Help! Looking at adopting cf child



Hi, I'm new here. We are looking at adopting a child with cf. She's around 2 years old. We were concerned with germs. We have two daughters 6 and 9 yrs. Can she attend school too? Also, we were told that many children die between 6yrs and 20yrs. Is this true? The little research that I have done today says no. Any information you can give would be GREATLY appreciated!!!


New member
I think that is is wonderful that you are going to adopt a child with cf. She is able to attend school. There are so many advances in treatments and studies of CF that people are living along time now compared to 10 or so years ago. Our daughter is 12 and she is an active, normal pre-teen. Good luck.


New member
I think it's GREAT that you're hoping to adopt a CF'er! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

Yes, she can go to school and do anything kids without CF do. My CF'er plays travel hockey <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Unfortunately no one can protect her from germs and she shouldn't live her life in a bubble.

As far as life expectancy, there are no guarantees. There are plenty of CF'ers on this board that are in their 30's but I know of kids that have passed away at a few days old and some at 10. I really do believe these are the exceptions now days and not the rule.

Spend some time reading through this board and you'll learn so much about CF, amazing CF'ers, and their families.


New member
She could possibly die at a very young age, there is no way of knowing for sure, she could live to be 70. Any of our children, CF or not, have those two possibilities, I'm sure you know that, yet they all still need parents! I think it is wonderful that you want to do this but be prepared for the worst of the disease because you just never know. Some children live very easily with it and others have a terrible time. Best wishes. However severe her disease, she deserves to have two loving parents!


New member
I also think it's great you want to adopt a cfer! I guess the most important thing to consider is that she can do and go anywhere your other girls do. Activities are HIGHLY encouraged (the exercise helps to keep the lungs clear) and preventative care can go a long way. By preventative care, I mean doing nebulizers and chest therapy EVERY DAY (not just when she is sick). You'll find lots of great insight in this section (some stuff I didn't even know!).

As far as life expect., it differs for everyone. I was diagnosed at 2, and told I wouldn't live to be 12. Now I am in my 30's, and my doctors say I could go into my 60's.


New member
As for adopting a Cfer is good that you want to. Be sure to find a nice CF doctor/clinic. Be sure to get some type of medicade on her cause the medicines are expensive! A CFer dies whenever its their time just like normal people. She can go to school.

Tiffay 15 w/cf


New member
I have a two-year old boy and four-year old girl that both have cf. E-mail me privately at and I will share more experiences with you about caring for a child with cf. What a blessing you would be to that precious child!


New member
Dear Fostermom
I think that it is great that you are considering adopting a CF child, It is alot of work but all of my children are a lot of work, that is one of the joys of parenting!! My daughter does everything that all of my other children do , she is very active and it is encouraged to be active. I think that every child needs parents and i think what you are doing is GREAT!!!!

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Fostermom. It's great that you are here and getting answers to your questions. Honestly, if you have more, don't hesitate to ask. Like the others have said, CF kids are encouraged to be active and can of course attend school. You'll certainly want to establish a relationship with the school and keep the lines of communication open. She would be so lucky to come to a home with older siblings to love and play with. Don't let the statistics scare you. CFers are living better lives everyday. I am so optimistic that my 2 year old will be living into his 70s with proper care. He is such a happy and healthy little guy. He melts my heart each and every day. We're so blessed by him, and I can't imagine our lives without CF in it. It has taught me to be such a better and more patient Mother.

Good Luck with everything and let us know how things are going!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Dear Foster Mom,
What a lucky little girl! (and your own too) She seems to have ended up in the right foster home. When Emily was born, we were told we had a 50/50 chance that she would see her 18th birthday. She is almost 22 and attending college, has a steady significant other, does pretty much everything she wants to do and loves life to the fullest! Go for it! We all wish you the best of luck!


New member
We have a strong, creative, gorgeous and loving 5 year old daughter who we adopted at birth and was diagnosed when she was 3 months. She is in kindergarten now and is having a blast. We are so thankful to have her as our daughter!


New member
I think you are awesome for wanting to adopt a child w/ cf. I have 2 children diagnosed w/ cf. My daughter will be 13 in Dec. and my son will be 14 this Sunday. My children attend school, it is night and day differnce between the two w/ their diagnosis! Not to scare you when I say this but just to inform you of the difference between their diagnosis, my daughter has been hopitalized/home iv at least 36 times and my son just had his first tune up this past March, their are many obsticles one can hurdle over and believe you me we have had to in many situations, we just continue to put our trust and faith in God and leave it up to him, one never knows how long they will be here cf or not, my nephew was killed by a car at the age of two-he would be 7 now, just think of all the love and care you could give this child and what a blessing you would be to them, if you had just a year and did all you could and loved them what a special thing


New member
I think you are an awsesome person to consider adopting a child with cf! Keep us informed and come back to the forums. You can find some wonderful advice here!


Just an update. We did decide to "put our name in". It will be a while before we know anything, we are hoping by the end of the year. I talked to her foster parents, and the doctors are very optimistic. Thank you to those who have responded.


New member
Good Luck with the process. I have a family that is going to bring their newly adopted son to me for daycare. He was also in Fostercare. We're excited to give him a place to look forward to! Keep us updated and don't be a stranger! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">