HELP! Does Medicare and Medicaid cover ALL cost including all after care drugs??


New member
Yes, they most definitely do cover all costs for a transplant. Contact your local state Medicaid or Medicare, alot of those procedures require prior authorizations,medically appropriateness and following protocol and steps. However, you must be deemed low income or disability, or 65+ to be eligible for any of those programs.


New member
I am 13 months out from my transplant and have yet to get a bill for the sugery. I have got statements of how much it was. The only medication I pay for out of pocket is magnesium oxide only cause its over the counter. No co pay or anything. I do get small bills for blood work. I am on montana medicaid, and ssi disibality. Hope this helps


New member
What a wonderful blessing for MikeInMT, and hope you continue to do very well. I am on FL Mediciad, and ssi aswell. These programs are wonderful and truly are lifesaving to those who really need them. I pay an extremely small co pay for some of my visits to my specialists, but that's it. Alot of people complain how there are so many people on 'the system' and they don't deserve it and are lazy. I say, STOP! That lady that looks fine and healthy, might be a pain DAILY. People complain about the restrictions with ssi and Medicaid -but I can't complain about it- if you live within your means and separate wants and needs, and work a budget, it can be done.

-Lord's Blessings-