In the past, they treated her with steroids, both nebulizer and oral, with antibiotics whenever she had a flare up. The last two flare ups, they did not treat at all. I don't know why. Believe me! I don't know why. I have been told my every place I've called including National Jewish and it also says on their web site, that they do not accept out of state medicaid and if you have medicaid in your state you will be turned down for financial assistance. I know about the angel flight system. They are wonderful. I haven't used them but I know about them. I agree 60 is positive. Arkansas Childrens does not agree. I can show you her record where they say it's borderline. They won't send off her blood. It was so so so so so hard to get her blood with her needle phobia and then they didn't do the sequencing on it. It's such a waste. She doesn't have the failure to thrive symptom. She has a lot of diarrhea with a lot of mucus and once twice there was blood too and frequent stomach aches but she loves to eat and has always had a high calorie diet. With that balance, she's a perfect weight. That's why they didn't even consider CF at first. I already tried talking to Arkansas Childrens again. They said "the doctor does not correct anything he puts in the record. Once the record goes in the computer, it is sealed permanently." That's ridiculous. That goes against HIPAA and common sense. I asked them if she could have common variable immunodeficiency because all her numbers-IgA, IgM, IgE, etc are all off. They said "the doctor believes this is due to environmental allergies"-again in her chart. When they took her blood, they made me and four people hold her down while she screamed and cried and was retraumatized despite me saying she can't be held down-it triggers her-she dissociates. She had trouble breathing for ten minutes after they let her go. My hip got permanently damaged my doctor said. They called in the respiratory therapist cause she couldn't breath. It was horrible. I can't forget it. I hate that they had me participate in it. We begged them to give her a sedative or call psych or anything. They just stood there. Then they put on her chart "she handles medical procedures well with no problems."
I'm tired of fighting. I guess we can't get out of state. We got a prescription for sedatives from her psychiatrist so that last thing shouldn't hopefully happen again. I guess I'll have to let them do the CT even though I think it will be needless radiation on her. I wish they'd do another sweat test while they are at it. But they won't listen and because we have no money it doesn't look like we can make them. I'm sick. I wish i could work. I tried to work. I hate being disabled. But they kept firing me. Kept saying "we can see how sick you are and how much pain you're in, please go to the doctor". I told them I've been to doctors and I want to work. Now because I can't work, my baby can't get better care. If anyone knows of another option, somewhere we can go and get financial assistance or afford it to go so they'll take us, I'm still listening. Thank you all for caring. I'm sorry. It's so hard to watch her suffer when it seems so simple for it not to be that way.