Help me laugh.


New member
Going to retype this now that I can see straight,

I love my doctors at least the ones that I see all the time.. Yesterday I saw a doctor that was such a jerk.. all he cared about was himself.. and his latest invention of a new test. I spend half the time arguing with him about having addison't disease, showing him all the test results etc.. Turns out he just came up with a new test that he invented to test for addison's and he wanted me to ge that done.. WHen I told him no, that I was there to see if he could help with my headaches first, the whole thing went down hill really fast. He ended up telling me I was fat ( not with those exact words but close) and then he told me I was a steroid addict.. um exuse me idiot, I need them to stay alive.. so I was told...

anyway, I was really sick and not feeling well last night so I need to laugh...




apart from them all? LOL

one of the stupidest things I was told by a nurse when I was around 16 was that my hemoptysis was caused through that time of the month, LOL, that when I was having a period it was likely to make me bleed in other places....dumb b!tch lol

maybe instead of using tampons in the conventuonal way I should have been.....nevermind hahahhahhahaha *great visual of tampons hanging out my nose and mouth, hahahahahaha LOL

That was one of the dumbest things I was ever told, but she was adamant that the reason my lungs were bleeding was because I was menstruating, hmmmmm somehow I don't really see the connection, the blood came out of very different orifices LOL...

I could be here all day, with various acts of stupidity on the drs account!!!!!


New member
Well, I actually haven't had any mean or stupid docs because my mom works at the V.A. hospital in FL and knows all of my docs personally. She wouldn't let me go to any kooks.

But I do remember one time when I had a stomach virus (it was really bad, couldn't eat a thing) and I called one of those emergency clinics for advice. As usual, they were useless, but one of the nurses asked me, "How long have you had CF?"

...shouldn't that be an obvious answer for a nurse, considering its a GENETIC DISEASE?!


New member
Not sure if this qualifies as funny but what the heck....

At the clinic where I work Mark was seeing one of the doctors for a referral to the UW CF center. This doctor asked him, "So when did you get CF?" and Mark asked him, "do you mean when was I diagnosed?" (great opportunity for the doc. to save himself <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) and he said, "no, when did you get it and how did you get it?". I was like, OMG this guy is seeing patients and I have to work with this moron????!?!?!?!?!!!!!

We left laughing, not sure how funny it is to everyone else though.


New member
First Julie that IS funny!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I've been trying to think of something funny, most of it is just me knowing more than the nurses! One time I even had to tell the nurse how to flush my port! And then how to start the IV machine!


New member
I had a sinus infection and I could feel it moving into my chest. I couldn't get into see my regular doc but I had to see someone. So they send me in to this guy who doesn't even bother to look in my nose or throat and proceeds to tell me I just have a cold and it will go away. Only then does he open my chart. He look in it and oges "oh, you have CF, we need to treat you aggressivly." I made them put a note in my chart to never let that guy see me again.


New member
Next time a doctor or nurse asks you <i>how</i> you got CF, tell them it's a sexually transmitted disease. It's not entirely false. Your parents had sex, you got CF. It works.

As for me, when I was 10 years old, I had a doctor treat me like I was a flat out moron. She always talked over my head, asking my mom how I was. My mom would tell her "She's right there, ask her yourself." So then she proceeded to ask me "How is your peepee and your poopoo?" I was like... "Are you f*cking kidding me? I know what urine and bowel movements mean you idiot. I have CF, I'm not retarded. I'm 10, not 4."


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>"How is your peepee and your poopoo?"</end quote></div>

GAAHAHAHA! <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="">

i dont think i was ever talked to like that!


New member
while we were at the CF clinic with our son, we were doing his physio, and as usual he was really objecting to it ,screaming and struggling. Well a nurse came into the room having heard him, and said, ''thats some pair of lungs hes got''...............what an ass hee haw


New member
I think mine is from my own cousin. She is a 1st cousin & an RN. We were at a family function last year & I was still on iv's & of course my cough. She heard me cough & said......"You still have that problem"> I was like OMG.....potentially your family members could since we have the same gene families (tho I dont know if she is a carrier). I wanted to slap her. Nice woman, but very, very flaky! Its scary to think she got thru Nursing school & passed the exam!


New member
When my son was about 10, he fell and hurt his ankle pretty badly. We took him to emergency to get an xray done just to make sure nothing was broken. The moron Dr. told us that he couldn't see any broken bones but because he had cf he bandaged him in, what seemed like 50 layers of bandage, from his foot right up to his knee. Within 15 minutes of being home, Matt took the whole thing off and we just wrapped his foot.



