Hello :0)




Welcome! I'm not in your position so I don't have much to add - just that there is no right or wrong answer for your situation. There are those who think you would be incredibly irresponsible to have a baby (I'm not one of those!!) and there are those who think you should do whatever you want (me!).

Good luck on your journey!



Welcome! I'm not in your position so I don't have much to add - just that there is no right or wrong answer for your situation. There are those who think you would be incredibly irresponsible to have a baby (I'm not one of those!!) and there are those who think you should do whatever you want (me!).

Good luck on your journey!



Welcome! I'm not in your position so I don't have much to add - just that there is no right or wrong answer for your situation. There are those who think you would be incredibly irresponsible to have a baby (I'm not one of those!!) and there are those who think you should do whatever you want (me!).

Good luck on your journey!



Welcome! I'm not in your position so I don't have much to add - just that there is no right or wrong answer for your situation. There are those who think you would be incredibly irresponsible to have a baby (I'm not one of those!!) and there are those who think you should do whatever you want (me!).

Good luck on your journey!


<br />
<br />Welcome! I'm not in your position so I don't have much to add - just that there is no right or wrong answer for your situation. There are those who think you would be incredibly irresponsible to have a baby (I'm not one of those!!) and there are those who think you should do whatever you want (me!).
<br />
<br />Good luck on your journey!


New member

First off- I want to thank you all for your honesty. Like many of you, I went trolling about the Internet in the middle of the night and fortunately, stumbled upon this board. Here is the a brief rundown....

* I am going to be 36 in May and the snooze button is starting to get worn out.

* I am a birthmother in an open adoption. Meaning- when I was 20, I had a baby and placed him in an open adoption. He is 15, knows he is an adoptee and his mom is still one of my best friends and we still speak and visit regularly. As most responsible birthmothers who had to go through the unbelievably difficult process of choosing adoption for our children, I too share feelings of inadequacy and not sure if I would be a good mother after making such choice at a tender age.

* I am finally considering having a child with my husband after being together for eleven years. My husband's sister told my husband to get tested as she found out she was a carrier. He tested positive and I thought certainly, I will not be a carrier as no one else in my family is affected with CF. WRONG... I am one as well.

*Here is the kicker---- We go for genetic counseling and are told we should consider adoption. As you can imagine, my heart was literally ripped out of my chest.

That was three years ago and we are finally considering a family. My husband is not ready yet and I want to connect with others that have been faced with our situation (both CF carriers) and want to hear from others that are considering or have used CVS.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!



New member

First off- I want to thank you all for your honesty. Like many of you, I went trolling about the Internet in the middle of the night and fortunately, stumbled upon this board. Here is the a brief rundown....

* I am going to be 36 in May and the snooze button is starting to get worn out.

* I am a birthmother in an open adoption. Meaning- when I was 20, I had a baby and placed him in an open adoption. He is 15, knows he is an adoptee and his mom is still one of my best friends and we still speak and visit regularly. As most responsible birthmothers who had to go through the unbelievably difficult process of choosing adoption for our children, I too share feelings of inadequacy and not sure if I would be a good mother after making such choice at a tender age.

* I am finally considering having a child with my husband after being together for eleven years. My husband's sister told my husband to get tested as she found out she was a carrier. He tested positive and I thought certainly, I will not be a carrier as no one else in my family is affected with CF. WRONG... I am one as well.

*Here is the kicker---- We go for genetic counseling and are told we should consider adoption. As you can imagine, my heart was literally ripped out of my chest.

That was three years ago and we are finally considering a family. My husband is not ready yet and I want to connect with others that have been faced with our situation (both CF carriers) and want to hear from others that are considering or have used CVS.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!



New member

First off- I want to thank you all for your honesty. Like many of you, I went trolling about the Internet in the middle of the night and fortunately, stumbled upon this board. Here is the a brief rundown....

* I am going to be 36 in May and the snooze button is starting to get worn out.

