having issues


Staff member
IMO, if your CF doctor "doesn't wish to be bothered", then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. You've got enough to worry about dealing with your kids. Shouldn't have to deal with a doctor's ego, as well.

As for kidney issues, certain medications can cause kidney issues...


Staff member
IMO, if your CF doctor "doesn't wish to be bothered", then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. You've got enough to worry about dealing with your kids. Shouldn't have to deal with a doctor's ego, as well.

As for kidney issues, certain medications can cause kidney issues...


Staff member
IMO, if your CF doctor "doesn't wish to be bothered", then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. You've got enough to worry about dealing with your kids. Shouldn't have to deal with a doctor's ego, as well.

As for kidney issues, certain medications can cause kidney issues...


Staff member
IMO, if your CF doctor "doesn't wish to be bothered", then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. You've got enough to worry about dealing with your kids. Shouldn't have to deal with a doctor's ego, as well.

As for kidney issues, certain medications can cause kidney issues...


Staff member
IMO, if your CF doctor "doesn't wish to be bothered", then maybe it's time to look elsewhere. You've got enough to worry about dealing with your kids. Shouldn't have to deal with a doctor's ego, as well.
<br />
<br />As for kidney issues, certain medications can cause kidney issues...


That doctor has no business treating people with CF. WE call my daughters pulm. alot. She started with a cold called for a sick visit...he is in Canada for a cf conference one of the other cf docs. sees her. Her asthma was acting up put her on prednisone. That is how it should work. We also see renal but they stay in contact with pulm, so does her cardio doc. no one does anything with checking with her pulm. first. I would switch so fast and then I would tell that doctor why. But, then that is me.
Your kids always come first. He can stick his ego with there is no sunshine. I wish you well and hope you can find someone with manners.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15/CF


That doctor has no business treating people with CF. WE call my daughters pulm. alot. She started with a cold called for a sick visit...he is in Canada for a cf conference one of the other cf docs. sees her. Her asthma was acting up put her on prednisone. That is how it should work. We also see renal but they stay in contact with pulm, so does her cardio doc. no one does anything with checking with her pulm. first. I would switch so fast and then I would tell that doctor why. But, then that is me.
Your kids always come first. He can stick his ego with there is no sunshine. I wish you well and hope you can find someone with manners.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15/CF


That doctor has no business treating people with CF. WE call my daughters pulm. alot. She started with a cold called for a sick visit...he is in Canada for a cf conference one of the other cf docs. sees her. Her asthma was acting up put her on prednisone. That is how it should work. We also see renal but they stay in contact with pulm, so does her cardio doc. no one does anything with checking with her pulm. first. I would switch so fast and then I would tell that doctor why. But, then that is me.
Your kids always come first. He can stick his ego with there is no sunshine. I wish you well and hope you can find someone with manners.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15/CF


That doctor has no business treating people with CF. WE call my daughters pulm. alot. She started with a cold called for a sick visit...he is in Canada for a cf conference one of the other cf docs. sees her. Her asthma was acting up put her on prednisone. That is how it should work. We also see renal but they stay in contact with pulm, so does her cardio doc. no one does anything with checking with her pulm. first. I would switch so fast and then I would tell that doctor why. But, then that is me.
Your kids always come first. He can stick his ego with there is no sunshine. I wish you well and hope you can find someone with manners.

Cheryl mom to Malora 15/CF


That doctor has no business treating people with CF. WE call my daughters pulm. alot. She started with a cold called for a sick visit...he is in Canada for a cf conference one of the other cf docs. sees her. Her asthma was acting up put her on prednisone. That is how it should work. We also see renal but they stay in contact with pulm, so does her cardio doc. no one does anything with checking with her pulm. first. I would switch so fast and then I would tell that doctor why. But, then that is me.
<br />Your kids always come first. He can stick his ego with there is no sunshine. I wish you well and hope you can find someone with manners.
<br />
<br />Cheryl mom to Malora 15/CF


New member
Don't let them off the hook though report that doctor for what he has done and not doing his job and talking to you that way is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by any parent and change doctor's . Only you can be your childs advocate they can't do it themselves just yet .The doctor's are getting lazy and its' about time we parent's let them know enough is enough .My son with Cf goes to many doctor's he has multiple disable's but the CF team see's him the most even more than the pediatrician which he see's at his well child visit yearly . Just remember you pay them they work for you and your child and get paid to do a job .

