Healthy High Calorie Foods (not so much dairy and sugar)?


New member
Ok... so this is my first time here. I have a 1 year old son that was diagnosed with CF at 8 months. We are doing so much better now and I am at peace with his diagnosis for the most part.

He loves food and eating which is a big help, but we are still dealing with weight issues. I have been trying to find more ways to add calories in a healthy way (not so much diary and sugar) to his diet. So far I am using fish oils, butter, olive oils, whole milk and cream, yogurt, COCONUT OIL AND BUTTER (which are my favorite so far). What are others using? Does anyone have a recipe for a high calorie drink/shake that isn't loaded with sugar and milk? (Both of which are mucous forming and sugar is really hard on the immune system of a child) Thanks for your help.


New member
Ok... so this is my first time here. I have a 1 year old son that was diagnosed with CF at 8 months. We are doing so much better now and I am at peace with his diagnosis for the most part.

He loves food and eating which is a big help, but we are still dealing with weight issues. I have been trying to find more ways to add calories in a healthy way (not so much diary and sugar) to his diet. So far I am using fish oils, butter, olive oils, whole milk and cream, yogurt, COCONUT OIL AND BUTTER (which are my favorite so far). What are others using? Does anyone have a recipe for a high calorie drink/shake that isn't loaded with sugar and milk? (Both of which are mucous forming and sugar is really hard on the immune system of a child) Thanks for your help.


New member
Ok... so this is my first time here. I have a 1 year old son that was diagnosed with CF at 8 months. We are doing so much better now and I am at peace with his diagnosis for the most part.

He loves food and eating which is a big help, but we are still dealing with weight issues. I have been trying to find more ways to add calories in a healthy way (not so much diary and sugar) to his diet. So far I am using fish oils, butter, olive oils, whole milk and cream, yogurt, COCONUT OIL AND BUTTER (which are my favorite so far). What are others using? Does anyone have a recipe for a high calorie drink/shake that isn't loaded with sugar and milk? (Both of which are mucous forming and sugar is really hard on the immune system of a child) Thanks for your help.


New member
Ok... so this is my first time here. I have a 1 year old son that was diagnosed with CF at 8 months. We are doing so much better now and I am at peace with his diagnosis for the most part.

He loves food and eating which is a big help, but we are still dealing with weight issues. I have been trying to find more ways to add calories in a healthy way (not so much diary and sugar) to his diet. So far I am using fish oils, butter, olive oils, whole milk and cream, yogurt, COCONUT OIL AND BUTTER (which are my favorite so far). What are others using? Does anyone have a recipe for a high calorie drink/shake that isn't loaded with sugar and milk? (Both of which are mucous forming and sugar is really hard on the immune system of a child) Thanks for your help.


New member
Ok... so this is my first time here. I have a 1 year old son that was diagnosed with CF at 8 months. We are doing so much better now and I am at peace with his diagnosis for the most part.

He loves food and eating which is a big help, but we are still dealing with weight issues. I have been trying to find more ways to add calories in a healthy way (not so much diary and sugar) to his diet. So far I am using fish oils, butter, olive oils, whole milk and cream, yogurt, COCONUT OIL AND BUTTER (which are my favorite so far). What are others using? Does anyone have a recipe for a high calorie drink/shake that isn't loaded with sugar and milk? (Both of which are mucous forming and sugar is really hard on the immune system of a child) Thanks for your help.


HI, just wanted to say I also am looking for the same thing. My ten month old is doing great just needs more weight the doc says.
Avocado is another great choice my little guy loves.


HI, just wanted to say I also am looking for the same thing. My ten month old is doing great just needs more weight the doc says.
Avocado is another great choice my little guy loves.


HI, just wanted to say I also am looking for the same thing. My ten month old is doing great just needs more weight the doc says.
Avocado is another great choice my little guy loves.


HI, just wanted to say I also am looking for the same thing. My ten month old is doing great just needs more weight the doc says.
Avocado is another great choice my little guy loves.


HI, just wanted to say I also am looking for the same thing. My ten month old is doing great just needs more weight the doc says.
Avocado is another great choice my little guy loves.


New member

I have a 22 month old son... he was diagnosed at 6 months. My life has been all about nutrition from that day (his at least... mine still waivers from time to time... coping... you know). I have been keeping dairy at a minimum, and sugar as far away as possible, and I can tell you, without a doubt, it is working!!!

