Hello, I am a new member to this site; although I have been a daily reader and follower since my twins were born 8 years ago with cystic fibrosis. 7 weeks ago my son's fev1 dropped from 120 to 65 and has not changed since. He has had 4 normal throat cultures and and a normal bronchoscopy. has has been tested for every virus, fungus,and bacteria the doctors are able to test for. Everything keeps coming back normal. He has been on antibiotics,steroids and anti-fungus since before Thanksgiving. Hes been admitted to 2 different hospitals during this time and both have released him after their treatments failed to show any improvement. The doctors have said there is nothing left to try. I am seeking advice on how to raise his lung function. In 8 1/2 year he has never missed having 2 vest treatments a day and we have recently added doing the Flutter. Thank you for reading and I look forward to any insight that you all may have. I don't know if this helps, but they are dd508.