having a cold


New member

I have a head cold and am wanting to get some ideas to do as I fight through this virus. I am talking Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain. I started coughing up blood this morning so I am also taking cough medicine now. Any ideas would be great to help me through this. My CF Doctor told me I just have to wait it out.

Thank You to all in advance.....

Peace and Love,


New member

I have a head cold and am wanting to get some ideas to do as I fight through this virus. I am talking Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain. I started coughing up blood this morning so I am also taking cough medicine now. Any ideas would be great to help me through this. My CF Doctor told me I just have to wait it out.

Thank You to all in advance.....

Peace and Love,


New member

I have a head cold and am wanting to get some ideas to do as I fight through this virus. I am talking Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain. I started coughing up blood this morning so I am also taking cough medicine now. Any ideas would be great to help me through this. My CF Doctor told me I just have to wait it out.

Thank You to all in advance.....

Peace and Love,


New member

I have a head cold and am wanting to get some ideas to do as I fight through this virus. I am talking Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain. I started coughing up blood this morning so I am also taking cough medicine now. Any ideas would be great to help me through this. My CF Doctor told me I just have to wait it out.

Thank You to all in advance.....

Peace and Love,


New member
<br />
<br /> I have a head cold and am wanting to get some ideas to do as I fight through this virus. I am talking Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain. I started coughing up blood this morning so I am also taking cough medicine now. Any ideas would be great to help me through this. My CF Doctor told me I just have to wait it out.
<br />
<br />Thank You to all in advance.....
<br />
<br />Peace and Love,


Staff member
With DS, we usually have him do sinus rinses to clear up his nasal congestion. And I push liquids, usually try to get him to drink juice with vitamin c... We've been told by his doctor not to use any OTC cold medicines -- I'd once asked about using a nasal spray (decongestant) when he was really little before he figured out how to do nasal washes/rinse.


Staff member
With DS, we usually have him do sinus rinses to clear up his nasal congestion. And I push liquids, usually try to get him to drink juice with vitamin c... We've been told by his doctor not to use any OTC cold medicines -- I'd once asked about using a nasal spray (decongestant) when he was really little before he figured out how to do nasal washes/rinse.


Staff member
With DS, we usually have him do sinus rinses to clear up his nasal congestion. And I push liquids, usually try to get him to drink juice with vitamin c... We've been told by his doctor not to use any OTC cold medicines -- I'd once asked about using a nasal spray (decongestant) when he was really little before he figured out how to do nasal washes/rinse.


Staff member
With DS, we usually have him do sinus rinses to clear up his nasal congestion. And I push liquids, usually try to get him to drink juice with vitamin c... We've been told by his doctor not to use any OTC cold medicines -- I'd once asked about using a nasal spray (decongestant) when he was really little before he figured out how to do nasal washes/rinse.


Staff member
With DS, we usually have him do sinus rinses to clear up his nasal congestion. And I push liquids, usually try to get him to drink juice with vitamin c... We've been told by his doctor not to use any OTC cold medicines -- I'd once asked about using a nasal spray (decongestant) when he was really little before he figured out how to do nasal washes/rinse.


New member

I do the nasal washings twice a day and then I use Veramyst (sp?). I started taking the OTC Tylenol Sinus because my head was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I e mailed my CF Doctor at home and he told me to just take a warm wash rag and put it on my head and that did not help at all. So, i took the OTC so far my head isn't hurting as bad it does still ache but I can live with it.

Thank You for giving me your advice.

Peace and Love,


New member

I do the nasal washings twice a day and then I use Veramyst (sp?). I started taking the OTC Tylenol Sinus because my head was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I e mailed my CF Doctor at home and he told me to just take a warm wash rag and put it on my head and that did not help at all. So, i took the OTC so far my head isn't hurting as bad it does still ache but I can live with it.

Thank You for giving me your advice.

Peace and Love,


New member

I do the nasal washings twice a day and then I use Veramyst (sp?). I started taking the OTC Tylenol Sinus because my head was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I e mailed my CF Doctor at home and he told me to just take a warm wash rag and put it on my head and that did not help at all. So, i took the OTC so far my head isn't hurting as bad it does still ache but I can live with it.

Thank You for giving me your advice.

Peace and Love,


New member

I do the nasal washings twice a day and then I use Veramyst (sp?). I started taking the OTC Tylenol Sinus because my head was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I e mailed my CF Doctor at home and he told me to just take a warm wash rag and put it on my head and that did not help at all. So, i took the OTC so far my head isn't hurting as bad it does still ache but I can live with it.

Thank You for giving me your advice.

Peace and Love,


New member
<br />
<br /> I do the nasal washings twice a day and then I use Veramyst (sp?). I started taking the OTC Tylenol Sinus because my head was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I e mailed my CF Doctor at home and he told me to just take a warm wash rag and put it on my head and that did not help at all. So, i took the OTC so far my head isn't hurting as bad it does still ache but I can live with it.
<br />
<br />Thank You for giving me your advice.
<br />
<br />Peace and Love,


Staff member
Ugh, so sorry you're in such misery. I've gotten some doozy headaches even with advil cold and sinus OTC

I've done is gotten some Dr. Bronner's (sp) peppermint castile soap from the healthfood store and put a couple drops on on a hot wash cloth and put it on my forehead/face while soaking in the tub.


Staff member
Ugh, so sorry you're in such misery. I've gotten some doozy headaches even with advil cold and sinus OTC

I've done is gotten some Dr. Bronner's (sp) peppermint castile soap from the healthfood store and put a couple drops on on a hot wash cloth and put it on my forehead/face while soaking in the tub.


Staff member
Ugh, so sorry you're in such misery. I've gotten some doozy headaches even with advil cold and sinus OTC

I've done is gotten some Dr. Bronner's (sp) peppermint castile soap from the healthfood store and put a couple drops on on a hot wash cloth and put it on my forehead/face while soaking in the tub.


Staff member
Ugh, so sorry you're in such misery. I've gotten some doozy headaches even with advil cold and sinus OTC

I've done is gotten some Dr. Bronner's (sp) peppermint castile soap from the healthfood store and put a couple drops on on a hot wash cloth and put it on my forehead/face while soaking in the tub.


Staff member
Ugh, so sorry you're in such misery. I've gotten some doozy headaches even with advil cold and sinus OTC
<br />
<br />I've done is gotten some Dr. Bronner's (sp) peppermint castile soap from the healthfood store and put a couple drops on on a hot wash cloth and put it on my forehead/face while soaking in the tub.