New member
I didn't know that my girlfriend had Cystic Fibrosis for several weeks, just until recently. Since I had been spending more time with her and being around her more and more, and making my continual interest in her very apparent, she thought I needed to know despite the risk of losing me (she thought I might not want to deal with it). When she told me that she was diagnosed as an infant and about the disease I told her I still wanted to continue our relationship and that I was glad she told me. After all, I was falling in love with her. She was so happy then. The joy in her big eyes was definitely there. You would never once think to look at her that she has this internal war waging on her body. I did wonder why she coughed often though and seemed quite congested a lot of the time despite looking so healthy. When I would ask she would just say that she had an ongoing cold and change the subject. She would also excuse herself to the bathroom often (to take her digestive enzymes before meals as I now know). She is very vivacious, sassy, and very active. She goes to college like many young adults (she's 21). She swims, surfs, loves the beach, loves to do yoga. She always likes to eat all the organic and all natural foods and fresh juices. On the outside she looks like the picture of perfect health, and she has the most gorgeous clear sun kissed skin I've ever seen. I know it was hard for her to tell me. After she told me she explained to me about all of the medications she has to take in a day, her vest and nebulizer treatments, digestive issues, etc... I've begun to spend more time with her in private as now that she's told me she feels more comfortable with that whole aspect. And with that I've really begun to see how this affects her life everyday. But since it's all new to me I honestly don't know how to react to what I see. I'm not really sure whether to offer to help her with treatments, act more concerned and be extra caring and attentive, or just go on as normal, like I was before she told me, and not do anything. What should I do? Has anyone else here had any similar experiences in their relationship?