Help! Blue fingers


New member
Right now I'm quite worried.
Iv had a bit of a cold the last few days and have been coughing during the night and now on just one hand the palm side of just my fingers look like there stained blue....looks like iv been holding something blue.

I'm scared it could be something serious but find it strange that its only one hand :/ any advice appreciated! Thanks guys :)


Super Moderator
Any chance you opened blue cough syrup or such? Oxygen deprivation doesn't show this way. Blue fingers of hypoxia are first noticed in the nail beds. A broken vein in the hand can cause a bruise that can spread out a fair ways. Then again, it is a change and unusual, seeing a doctor is best.

Let us know what it is if you can.



New member
Could it be Raynaud's Disease? My sister (who also has CF and Rheumatoid arthritis) has it and it's a condition where her hands and feet look bluish. I believe it is an autoimmune disease. Might want to get checked for that. She didn't develop it until she was in her early 20s.

Right now I'm quite worried.
Iv had a bit of a cold the last few days and have been coughing during the night and now on just one hand the palm side of just my fingers look like there stained blue....looks like iv been holding something blue.

I'm scared it could be something serious but find it strange that its only one hand :/ any advice appreciated! Thanks guys :)

kari anne

New member
Are you sure you don't have a new pair of jeans?
They can stain sometimes.

I hope it's nothing serious il with you. Wish you the best of luck!


New member
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for all your help :) basically I went back into the hospital and they checked my oxygen, lung function etc and everything was fine. The doctor said that blue fingers would be the last place to change colour if I had low oxygen and I didn't have blue lips or anything. The next day my fingers had returned back to normal colour so they told me not to worry about it. Everything's fine now so relieved! Thanks again hope your all well :)


New member
Great news! Figured it wasn't low oxygenation since you noticed it *on* your hand rather than lips or finger tips/nails but great to hear it confirmed! Keep healthy, Jellybaby!


Super Moderator
Yeah, give it up, was it a stain or something?

A few years back I was at a retail counter having stuff rung up when the cashier fainted. I yelled for help and went around the counter to check on her. When she was upright I thought she seemed overwrought with emotion and that drove my suspicion it might be hypoglycemia. I had absolutely NO way of determining if she was hypoxic, lipstick hid her lips and nail polish hid her nails. As I was trying to clean a spot on her lips, not being very adroit at removing makeup, she woke up, still over emotional and looking a bit like a clown do to my efforts. Fortunately the EMTs were just walking up and I beat a hasty retreat.

A few weeks later I was back in the store and asked her what was the cause of her emergency. It was a hypoglycemic attack, but she had no memory of me or much of anything else. Advice I wanted to give her is still imortant to consider. When I was behind that retail counter her crash diet lunch was on a shelf which says she had some idea that she might encounter a medical problem.

Maybe this is a little like your mother advising clean underwear on the chance you're hit by a car but in that moment, I was faced with a human factor that could have been very costly. I was out of my depth, this was a young healthy woman working a demanding job and chances were very high that this was not life threatening, but my training is to make no assumptions. And what I feared turned out very true. Like anybody would be in this situation, she was extremely embarrassed intensified by the imposed state of low blood sugar.

Maybe leaving the ring finger with a clear gloss can become fashionable,
