Having another baby with all the treatments we do


New member
Hi everyone,

We are thinking of having another baby. We have a 10 yo daughter and at the time, my trts were easier and quicker. It now takes 4-4.5 hours a day and I wonder if I'll be able to juggle the trts + a new baby ... How did you guys/gals do it ? Any hints ?



In the pregnancy forum (edited because i just realized i'm in the pregnancy forum lol), you'll find a few posts dealing with the topic of having another child--the physical ramifications and the stresses it can put on your body, family and lifestyle. Also, the hows of handling treatments and baby schedules.

I think a lot depends on your health stability and whether your spouse or someone else is available to handle both kids while you are tied up with nebs and such. Also whether you have family and other kinds of help nearby. I've a ten-year-old (and 9 and 7) and it just occurred to me as I thought on this subject that if I had a new baby, there'd be temptation to use the oldest as a built-in babysitter, which is something you'd want to think about carefully/not assume/not overdo.


New member
I too am wanting baby #2 and am questioning whether it's the best decision to make or not. I just recently had to resign from a 10 year career as a police officer. My health had declined significantly since I had my first child 4 years ago. Since resigning my health has improved. My treatment regiment went from one treatment a day to 3 a day along with exercise, oral meds and CPT. Despite feeling better and eliminating work out of the equation I'm still nervous to get pregnant. I'm questioning whether the risks outway the postitives. Its a hard decision to make. My thought is your no good to your family if your not healthy. I'm so torn :0( what to do


New member
I am torn also :( My daughter and hubby will help and I'm off the first year which is the hardest year. I will read some of the posts related ...



New member
Hi All

I am new to this site. I am hoping to have baby no 1 and get pregnant soon. I am interested to hear how you felt at the very beginning of your pregnancy like when you were 1 or 2 months gone? I work part-time and if we are lucky and get pregnant soon I have a month long job that i'll be doing so I will possibly be 1 or close to 2 months pregnant. Would love to hear how you felt that early on? Any major symptoms or were you ok? I am hoping to be pregnant by then and also of course hoping i'll be feeling well. I think I will feel well as it would be very early in the pregnancy? I am doing very well and for the last few years have not been seriously ill or needing IV's . Would love to hear your experience.