Help me laugh.


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I was having problems with acid reflux and went for an upper GI test, where they watch with an xray camera as you swallow barium. Anway, so we start and the person running the equipment, says something like, "Wow, what the heck is wrong with your lungs?", as the live image came up on his screen in a shocked and horrified voice. So my saracastic self, replied, "Nothing, why?" Anyway, it was pretty funny, maybe you had to be there.


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After transplant, I had problems with GI motility. The docs suggested pineapple juice, because it helps to dissolve/digest the food sitting in the stomach. So the nurse came in with a couple cans of pineapple juice and a long tube with a squeeze bottle. Pointing at the tube, my question to him was, "What are you planning to do with <i>that</i>?," He got flustered and went back out. Turns out he was all set to give me a pineapple juice enema. We laughed for about 15 minutes about that one. To be fair, I had just switched units and the order wasn't written clearly, but still, was he serious?


New member
this isn't at all funny .i was bloody furious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> we went to new dentist . he was looking over med notes, and he says cystic fibrosis,does he "still" have it. what a w***er. i'm deaf so i didn't know until we left room and husband told me , good job really. i'm still angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I like to refere to my CF doc as Dr. Jackass. He refuses to treat my aspergillus even though I'm sure its causing problems for me. I kid you not, that while I was in hospital the Infectious Disease docs thought that it may be the cause of my lowered PFTs. My doc then proceeded to tell me that aspergillus causes the airways to contract, but doesn't cause my breathing problems. Well, if the aspergillus is cuasing my airways to contract - wouldn't that be related to trouble breathing? Dumb d*nk! I think I'm going to switch to the female respirologist that is starting to take CFers.


New member
One more. When I was admitted to hospital the past two weeks, I had one nurse say to me, "well it looks like you have mild CF right?", I proceeded to tell her that yeah its mild for now, and she looked at me and said"oh no, you just have mild CF, some people have severe CF, some moderate and some mild. It stays like that all your life.". Stupid Idiot!


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I had three doctors who were neurologist tell me that their was absoultly no connection between my arms being clumsy, numbness and tingling and severe headaches.. ALL THREE OF them thought it was seperate issues. I went to one DR at Columbia and in less then three minutes he knew... and all was connected.

See... Basilarl artery Migraine.. "Bickerstaff syndrome.."

I am sure I will come up with more they just tripled my steroids today.. wahoo for 120 mgs of Prednisone..... on top of a THIRD CARDIAC MED hopefully that will help my brain and the whole lack of oxygen thing.


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i was admitted into the hospital waiting for them to access my port so i could start my meds......a resident comes in my room and says "we have to take out your port now" & "how long have you had cf" i'm freaking taking out my port? are u putting another one in on my left side? And i felt like telling him i "caught" cf over the weekend.
turns out the resident didn't even know what a port was.....guess he slept throught med school.

Jennie (not signed in)
25 w/cf and cfrd


New member
oh dear!!!!!!!!!!! . isn't it awfull. i mean besides wanting to stick things in their eyes. you really have to laugh at their idiocy


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Last year when I was so sick...I had a resident, intern or whatever the heck he was tell me that they were going to try stopping my Phenobarbital which I take for Epilepsy. I have been taking it for almost 30 years & we have found thru trial & error that I cant go for 2 days without it or I have a grand mal seizure. So when I asked why he said that "they" thought it might be part of my problem with my dizziness. MIND YOU my regular neurologist refused to take me off because he said if you have a seizure while in your sleep (which is the only known time so far) & vomit you will inhale that into your lungs! So needless to say that I refused for "them" to mess with my seizure meds & that it wasnt the cause of my dizziness! BTW my CF doctor said that never was even discussed with her so the intern/resident whatever was thinking beyond what his rotation for the month was. His rotation was pulmonary! Not Neurology!


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One time when Reece was an infant I was "new" I took him to his PCP for a cold. He was coughing and had a fever. This was an after hours visit so his regular doc was not there. She said she came & got us immediately as soon as she heard him cough. She brought us to a room and was asking us all kinds of questions about his cough. How long had he had it... etc, I said "you know he has CF right?" She looked at us and said "NO. I havent even read his chart yet!!!!" Are you kiding!!!!