New member
When our son was less than two weeks old and in the NICU recovering from his bowel surgery, we went down to Xray with him and the Xray tech hands me and my husband lead aprons and turns to me and says "is there any chance you could be pregnant?" I fell over laughing so hard. Oh yeah, with the stitches and the swelling I was ready to party <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Liza mom to a toddler wcf
not sure if this falls in to what your looking for but.....a few years ago when they put me on cipro and oxidycyline the guy at the pharmacey askes me....have you ever been on these and yaddaa yadda being a total *****.....i responded with...."No hopefully it will kill me" shut his ass right up. LOL


New member
Liza that reminded me. X ray techs ALWAYS ask, but it gets ridiculous sometimes. "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" Me: No. "Are you sure? A lot of girls wind up pregnant by accident?" Me: yes, I'm positive. "Maybe you want to get tested first?" Me: No, I had a hysterectomy, idiot, so unless I'm harboring a child in my hollow knee, you're good to go.



New member
Called the clinic to get a refill on our son's albuterol. Nurse told me to "put it in water to see if it floats". I tried explaining that it's a brown bottle of albuterol to put in the nebulizer. "well, put it in some water to see if it floats. A lot of times it may seem empty, but it's not". Lady, this isn't a rescue inhaler! I finally gave up and called the pharmacy to see if they could make better headway with the moron. Liza


New member
The best (actually worst) is when you get a student nurse at the hospitol. OMG very frustrating but a good laugh afterwards. I have had so many funny things be said/happen with student nurses. I now make sure I tell them not to assign one to me.


New member
I actually have 2 stories...

In college (before my diagnosis) I felt awful, was running a high fever, coughing...went to the Univ. health services. I was so dizzy I couldn't even sit up and had to lie down in the waiting area and wait.... I was finally seen, they did an x-ray and then brought me back into the exam room. The dr shut off the lights and shined his pen light on my face and said "yup...just as we thought--you have a sinus infection." They gave me weak antibiotics and sent me on my way. The next day I called back and told them I was feeling worse. Their reply??? "Oh, we're glad you called back. We were going to call you. We reviewed your x-ray again, and, have bronchial pneumonia!" When were they going to call me? When I got to the morgue???

My 2nd story: I had a dr that was always too busy to see me and I always ended up with her nurse practitioner. I was having horrible headaches and made an appointment--again seen by the SAME nurse I always saw. She looked at me like I was making up the headaches. She then told me she was going to prescribe a high dose of Ibuprophin. I told her I was advised not to take it because of a previous episode with hemoptysis. She looked shocked and said why--I explained I have CF--she again looked shocked and said I couldn't and that it had never been mentioned. I told her to look at my chart that I'd been treated at Children's for about 6 years, and that I'd told her about the CF before. She then prescribed my a high dose of Naproxen -- which was new at the time so I didn't know it was of the same class at Ibruprophin. I got home and read the info on it, and proceeded to just take Tylenol...

Needless to say...I switched doctors and go to one who actually sees me every time AND even remembers to ask about my CF symptoms!

36 w/CF ** mom to 2 boys w/o


New member
Oh wait, I have another one, and this is recent! My GP made me mad about the way they handled my abnormal pap smear lst year. So I decided to switch doctors. My mom said she really like hers and she's covered by my insurance so I made an appointment. I told them when I made the appointment that I'm due for another pap and that the last one was abnormal. So I go to the appointment thinking I'll get a full exam. The doc comes in, she barely asks me about my medical history, didn't even ask how bad my CF is. She just glanced at my family hostory and I had to fill her in on a bunch of it because she didn't read it. Then she listened to my lungs and said ok, sign a release so we can get you medical records and then schedule that pap, have a nice day. I was confused. I asked why I wasn't getting it that day. She said I wasn't scheduled for one, just to establish care. I didn't sign the release, I didn't schedule the pap, I just walked out the door.


New member
I had sprained my ankle and went to an emergicare to have it x-rayed. The lady doctor that I saw there was totally stunned when I said I had CF. She told me that was impossible - only males get CF and since I'm obviously not a guy, there was absolutely no way I could have CF. I was furious and sat there and argued about it with her for like 10 min. After that I was so disgusted I just got up and left. I wouldn't even wear the brace she wanted me to. It's amazing that she actually made it through medical school!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

The best (actually worst) is when you get a student nurse at the hospitol. OMG very frustrating but a good laugh afterwards. I have had so many funny things be said/happen with student nurses. I now make sure I tell them not to assign one to me.</end quote></div>

This post cracks me up, it is true nursing students, especially new ones first starting out are so nervous and scared.. I had a lot of experience with patient care before I went to nursing school and in Nursing 1 myself, along with the entire class would follow our teacher around, and when she went to the bathroom, we waited for her outside the door. We were scared to death....

It is beyond frieghting to have someone elses life in your hands... Now in all fairness to the nursing students and nurses.. Nursing school is very intense and tough. We learn about almost every disease known to man in a very short time. IN school I think my teacher talked about CF for 15 minutes at most and half that time I was talking.

I think as a nurse it is important to be up to date and aware of all of your patients medical conditions, but I know for me, If I have a patient and I don't know about their disease, I will be googling a lot from work to learn.
