Have you ever checked yourself in "voluntarily" for a tune up?


New member
Last year around Christmas I came down with my first bout of pneumonia. I am 27, almost 28, and very blessed it has not happened until this late in my life. (I’m a Chicagoan, so I blame it on the horribly cold winter we endured.)

I have only been in the hospital about five times total in my life for a CF tune up, last year included. However, my doctor recently told me that, although I have been relatively healthy, my lung function is certainly not at its peak and probably never will be again due to how sick I was last year. He is recommending I check myself in for a tune up soon (he even recommends once a year from now on). He is also very pro patient choice, so he is leaving the decision up to me.

I really don’t like the hospital and the inconvenience of IV antibiotics (I have a busy, full-time career), so I’d like to avoid it if at all possible. Has anyone else checked yourself in to the hospital “voluntarily?” I want to stay healthy, so I’m wondering if I should just do it.
Thoughts? Similar experiences?


New member
I'm at the point where I'm doing it every 3-4 months. But I'm fairly low function and can really feel the difference a few months make. Even right now I'm coughing up way too much in general lately and will probably do it again next month.

To answer your question, occasional maintenance never hurts, especially if it's been a year or more, but you're the only one who knows how you feel. A lot of places these days let you go home after a few days on a portable IV pump and you just do most of the regimen yourself. You could ask about that.


New member
Have you ever checked yourself in "voluntarily" for a tune up?

I go in voluntarily twice a year, once in summer and once in winter. Even if I don't feel particularly sick, I do it. Up until last year, it kept me healthy for the better part of every year. The last year has been worse because I started growing MRSA.


New member
Yes most definitely I have so if u even feel like u should then u should stay up on it and u will do better