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When Brian was in the hospital after having his kdney removed one of his night nurses barely spoke english. He fought with her for an hour to get his pain meds, and she wouldn't shut the door to his room when she left so he couldn't sleep from the light coming in. He called me at 5:00 in the morning almost in tears asking me to come and help him. His mom and I never got ready to leave so fast before.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>MOME2RT</b></i>

One time when Reece was an infant I was "new" I took him to his PCP for a cold. He was coughing and had a fever. This was an after hours visit so his regular doc was not there. She said she came & got us immediately as soon as she heard him cough. She brought us to a room and was asking us all kinds of questions about his cough. How long had he had it... etc, I said "you know he has CF right?" She looked at us and said "NO. I havent even read his chart yet!!!!" Are you kiding!!!!</end quote></div>

Our child never coughs unless he's sick. A couple years ago ds was sick and the so called CF doctor at our cf clinic told us coughing was normal, that all cfers cough. Month later had a regular CF clinic appointment and his primary doctor told us that DS had bronchitis and couldn've ended up in the picu.


New member
So one of my many hospital stays for hemoptysis ( I had to be intubated for it twice previous) I was told that if I coughed a significant amount of blood to make sure they called my dr. Well, I did and the intern/on-call/night pulmonologist came in, I told him to call the dr., he checked on me twice! I kept telling the nurse to call the dr. too. Never did. Told my dr. the next morning and he was soooo mad, come to find out the pulmo. dr. said that I had only coughed up a little because that's all he saw!!!!! He caught the end of it, I was coughing into a trash can with trash so how would he know how much I had coughed up???? He got in big trouble. Hate when people don't listen to me!!!!!!!!

Edited to add: Sorry this isn't really funny!


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When I was born they had to remove a part of my intestines and while they were in there they decided to remove my appendix. Makes sense to me. So about 15 yrs later i am in the ER with a bowel obstruction. I knew what it was I was only there so I could be admitted and then treated by my CF doc. So this hot shot kid walks in with a smile on his face and says "it looks like your gonna have to stay cause you have appendisitis". I look right at my mom and then him and said "I dont have an f-ing appendix and im only here so you can admit me".(I said the real f-word though) My mom burst into laughter and his face dropped like I had never seen, it was great.


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One time I went thru the ER at the hospital my CF clinic is in. They knew we were coming because my CF doctor called them since I live so far away etc. Well after hours of sitting & fighting with the nurse who was on I started to walk out in my hospital gown. Security stopped me & they check on things.....turns out the doctor who was waiting for me was on the other side of the wall. There is a Pediatric Ward (who was expecting me) & an Adult Ward in the ER. The Doc who was expecting even called up to the local hospital by me to see if I had left. All she had to do was ask around instead of totally disregarding what I said. I was pissed & EVERYONE knew it! It wasnt funny at the time, but I look back & think how stupid this stubborn nurse was. Granted she thought I was just an arrogant patient trying to jump line, but she never gave me a chance to actually say that "someone is waiting for me somewhere here"!


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How about going to the ER and the ER doctor going and looking CF up on the internet because she didn't know what it was!


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So my husband is 58 and in the hospital for the umpteenth time and the doctor comes in and says "You didn't tell me you have situs inversus" ( situs inversus is when your organs are on the opposite side of where they usually are). And my husband says "I don't". And the doctor says, "Well, it says on this new xray report that you do". And my husband says "Well, the report is wrong. If I had that I figure someone would have noticed in the last 58 years." And thd doctor says "no. you are wrong. The report says...." and my husband says "no the report is wrong...." and they go back and forth several times until my husband and I are just rolling our eyes and laughing.

Then my husband says "I'm tired of arguing with you. Just put on that stethescope and listen for my heart" So the doc looks disgusted with him but leans over with his stethescope to listen to the right side of my husband's chest to check out this "misplaced heart", but.... of course can't hear anything because his heart is on the left where it shoud be.

They had the xray flipped over when they wrote the report.



New member
HAH!! I love how they always think they know effing everything. On a random note, my cousin Sara has that. Weird little disorder. Haha.