My son is 6 months old with CF. He is very healthy. We usually go to my husband's family's house on Christmas Eve. His cousin has been sick with upper respiratory stuff this week. She agreed to not go tonight, but she has already been around her family yesterday (and possibly exposed them to her crud). I was not going to take my baby with us anyway because they are heavy smokers. They no longer smoke in the house and have repainted, but not recarpeted. Now, I have decided not to go at all because I don't want us or my other 2 young children to possibly pick up something from the cousin's family and bring it home to the baby. Am I being silly, with the low possibility? Not that it matters or I care, but it seems like a catch crap no matter what I do. I don't want to isolate our children too much, but the baby is just too young to risk unnecesssary lung infections. Any advice please!!!