Have you ever had a bronch?


New member
I've been coughing up blood on average once or twice a week for the past year. My docs haven't even gone in to look around...they just attribute this to normal parts of CF. Interesting...considering this happens very frequently. Anyways, what have your docs done for you?


New member
I've been coughing up blood on average once or twice a week for the past year. My docs haven't even gone in to look around...they just attribute this to normal parts of CF. Interesting...considering this happens very frequently. Anyways, what have your docs done for you?


New member
I've been coughing up blood on average once or twice a week for the past year. My docs haven't even gone in to look around...they just attribute this to normal parts of CF. Interesting...considering this happens very frequently. Anyways, what have your docs done for you?


New member
I've been coughing up blood on average once or twice a week for the past year. My docs haven't even gone in to look around...they just attribute this to normal parts of CF. Interesting...considering this happens very frequently. Anyways, what have your docs done for you?


New member
I've been coughing up blood on average once or twice a week for the past year. My docs haven't even gone in to look around...they just attribute this to normal parts of CF. Interesting...considering this happens very frequently. Anyways, what have your docs done for you?


Yes, I have had brochs and also embolizations. The bronchs usually won't show anything unless you are actively bleeding, and as I always get sick and congested after a broch, it was not a good option for me.

I had a lot of bleeding until I cut down on Pulmozyme. Then the bleeding turned off like a faucet. Instead of taking it twice a day, I take it once every three days. It is enough to keep my pfts stable, yet not so much as to make my lungs bleed.


Yes, I have had brochs and also embolizations. The bronchs usually won't show anything unless you are actively bleeding, and as I always get sick and congested after a broch, it was not a good option for me.

I had a lot of bleeding until I cut down on Pulmozyme. Then the bleeding turned off like a faucet. Instead of taking it twice a day, I take it once every three days. It is enough to keep my pfts stable, yet not so much as to make my lungs bleed.


Yes, I have had brochs and also embolizations. The bronchs usually won't show anything unless you are actively bleeding, and as I always get sick and congested after a broch, it was not a good option for me.

I had a lot of bleeding until I cut down on Pulmozyme. Then the bleeding turned off like a faucet. Instead of taking it twice a day, I take it once every three days. It is enough to keep my pfts stable, yet not so much as to make my lungs bleed.


Yes, I have had brochs and also embolizations. The bronchs usually won't show anything unless you are actively bleeding, and as I always get sick and congested after a broch, it was not a good option for me.

I had a lot of bleeding until I cut down on Pulmozyme. Then the bleeding turned off like a faucet. Instead of taking it twice a day, I take it once every three days. It is enough to keep my pfts stable, yet not so much as to make my lungs bleed.


Yes, I have had brochs and also embolizations. The bronchs usually won't show anything unless you are actively bleeding, and as I always get sick and congested after a broch, it was not a good option for me.
<br />
<br />I had a lot of bleeding until I cut down on Pulmozyme. Then the bleeding turned off like a faucet. Instead of taking it twice a day, I take it once every three days. It is enough to keep my pfts stable, yet not so much as to make my lungs bleed.


I've had that once or twice-- it may have been pulmozyme, but i also have added the following to my diet and haven't had hemo once since:

*Triple Omegas
*Vitamin D
*Garlic pills

Also maintaining a pretty good diet, excercising, cuttting down on my drinking, getting enough sleep, etc.....good luck!


I've had that once or twice-- it may have been pulmozyme, but i also have added the following to my diet and haven't had hemo once since:

*Triple Omegas
*Vitamin D
*Garlic pills

Also maintaining a pretty good diet, excercising, cuttting down on my drinking, getting enough sleep, etc.....good luck!


I've had that once or twice-- it may have been pulmozyme, but i also have added the following to my diet and haven't had hemo once since:

*Triple Omegas
*Vitamin D
*Garlic pills

Also maintaining a pretty good diet, excercising, cuttting down on my drinking, getting enough sleep, etc.....good luck!


I've had that once or twice-- it may have been pulmozyme, but i also have added the following to my diet and haven't had hemo once since:

*Triple Omegas
*Vitamin D
*Garlic pills

Also maintaining a pretty good diet, excercising, cuttting down on my drinking, getting enough sleep, etc.....good luck!


