* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?


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* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I am looking for a portable (battery pack, car adapter, small size) nebulizer that can be used with medications that I take (Ventolin, Tobi, and Pulmozyme). Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences?

I have read a lot about the Pari trek, Aeroneb go, and the Omron Micro Air. Seems to be some problems with each. Some positive reviews and other bad reviews. Love to hear some fellow CF experiences if any.

I am leaning towards the ultrasonic nebulizers as they are almost silent, small and portable. Not sure if they are compatible with all the the meds I take.

Any help greatly appreciated.



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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I just got the Pari Trek for travel a few weeks ago and have been very happy with it so far. It is small, light, quiet and I don't think the nebs take too much longer than usual. I didn't get the battery pack with it, but it does come with the plug in and car adapter. I haven't had it long enough to have any problems with it, but from the little experience I have had, I am happy with it. Good luck!

40 w/cf


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

Great, thanks for the quick reply!

One question, how quiet is it?
I always get complaints from people sleeping in the next room that the noise bothers them.
Poor them...


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

i'v one of those omrons, yes they may be the most portable, but ar troublsome to clean so i rarely use it


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I thought they might...
I hear they are quiet though...which makes me lean toward them.
Are you able to use most medications with the omron?


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I have the ormoron micro air. I love it...although it uses double AAs which can be a great thing but as timmy said its a pain to clean. which i just figured out a part thats the hardest to clean comes out and that has made it easier to clean. your supposed to use some cleaner for it but i havent been able to find it. I wanted the pari treck because you can use the regular nebulizers with it, its just the machine part thats portable...plus you can use it as battery, AC or car....it has more options. I think its just a personal choice. I really like mine except for the cleaning issue, and at least with the pari you can clean the nebs like normal. As for length of time the omron actually takes less time. about 5-8 minutes for the abluterol where as with my big compressor it takes about 15....


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

oh and yes you can use tobi and pulmo with the micro air


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

Thanks a lot for the info. I like the look of the Micro air...and apparently it is almost silent too!

Love the nickname too...very funny.

Thanks again.


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

it is silent. you have to make sure the light is on and that you can see the "smoke" to realize its on


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

Are there any accessories you would suggest I pick up...spares etc..?
I see the mesh cap may need replacing as well as masks and mouth pieces....

I don't know what the medication bottle refers to...?


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

can you use those nebs for colistin too? and which is the best?



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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

for the micro air there is nothing to replace but maybe the mouth peice. the mesh cap only needs replacing once a year but you can more often if you want to but its a pricey piece. you can also get a attachment for it for the car i think...there is a place in the bottom that you can have a plug in adapter...but its mainly used with the batteries. like all electronic things it eats batteries...i think 2 batteries last 4 or 5 hours of use...and at ten minutes of an albuterol thats a good run i think...but if you do three nebs at once might not be. so think of that. how long does it normally take to do all your meds..alubterol, pulmo, tobi...say it will take about that long with the micro air...would it be worth it to replace the batteries that much. i dont know if it takes colostin, its thicker than tobi right? in the micro air the medication bottle is that clearish part on top of the main whie part. you lift the mesh cap and put the med right there.

i use the micro air mainly for albuterol treatments. i carry it around with me . i have used to for tobi before. i really wanted the pari trek because you can carry it in the car in any small compartment...plus you just hook up a hose like a regular compressor and can change in and out the neb parts for each med. i just that tht was a better quality and a bad thing about the omron. its stil up to you and what you think would be best. they are both quiet...the micro air is less than a pound and i believe the pari trek is to. look around and do lots of web searching. and see which one would fit in your life best. if youc ant afford battery changes that much get one you can plug in the car and house...if you just need it for an bronco dialtor and need it easy to carry around for at anytime use then get this other..but the pari trek could be used as both i believe....i really do like my micro air i just think it has more cons when you need more than one med and dont have the adapter to plug it in. jjust wanted you to know all what i have learned with it


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I like your line of thinking....batteries can get pretty expensive. I sometimes use up to 3 different meds, sometimes only one. On the road, I would only probably use the Brochodialator aspect, so perhaps the Micro air is the way to go. I will try and find a Pari Trek to see how quiet it is. That will be the deciding factor for me. I live in Canada, so it will be more difficult to find a certain model to see first hand.

Luckily, for me, people like you are willing to share their experiences so others can benefit.

I wish there was a good video demonstration for these devices....would make decision making much easier. (are you reading Manufacturers?!?!?)

Thanks again Amanda!


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

Hi Rocketman,
The pari trek is not quite silent, but is very quiet, I have used it in the same room with ppl who are sleeping and they didn't wake up. It is just a small humming noise. Nothing like the big nebulizer I use at home that sounds like a truck! Hope this helps.

40 w/cf


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

Thanks for the input Kim....glad to see some "old timers" out there....relatively speaking!!
Guess things are getting better every year.

I will try a local respiratory store to see if they carry the Pari Trek so I can have a listen. They all look a lot smaller than
my jumbo compressor. It does, as you so aptly put it, sound like a truck! I don't even think it is all that old either.

I have to admit it is tougher getting products up here...I guess they will be carried once they become main stream. Seems like
the hospitals and respiratory therapy people up here like to use the tried and tested equipment ,rather than chance the new stuff.

Oh well....gotta do my own research I guess.


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

the pari track i heard works really well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I bought the Pari Trek for my youngest daughter to take to cheer camp last summer. She loves it. I bought the whole kit and caboodle, cost me $216.67. We've used it in the car and with the battery both. She usually uses it at home plugged into the wall. Very quiet, you don't even have to up the volume on the TV to hear. She quit using her regular Pari Turbo. This month we got one for our older daughter to take to college in the fall. Again, got the whole package. Insurance paid for this one. You can use all your CF meds in a Pari Trek.

Just a bit of info on Ultrasonics though. You can't use Pulmozyme in an ultrasonic. It hasn't been tested for use in an ultrasonic and are unsure if the heat will harm or alter the medicine. I asked about them a while back because they are so small and quiet. I've tried to keep up to see if any studies had been done yet but so far haven't seen any. With the cost of Pulmozyme (at that time the only high dollar inhaled med. my girls were on) I didn't want to take the chance.

Hope you find the right machine for you.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

The micron Air or the AeroNeb Go. These are two products I push for work they work great and both are portable, you don't have to worry about size or sound because they are small and ultrasonic.


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RE:* HELP * Need portable, QUIET nebulizer for use with Pulmozyme and Tobi...suggestions?

I'll put in a word for the Pari Trek. It weighs next to nothing and, importantly, won't get fried by foreign electrical currencies. (I learned that lesson the hard way -- try replacing obscure medical equipment in the middle of nowhere IN SPANISH!) However, it does nebulize a little more slowly than the Pari Pro-neb I use at home -- maybe a difference of 5 minutes for a Tobi treatment, for instance. Still, it seems effective enough, it's pretty quiet, and it comes in a very sporty yellow and black. Good luck!