For his smoothies, if I do need to sweeten it, I use Agave nectar. It is 90% fructose, and as such, doesn't cause such drastic sugar rushes. Or, I use Stevia. Check them out, and see what works for you.

After I mix the smoothie up, I add hemp seeds, or hemp oil, and stir them in by hand... again, I would suggest reading all about hemp seeds/oil, as there are so many benefits, and details that are important to know (how was it processed, packaged, etc). I make sure he gets some hemp every single day.

Something else that you may be interested in is coconut water (without any sugar or preservatives in it). I sometimes use it a juice base for the smoothie, but it is also a great electrolyte replacer, and a much healthier choice than Gatorade or any of the many other sport drinks out there, which are filled with high fructose/glucose corn syrup, which is just as bad as white sugar pretty much.

Oh yeah, you can use coconut milk in the smoothies too... just make sure it doesn't have any of the preservatives in it.

I have not worried as much about "fattening up" my son with high sugar and greasy options, instead, I try and give him the most nutritionally rich diet that I can manage. As a result, he has fought off colds (we had to stay with my parents in between a move this winter and at different times, both my parents came down with nasty colds... coughing, mucous... bad). You could tell that he had caught the germ, but he fought it off. Then I got sick, and we co-sleep. He managed to fight off that one as well. Last winter, when I was reeling from the news of his diagnosis, and he was only on formula (we had lots of trouble with breastfeeding), and when he started baby food... he threw everything up... so difficult to get anything good into him, he was sick and on antibiotics at least four times.

Then, when he was teething (molars), and he couldn't eat, he got tonsilitis, and pseudamona. It was horrible.

I have more than enough personal evidence to know, that a nutritious diet, (according to holistic guidelines, not our government standards), is his best chance at doing well. I'd love to hear what anyone else is up to.

Eat well and sleep lots!



New member

I have a 22 month old son... he was diagnosed at 6 months. My life has been all about nutrition from that day (his at least... mine still waivers from time to time... coping... you know). I have been keeping dairy at a minimum, and sugar as far away as possible, and I can tell you, without a doubt, it is working!!!

For his smoothies, if I do need to sweeten it, I use Agave nectar. It is 90% fructose, and as such, doesn't cause such drastic sugar rushes. Or, I use Stevia. Check them out, and see what works for you.

After I mix the smoothie up, I add hemp seeds, or hemp oil, and stir them in by hand... again, I would suggest reading all about hemp seeds/oil, as there are so many benefits, and details that are important to know (how was it processed, packaged, etc). I make sure he gets some hemp every single day.

Something else that you may be interested in is coconut water (without any sugar or preservatives in it). I sometimes use it a juice base for the smoothie, but it is also a great electrolyte replacer, and a much healthier choice than Gatorade or any of the many other sport drinks out there, which are filled with high fructose/glucose corn syrup, which is just as bad as white sugar pretty much.

Oh yeah, you can use coconut milk in the smoothies too... just make sure it doesn't have any of the preservatives in it.

I have not worried as much about "fattening up" my son with high sugar and greasy options, instead, I try and give him the most nutritionally rich diet that I can manage. As a result, he has fought off colds (we had to stay with my parents in between a move this winter and at different times, both my parents came down with nasty colds... coughing, mucous... bad). You could tell that he had caught the germ, but he fought it off. Then I got sick, and we co-sleep. He managed to fight off that one as well. Last winter, when I was reeling from the news of his diagnosis, and he was only on formula (we had lots of trouble with breastfeeding), and when he started baby food... he threw everything up... so difficult to get anything good into him, he was sick and on antibiotics at least four times.

Then, when he was teething (molars), and he couldn't eat, he got tonsilitis, and pseudamona. It was horrible.

I have more than enough personal evidence to know, that a nutritious diet, (according to holistic guidelines, not our government standards), is his best chance at doing well. I'd love to hear what anyone else is up to.

Eat well and sleep lots!



New member

I have a 22 month old son... he was diagnosed at 6 months. My life has been all about nutrition from that day (his at least... mine still waivers from time to time... coping... you know). I have been keeping dairy at a minimum, and sugar as far away as possible, and I can tell you, without a doubt, it is working!!!

For his smoothies, if I do need to sweeten it, I use Agave nectar. It is 90% fructose, and as such, doesn't cause such drastic sugar rushes. Or, I use Stevia. Check them out, and see what works for you.