Sonya mom of Hunter w/CF and Kayla 10/no Cf


New member
Don't let them off the hook though report that doctor for what he has done and not doing his job and talking to you that way is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by any parent and change doctor's . Only you can be your childs advocate they can't do it themselves just yet .The doctor's are getting lazy and its' about time we parent's let them know enough is enough .My son with Cf goes to many doctor's he has multiple disable's but the CF team see's him the most even more than the pediatrician which he see's at his well child visit yearly . Just remember you pay them they work for you and your child and get paid to do a job .

Sonya mom of Hunter w/CF and Kayla 10/no Cf


New member
Don't let them off the hook though report that doctor for what he has done and not doing his job and talking to you that way is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by any parent and change doctor's . Only you can be your childs advocate they can't do it themselves just yet .The doctor's are getting lazy and its' about time we parent's let them know enough is enough .My son with Cf goes to many doctor's he has multiple disable's but the CF team see's him the most even more than the pediatrician which he see's at his well child visit yearly . Just remember you pay them they work for you and your child and get paid to do a job .

Sonya mom of Hunter w/CF and Kayla 10/no Cf


New member
Don't let them off the hook though report that doctor for what he has done and not doing his job and talking to you that way is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by any parent and change doctor's . Only you can be your childs advocate they can't do it themselves just yet .The doctor's are getting lazy and its' about time we parent's let them know enough is enough .My son with Cf goes to many doctor's he has multiple disable's but the CF team see's him the most even more than the pediatrician which he see's at his well child visit yearly . Just remember you pay them they work for you and your child and get paid to do a job .

Sonya mom of Hunter w/CF and Kayla 10/no Cf


New member
Don't let them off the hook though report that doctor for what he has done and not doing his job and talking to you that way is unacceptable and should never be tolerated by any parent and change doctor's . Only you can be your childs advocate they can't do it themselves just yet .The doctor's are getting lazy and its' about time we parent's let them know enough is enough .My son with Cf goes to many doctor's he has multiple disable's but the CF team see's him the most even more than the pediatrician which he see's at his well child visit yearly . Just remember you pay them they work for you and your child and get paid to do a job .
<br />
<br />Sonya mom of Hunter w/CF and Kayla 10/no Cf


New member
Usually my CF doc takes care of everything for me, even non-CF things. I would check to see if you can see a different doctor at your current clinic, or go to a different clinic entirely.

Like Sonya said, I would definitely report his behavior to hospital administrators if he was really being that negligent and disrespectful.


New member
Usually my CF doc takes care of everything for me, even non-CF things. I would check to see if you can see a different doctor at your current clinic, or go to a different clinic entirely.

Like Sonya said, I would definitely report his behavior to hospital administrators if he was really being that negligent and disrespectful.


New member
Usually my CF doc takes care of everything for me, even non-CF things. I would check to see if you can see a different doctor at your current clinic, or go to a different clinic entirely.

Like Sonya said, I would definitely report his behavior to hospital administrators if he was really being that negligent and disrespectful.


New member
Usually my CF doc takes care of everything for me, even non-CF things. I would check to see if you can see a different doctor at your current clinic, or go to a different clinic entirely.

Like Sonya said, I would definitely report his behavior to hospital administrators if he was really being that negligent and disrespectful.


New member
Usually my CF doc takes care of everything for me, even non-CF things. I would check to see if you can see a different doctor at your current clinic, or go to a different clinic entirely.
<br />
<br />Like Sonya said, I would definitely report his behavior to hospital administrators if he was really being that negligent and disrespectful.