does the milkshake make me happy, but it makes my doc happy, too, to see I'm gaining weight! LOL.


New member
Hi, Kelli. I don't really get nervous at appointments, just angry that I have to get up early to meet them (mine are usually first thing in the a.m.). My mother still goes with me, so we usually do lunch afterwards. Food is always a nice perk. Sometimes, on the mornings that I'm really not happy about going, I'll get myself a milkshake somewhere and bring my favorite book to read in the waiting room. Not only does the milkshake make me happy, but it makes my doc happy, too, to see I'm gaining weight! LOL.


New member
Hi, Kelli. I don't really get nervous at appointments, just angry that I have to get up early to meet them (mine are usually first thing in the a.m.). My mother still goes with me, so we usually do lunch afterwards. Food is always a nice perk. Sometimes, on the mornings that I'm really not happy about going, I'll get myself a milkshake somewhere and bring my favorite book to read in the waiting room. Not only does the milkshake make me happy, but it makes my doc happy, too, to see I'm gaining weight! LOL.


New member
I am honest with them if they ask how I am feeling... They will understand and it is better that way in my opinion. I don't like going to clinics either, but I do like to find out how I am doing and if anything might be out of wack that I may not be aware of. But just be honest with your feelings and let them know you are feeling nervous or crabby and you don't mean to come across in a negetive way. They should understand how you feel and beable to adjust for it.

Just my opinion.


New member
I am honest with them if they ask how I am feeling... They will understand and it is better that way in my opinion. I don't like going to clinics either, but I do like to find out how I am doing and if anything might be out of wack that I may not be aware of. But just be honest with your feelings and let them know you are feeling nervous or crabby and you don't mean to come across in a negetive way. They should understand how you feel and beable to adjust for it.

Just my opinion.


New member
I am honest with them if they ask how I am feeling... They will understand and it is better that way in my opinion. I don't like going to clinics either, but I do like to find out how I am doing and if anything might be out of wack that I may not be aware of. But just be honest with your feelings and let them know you are feeling nervous or crabby and you don't mean to come across in a negetive way. They should understand how you feel and beable to adjust for it.

Just my opinion.


New member
I never exactly look forward to going to clinic either . I have about a 40 minute drive to my hosp. so i listen to the radio the whole way there and try not to think of it too much. I also tend to focus on my returning ride home and what i will pick up for dinner. I dont mind going to clinic every 3 months but these days since the fungus ball, i have to go every 6 weeks for a cat scan and a clinic visit ( 3 hour adventure) . Sometimes if there is enough time i go to lunch before seeing the Doctor, kind of like a treat like Caitlin said.


New member
I never exactly look forward to going to clinic either . I have about a 40 minute drive to my hosp. so i listen to the radio the whole way there and try not to think of it too much. I also tend to focus on my returning ride home and what i will pick up for dinner. I dont mind going to clinic every 3 months but these days since the fungus ball, i have to go every 6 weeks for a cat scan and a clinic visit ( 3 hour adventure) . Sometimes if there is enough time i go to lunch before seeing the Doctor, kind of like a treat like Caitlin said.


New member
I never exactly look forward to going to clinic either . I have about a 40 minute drive to my hosp. so i listen to the radio the whole way there and try not to think of it too much. I also tend to focus on my returning ride home and what i will pick up for dinner. I dont mind going to clinic every 3 months but these days since the fungus ball, i have to go every 6 weeks for a cat scan and a clinic visit ( 3 hour adventure) . Sometimes if there is enough time i go to lunch before seeing the Doctor, kind of like a treat like Caitlin said.


New member
Thanks for all of you advice. I've just been trying to keep my mind off things and not rip employee's heads off while I've been at work!

I have a one hour trip, each way, so if my husband goes, I'll read. But he feels like he's getting a sinus infection so I don't want him to infect the whole clinic. So I might go alone.

I'll update this when I get back. Please pray for my PFT's!

Thanks for everything!


New member
Thanks for all of you advice. I've just been trying to keep my mind off things and not rip employee's heads off while I've been at work!

I have a one hour trip, each way, so if my husband goes, I'll read. But he feels like he's getting a sinus infection so I don't want him to infect the whole clinic. So I might go alone.

I'll update this when I get back. Please pray for my PFT's!

Thanks for everything!


New member
Thanks for all of you advice. I've just been trying to keep my mind off things and not rip employee's heads off while I've been at work!

I have a one hour trip, each way, so if my husband goes, I'll read. But he feels like he's getting a sinus infection so I don't want him to infect the whole clinic. So I might go alone.

I'll update this when I get back. Please pray for my PFT's!

Thanks for everything!


New member
I hope you feel better. Just focus on your breathing and calm yourself down. Focusing on your breathing will make you feel more relaxed and centered. Nobody can bother you unless you let them.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I like what Jerry Said about being honest with them. They will understand.


New member
I hope you feel better. Just focus on your breathing and calm yourself down. Focusing on your breathing will make you feel more relaxed and centered. Nobody can bother you unless you let them.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I like what Jerry Said about being honest with them. They will understand.