After I mix the smoothie up, I add hemp seeds, or hemp oil, and stir them in by hand... again, I would suggest reading all about hemp seeds/oil, as there are so many benefits, and details that are important to know (how was it processed, packaged, etc). I make sure he gets some hemp every single day.

Something else that you may be interested in is coconut water (without any sugar or preservatives in it). I sometimes use it a juice base for the smoothie, but it is also a great electrolyte replacer, and a much healthier choice than Gatorade or any of the many other sport drinks out there, which are filled with high fructose/glucose corn syrup, which is just as bad as white sugar pretty much.

Oh yeah, you can use coconut milk in the smoothies too... just make sure it doesn't have any of the preservatives in it.

I have not worried as much about "fattening up" my son with high sugar and greasy options, instead, I try and give him the most nutritionally rich diet that I can manage. As a result, he has fought off colds (we had to stay with my parents in between a move this winter and at different times, both my parents came down with nasty colds... coughing, mucous... bad). You could tell that he had caught the germ, but he fought it off. Then I got sick, and we co-sleep. He managed to fight off that one as well. Last winter, when I was reeling from the news of his diagnosis, and he was only on formula (we had lots of trouble with breastfeeding), and when he started baby food... he threw everything up... so difficult to get anything good into him, he was sick and on antibiotics at least four times.

Then, when he was teething (molars), and he couldn't eat, he got tonsilitis, and pseudamona. It was horrible.

I have more than enough personal evidence to know, that a nutritious diet, (according to holistic guidelines, not our government standards), is his best chance at doing well. I'd love to hear what anyone else is up to.

Eat well and sleep lots!



New member

I have a 22 month old son... he was diagnosed at 6 months. My life has been all about nutrition from that day (his at least... mine still waivers from time to time... coping... you know). I have been keeping dairy at a minimum, and sugar as far away as possible, and I can tell you, without a doubt, it is working!!!

For his smoothies, if I do need to sweeten it, I use Agave nectar. It is 90% fructose, and as such, doesn't cause such drastic sugar rushes. Or, I use Stevia. Check them out, and see what works for you.

After I mix the smoothie up, I add hemp seeds, or hemp oil, and stir them in by hand... again, I would suggest reading all about hemp seeds/oil, as there are so many benefits, and details that are important to know (how was it processed, packaged, etc). I make sure he gets some hemp every single day.

Something else that you may be interested in is coconut water (without any sugar or preservatives in it). I sometimes use it a juice base for the smoothie, but it is also a great electrolyte replacer, and a much healthier choice than Gatorade or any of the many other sport drinks out there, which are filled with high fructose/glucose corn syrup, which is just as bad as white sugar pretty much.

Oh yeah, you can use coconut milk in the smoothies too... just make sure it doesn't have any of the preservatives in it.

I have not worried as much about "fattening up" my son with high sugar and greasy options, instead, I try and give him the most nutritionally rich diet that I can manage. As a result, he has fought off colds (we had to stay with my parents in between a move this winter and at different times, both my parents came down with nasty colds... coughing, mucous... bad). You could tell that he had caught the germ, but he fought it off. Then I got sick, and we co-sleep. He managed to fight off that one as well. Last winter, when I was reeling from the news of his diagnosis, and he was only on formula (we had lots of trouble with breastfeeding), and when he started baby food... he threw everything up... so difficult to get anything good into him, he was sick and on antibiotics at least four times.

Then, when he was teething (molars), and he couldn't eat, he got tonsilitis, and pseudamona. It was horrible.

I have more than enough personal evidence to know, that a nutritious diet, (according to holistic guidelines, not our government standards), is his best chance at doing well. I'd love to hear what anyone else is up to.

Eat well and sleep lots!



New member

I have a 22 month old son... he was diagnosed at 6 months. My life has been all about nutrition from that day (his at least... mine still waivers from time to time... coping... you know). I have been keeping dairy at a minimum, and sugar as far away as possible, and I can tell you, without a doubt, it is working!!!

For his smoothies, if I do need to sweeten it, I use Agave nectar. It is 90% fructose, and as such, doesn't cause such drastic sugar rushes. Or, I use Stevia. Check them out, and see what works for you.