* I am a birthmother in an open adoption. Meaning- when I was 20, I had a baby and placed him in an open adoption. He is 15, knows he is an adoptee and his mom is still one of my best friends and we still speak and visit regularly. As most responsible birthmothers who had to go through the unbelievably difficult process of choosing adoption for our children, I too share feelings of inadequacy and not sure if I would be a good mother after making such choice at a tender age.

* I am finally considering having a child with my husband after being together for eleven years. My husband's sister told my husband to get tested as she found out she was a carrier. He tested positive and I thought certainly, I will not be a carrier as no one else in my family is affected with CF. WRONG... I am one as well.

*Here is the kicker---- We go for genetic counseling and are told we should consider adoption. As you can imagine, my heart was literally ripped out of my chest.

That was three years ago and we are finally considering a family. My husband is not ready yet and I want to connect with others that have been faced with our situation (both CF carriers) and want to hear from others that are considering or have used CVS.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!



New member

First off- I want to thank you all for your honesty. Like many of you, I went trolling about the Internet in the middle of the night and fortunately, stumbled upon this board. Here is the a brief rundown....

* I am going to be 36 in May and the snooze button is starting to get worn out.

* I am a birthmother in an open adoption. Meaning- when I was 20, I had a baby and placed him in an open adoption. He is 15, knows he is an adoptee and his mom is still one of my best friends and we still speak and visit regularly. As most responsible birthmothers who had to go through the unbelievably difficult process of choosing adoption for our children, I too share feelings of inadequacy and not sure if I would be a good mother after making such choice at a tender age.

* I am finally considering having a child with my husband after being together for eleven years. My husband's sister told my husband to get tested as she found out she was a carrier. He tested positive and I thought certainly, I will not be a carrier as no one else in my family is affected with CF. WRONG... I am one as well.

*Here is the kicker---- We go for genetic counseling and are told we should consider adoption. As you can imagine, my heart was literally ripped out of my chest.

That was three years ago and we are finally considering a family. My husband is not ready yet and I want to connect with others that have been faced with our situation (both CF carriers) and want to hear from others that are considering or have used CVS.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!



New member
<br />
<br />First off- I want to thank you all for your honesty. Like many of you, I went trolling about the Internet in the middle of the night and fortunately, stumbled upon this board. Here is the a brief rundown....
<br />
<br />* I am going to be 36 in May and the snooze button is starting to get worn out.
<br />
<br />* I am a birthmother in an open adoption. Meaning- when I was 20, I had a baby and placed him in an open adoption. He is 15, knows he is an adoptee and his mom is still one of my best friends and we still speak and visit regularly. As most responsible birthmothers who had to go through the unbelievably difficult process of choosing adoption for our children, I too share feelings of inadequacy and not sure if I would be a good mother after making such choice at a tender age.
<br />
<br />* I am finally considering having a child with my husband after being together for eleven years. My husband's sister told my husband to get tested as she found out she was a carrier. He tested positive and I thought certainly, I will not be a carrier as no one else in my family is affected with CF. WRONG... I am one as well.
<br />
<br />*Here is the kicker---- We go for genetic counseling and are told we should consider adoption. As you can imagine, my heart was literally ripped out of my chest.
<br />
<br />That was three years ago and we are finally considering a family. My husband is not ready yet and I want to connect with others that have been faced with our situation (both CF carriers) and want to hear from others that are considering or have used CVS.
<br />
<br />I look forward to hearing from you!!!
<br />
<br />Alexandra


I sent you a PM because some of what I'll tell you is very controversial. I've been through A LOT and I don't want to read crap from people who have never walked in my shoes.


I sent you a PM because some of what I'll tell you is very controversial. I've been through A LOT and I don't want to read crap from people who have never walked in my shoes.


I sent you a PM because some of what I'll tell you is very controversial. I've been through A LOT and I don't want to read crap from people who have never walked in my shoes.


I sent you a PM because some of what I'll tell you is very controversial. I've been through A LOT and I don't want to read crap from people who have never walked in my shoes.


I sent you a PM because some of what I'll tell you is very controversial. I've been through A LOT and I don't want to read crap from people who have never walked in my shoes.


