Help for Reflux


New member
Our seven year old daughter has just started having reflux problems, and they seem to trigger sharp headaches above her eyes. Does anyone know of a good reflux treatment without using Prilosec? Has anyone heard of this connection between headaches and stomach reflux? Many thanks. Roland (


Two home remedies you can do is to not allow her to eat two hours before she lays down and then elevate the head of her bed. The best way is probably WV style, put it up on blocks. When I was young we put about 8-12 inches of block under the head of my bed, I don't know that it worked becasue I still ended up on prilosec. You can buy "Reflux" wedges at home care stores (insurance will cover them) but I think they are more for smaller children.

luke 29/cf, 30 in 7 days!