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maybe you can help!! i believe i recieved the genetic test bc he first got the screening which picks up the common 32 gene mutations. and it was neg, then they said there was one more test that picks up the rare mutations that is done in rare circumstances it takes two months but i dont know where is was sent to. i do see cf doctors and i heard the ones i see are the best on the east coast. they want to send my son to baltimore for experimental testing for cf bc he is presenting kind of different. me and my husband were tested for the 32 common genes we were neg. but insurance only paid for my son to have the bigger genetic test. they are treating him with all the cf treatments except for lung medications bc he is so young and hasnt had any problems yet. we are seeing so many doctors and they are all specialists and no one has answers should i call that gentic place myself to see what testing he had done, bc i am pretty positive it was the big test. the lung center also said that they have patients that have no known mutations of cf but have positive sweat test.
maybe you can help!! i believe i recieved the genetic test bc he first got the screening which picks up the common 32 gene mutations. and it was neg, then they said there was one more test that picks up the rare mutations that is done in rare circumstances it takes two months but i dont know where is was sent to. i do see cf doctors and i heard the ones i see are the best on the east coast. they want to send my son to baltimore for experimental testing for cf bc he is presenting kind of different. me and my husband were tested for the 32 common genes we were neg. but insurance only paid for my son to have the bigger genetic test. they are treating him with all the cf treatments except for lung medications bc he is so young and hasnt had any problems yet. we are seeing so many doctors and they are all specialists and no one has answers should i call that gentic place myself to see what testing he had done, bc i am pretty positive it was the big test. the lung center also said that they have patients that have no known mutations of cf but have positive sweat test.