New member
Hi Alexandra,

Welcome. I hope you can find some people who can support you through this difficult decision. I can't even imagine what a couple must feel when they both find out they're carriers.

But there are options, like PGD, if that's a route you might want to take. They can pick the embryo that is not affected by CF before they implant it.

I know there are a lot of people that have strong opinions on this subject. Some believe you should not risk bringing a child into the world that could have CF, some believe you shouldn't play "God" and pick the healthy embryo, and some believe you should just take the genetic gamble.

I think you need to do what's right for you and your husband. You have an interesting situation in that you have already been through the adoption process from the other end.

You should do whatever you feel in your hearts is right, and don't let a genetic counselor tell you what you *should* do. It's not their place. They should give you the facts and the decision is yours from there.

Good luck and keep us updated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Alexandra,

Welcome. I hope you can find some people who can support you through this difficult decision. I can't even imagine what a couple must feel when they both find out they're carriers.

But there are options, like PGD, if that's a route you might want to take. They can pick the embryo that is not affected by CF before they implant it.

I know there are a lot of people that have strong opinions on this subject. Some believe you should not risk bringing a child into the world that could have CF, some believe you shouldn't play "God" and pick the healthy embryo, and some believe you should just take the genetic gamble.

I think you need to do what's right for you and your husband. You have an interesting situation in that you have already been through the adoption process from the other end.

You should do whatever you feel in your hearts is right, and don't let a genetic counselor tell you what you *should* do. It's not their place. They should give you the facts and the decision is yours from there.

Good luck and keep us updated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Alexandra,

Welcome. I hope you can find some people who can support you through this difficult decision. I can't even imagine what a couple must feel when they both find out they're carriers.

But there are options, like PGD, if that's a route you might want to take. They can pick the embryo that is not affected by CF before they implant it.

I know there are a lot of people that have strong opinions on this subject. Some believe you should not risk bringing a child into the world that could have CF, some believe you shouldn't play "God" and pick the healthy embryo, and some believe you should just take the genetic gamble.

I think you need to do what's right for you and your husband. You have an interesting situation in that you have already been through the adoption process from the other end.

You should do whatever you feel in your hearts is right, and don't let a genetic counselor tell you what you *should* do. It's not their place. They should give you the facts and the decision is yours from there.

Good luck and keep us updated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Alexandra,

Welcome. I hope you can find some people who can support you through this difficult decision. I can't even imagine what a couple must feel when they both find out they're carriers.

But there are options, like PGD, if that's a route you might want to take. They can pick the embryo that is not affected by CF before they implant it.

I know there are a lot of people that have strong opinions on this subject. Some believe you should not risk bringing a child into the world that could have CF, some believe you shouldn't play "God" and pick the healthy embryo, and some believe you should just take the genetic gamble.

I think you need to do what's right for you and your husband. You have an interesting situation in that you have already been through the adoption process from the other end.

You should do whatever you feel in your hearts is right, and don't let a genetic counselor tell you what you *should* do. It's not their place. They should give you the facts and the decision is yours from there.

Good luck and keep us updated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Alexandra,
<br />
<br />Welcome. I hope you can find some people who can support you through this difficult decision. I can't even imagine what a couple must feel when they both find out they're carriers.
<br />
<br />But there are options, like PGD, if that's a route you might want to take. They can pick the embryo that is not affected by CF before they implant it.
<br />
<br />I know there are a lot of people that have strong opinions on this subject. Some believe you should not risk bringing a child into the world that could have CF, some believe you shouldn't play "God" and pick the healthy embryo, and some believe you should just take the genetic gamble.
<br />
<br />I think you need to do what's right for you and your husband. You have an interesting situation in that you have already been through the adoption process from the other end.
<br />
<br />You should do whatever you feel in your hearts is right, and don't let a genetic counselor tell you what you *should* do. It's not their place. They should give you the facts and the decision is yours from there.
<br />
<br />Good luck and keep us updated <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">