I've had that once or twice-- it may have been pulmozyme, but i also have added the following to my diet and haven't had hemo once since:
<br />
<br />*ADEK
<br />*Triple Omegas
<br />*L-Lysine
<br />*Tumeric
<br />*Vitamin D
<br />*Garlic pills
<br />
<br />Also maintaining a pretty good diet, excercising, cuttting down on my drinking, getting enough sleep, etc.....good luck!


New member
I have had hemoptysis on/off since my dx 33 years ago. I just had my first bronch this year. Therefore never had embolizations & there has been quite a bit of blood at times, but not enough to warrant the invasive procedure.

I had the bronch done because they couldnt figure out why things were so bad given all the treatments being done.

We stop Pulmozyme during the bleeds until I am 24 hours blood free. When in the hospital I get Vitamin K injections for 3 days (in addition to the oral I always am on). During an actual bleed we apply ice to my chest & I try to drink ice water.

I am just reintroducing Pulmozyme again since each time I try I bleed. I am currently at using it 1/day 3 times a week.

I know most of my triggers for bleeds: infection, exhaustion, exertion when lifting, PMS & excessive caffeine


New member
I have had hemoptysis on/off since my dx 33 years ago. I just had my first bronch this year. Therefore never had embolizations & there has been quite a bit of blood at times, but not enough to warrant the invasive procedure.

I had the bronch done because they couldnt figure out why things were so bad given all the treatments being done.

We stop Pulmozyme during the bleeds until I am 24 hours blood free. When in the hospital I get Vitamin K injections for 3 days (in addition to the oral I always am on). During an actual bleed we apply ice to my chest & I try to drink ice water.

I am just reintroducing Pulmozyme again since each time I try I bleed. I am currently at using it 1/day 3 times a week.

I know most of my triggers for bleeds: infection, exhaustion, exertion when lifting, PMS & excessive caffeine


New member
I have had hemoptysis on/off since my dx 33 years ago. I just had my first bronch this year. Therefore never had embolizations & there has been quite a bit of blood at times, but not enough to warrant the invasive procedure.

I had the bronch done because they couldnt figure out why things were so bad given all the treatments being done.

We stop Pulmozyme during the bleeds until I am 24 hours blood free. When in the hospital I get Vitamin K injections for 3 days (in addition to the oral I always am on). During an actual bleed we apply ice to my chest & I try to drink ice water.

I am just reintroducing Pulmozyme again since each time I try I bleed. I am currently at using it 1/day 3 times a week.

I know most of my triggers for bleeds: infection, exhaustion, exertion when lifting, PMS & excessive caffeine


New member
I have had hemoptysis on/off since my dx 33 years ago. I just had my first bronch this year. Therefore never had embolizations & there has been quite a bit of blood at times, but not enough to warrant the invasive procedure.

I had the bronch done because they couldnt figure out why things were so bad given all the treatments being done.

We stop Pulmozyme during the bleeds until I am 24 hours blood free. When in the hospital I get Vitamin K injections for 3 days (in addition to the oral I always am on). During an actual bleed we apply ice to my chest & I try to drink ice water.

I am just reintroducing Pulmozyme again since each time I try I bleed. I am currently at using it 1/day 3 times a week.

I know most of my triggers for bleeds: infection, exhaustion, exertion when lifting, PMS & excessive caffeine


New member
I have had hemoptysis on/off since my dx 33 years ago. I just had my first bronch this year. Therefore never had embolizations & there has been quite a bit of blood at times, but not enough to warrant the invasive procedure.
<br />
<br />I had the bronch done because they couldnt figure out why things were so bad given all the treatments being done.
<br />
<br />We stop Pulmozyme during the bleeds until I am 24 hours blood free. When in the hospital I get Vitamin K injections for 3 days (in addition to the oral I always am on). During an actual bleed we apply ice to my chest & I try to drink ice water.
<br />
<br />I am just reintroducing Pulmozyme again since each time I try I bleed. I am currently at using it 1/day 3 times a week.
<br />
<br />I know most of my triggers for bleeds: infection, exhaustion, exertion when lifting, PMS & excessive caffeine