Health insurance in Oregon


New member
I currently live in CA, and am thinking about moving to Portland and was wondering what other CFers do that live there. I'm on S.S. and dont work any longer and am getting disability checks. I have Medical, Medicare and GHPP (state of CA proglam). And how is the Clinic in Portland?

28m w/CF


New member
I currently live in CA, and am thinking about moving to Portland and was wondering what other CFers do that live there. I'm on S.S. and dont work any longer and am getting disability checks. I have Medical, Medicare and GHPP (state of CA proglam). And how is the Clinic in Portland?

28m w/CF


New member
I currently live in CA, and am thinking about moving to Portland and was wondering what other CFers do that live there. I'm on S.S. and dont work any longer and am getting disability checks. I have Medical, Medicare and GHPP (state of CA proglam). And how is the Clinic in Portland?
<br />
<br />Colin
<br />28m w/CF
Hey Colin,

I live in Salem about an hour away from Portland. I went to the CF clinic when i was a kid but havnt been back for a longggg time. I see my pulm. guy instead. I had a double lung tx almost three years ago in Seattle Wa. so I go up there once a year for follow up. I still work so really never been on any insurance other then private thru my employer. What we do here? We have fun!!!! Take care! My addy is if you have more questions.

Hey Colin,

I live in Salem about an hour away from Portland. I went to the CF clinic when i was a kid but havnt been back for a longggg time. I see my pulm. guy instead. I had a double lung tx almost three years ago in Seattle Wa. so I go up there once a year for follow up. I still work so really never been on any insurance other then private thru my employer. What we do here? We have fun!!!! Take care! My addy is if you have more questions.

Hey Colin,
<br />
<br />I live in Salem about an hour away from Portland. I went to the CF clinic when i was a kid but havnt been back for a longggg time. I see my pulm. guy instead. I had a double lung tx almost three years ago in Seattle Wa. so I go up there once a year for follow up. I still work so really never been on any insurance other then private thru my employer. What we do here? We have fun!!!! Take care! My addy is if you have more questions.
<br />
<br />Lonye