After I mix the smoothie up, I add hemp seeds, or hemp oil, and stir them in by hand... again, I would suggest reading all about hemp seeds/oil, as there are so many benefits, and details that are important to know (how was it processed, packaged, etc). I make sure he gets some hemp every single day.

Something else that you may be interested in is coconut water (without any sugar or preservatives in it). I sometimes use it a juice base for the smoothie, but it is also a great electrolyte replacer, and a much healthier choice than Gatorade or any of the many other sport drinks out there, which are filled with high fructose/glucose corn syrup, which is just as bad as white sugar pretty much.

Oh yeah, you can use coconut milk in the smoothies too... just make sure it doesn't have any of the preservatives in it.

I have not worried as much about "fattening up" my son with high sugar and greasy options, instead, I try and give him the most nutritionally rich diet that I can manage. As a result, he has fought off colds (we had to stay with my parents in between a move this winter and at different times, both my parents came down with nasty colds... coughing, mucous... bad). You could tell that he had caught the germ, but he fought it off. Then I got sick, and we co-sleep. He managed to fight off that one as well. Last winter, when I was reeling from the news of his diagnosis, and he was only on formula (we had lots of trouble with breastfeeding), and when he started baby food... he threw everything up... so difficult to get anything good into him, he was sick and on antibiotics at least four times.

Then, when he was teething (molars), and he couldn't eat, he got tonsilitis, and pseudamona. It was horrible.

I have more than enough personal evidence to know, that a nutritious diet, (according to holistic guidelines, not our government standards), is his best chance at doing well. I'd love to hear what anyone else is up to.

Eat well and sleep lots!



New member
Hi, I know how you feel I have a 10yo that is very thin and I have a hard time getting weight on him. The nutrition doc says to shovel the food in...yeah right. I'd like to see her do that to any age kid, good luck! But anyway I just discovered Scandishakes thaks to this board. With whole milk, 8oz, plus the shake mix is 600 cals!!! My son loves them. I make it cold or hot for like a hot chocolate. You can get them direct from the company or there is some listed on Ebay. They also sell a tasteless powder that you can add to anyfood for extra cals! It would have been nice if the docs told us about these. Good Luck


New member
Hi, I know how you feel I have a 10yo that is very thin and I have a hard time getting weight on him. The nutrition doc says to shovel the food in...yeah right. I'd like to see her do that to any age kid, good luck! But anyway I just discovered Scandishakes thaks to this board. With whole milk, 8oz, plus the shake mix is 600 cals!!! My son loves them. I make it cold or hot for like a hot chocolate. You can get them direct from the company or there is some listed on Ebay. They also sell a tasteless powder that you can add to anyfood for extra cals! It would have been nice if the docs told us about these. Good Luck


New member
Hi, I know how you feel I have a 10yo that is very thin and I have a hard time getting weight on him. The nutrition doc says to shovel the food in...yeah right. I'd like to see her do that to any age kid, good luck! But anyway I just discovered Scandishakes thaks to this board. With whole milk, 8oz, plus the shake mix is 600 cals!!! My son loves them. I make it cold or hot for like a hot chocolate. You can get them direct from the company or there is some listed on Ebay. They also sell a tasteless powder that you can add to anyfood for extra cals! It would have been nice if the docs told us about these. Good Luck


New member
Hi, I know how you feel I have a 10yo that is very thin and I have a hard time getting weight on him. The nutrition doc says to shovel the food in...yeah right. I'd like to see her do that to any age kid, good luck! But anyway I just discovered Scandishakes thaks to this board. With whole milk, 8oz, plus the shake mix is 600 cals!!! My son loves them. I make it cold or hot for like a hot chocolate. You can get them direct from the company or there is some listed on Ebay. They also sell a tasteless powder that you can add to anyfood for extra cals! It would have been nice if the docs told us about these. Good Luck


New member
Hi, I know how you feel I have a 10yo that is very thin and I have a hard time getting weight on him. The nutrition doc says to shovel the food in...yeah right. I'd like to see her do that to any age kid, good luck! But anyway I just discovered Scandishakes thaks to this board. With whole milk, 8oz, plus the shake mix is 600 cals!!! My son loves them. I make it cold or hot for like a hot chocolate. You can get them direct from the company or there is some listed on Ebay. They also sell a tasteless powder that you can add to anyfood for extra cals! It would have been nice if the docs told us about these. Good Luck