Help Please - Problem with the School


New member

My 8 year old son is new to his public school this year. We have an agreement with the school under his 504 (or at least I thought we did) that if a flu epidemic hits his school we would be made aware and (my understanding) that he would be out until it passes. Justin can not have the flu shot due to an egg allergy. Justin currently has the second viral respiratory infection in 2 weeks and was out today. I got a call from the school nurse letting me know that there are 8 kids out of his class of 22 and there are confirmed cases of the flu in the school. I initially told the nurse that we would keep Justin out until there were only 3 kids absent at a time. Latter today I got a call from the nurse informing me that we would need a note from a doctor or it will be considered unexcused absences. When I reminded her of my understanding of the 504 she indicated that they only needed to notify me but that the State would not accept this as a reason for him being out unless we have a note from the doctor. Furthermore, she informed me that there is a child in the school with cancer and that child brings a note every time he/she goes for chemo treatments and that Justin should need to do the same. I reminded her that I dropped off the note today from our ped's office for him being out today and have every time that he has been absent so far this year.

Does this sound reasonable? Why would they let us know if we were not able to keep him home and protect him. I will call our CF clinic in the morning as they were gone when I tried this afternoon. I feel so overwhelmed!!! It is so hard sometime to know how to protect your child that taking on the school seems overwhelming. Could anyone provide any experience or suggestions on a reasonable amount of kids out of the class before taking him out. Since there were 36% out today, I feel it reasonable to keep him home.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank in advance.

Josette in PA


New member
Even though I had a plan in place with my school, it was not a district or state wide plan. It only covered my school. Requiring a doctor's note for the absences does not sound like the school is asking too much. I've had my doctor mail me a letter and brought it in to the school and that worked just fine.


New member
So has your child missed to avoid catching something that the other kids in the class had? What percent of the class is reasonable do you think?

Thanks for your thoughts.


New member
You might want to specifically ask how many unexcused absences are allowed. I also added to my daughter's 504 plan that doctors notes will be provided by the end of each marking period. Then either her pulmonologist or CF team E-mail me a note for the days missed. I just make sure a nurse notes each absence in the doctor's computer system as she misses school.

Best wishes


New member
When I taught, I had a child in my class with CF. This was a private school, so a little smaller probably. Anyway, there is a max number of absences a child can have. You should know this number as you don't want to use them up on days other kids are sick.
Do you feel comfortable with the teacher? The mom of the child in my class worked with me directly. I gave her work to do at home and created things that she could do at home if what we were doing could not be replicated. Basically, when she was out for large chunks of time, I gave mom materials and then tested / graded to see that she did not fall behind. I remember calling to tell her when something was going around but do not think she held her out additional days?? She missed a lot and was likely already out those "bad" days or weeks!


Super Moderator

We have a 504 plan in place for my daughter. It gets reviewed every year. My daughter can have unexpected absences as well as planned absences(scheduled CF clinic). I basically told her teacher that my daughter will never have a year without absences. The last meeting our principal put in place that excused(sick) absences should not count against her(his idea). We also have in place my daughter doing "half days" for when she is going through a CF exacerbation. Most of the school work is in the am anyway so if my daughter is on hard core antibiotics and needing extra nebs and VEST she'll go half day, bring home the school work. That way she gets her treatments, rest, and goes to school as well. This is what has worked for us. My daughter prefers to go to school and not miss out.

Last trimester she was absent 2 days(she was hardly sick)....This trimester she has had 2 exacerbations already, so she's been absent about 7 days already plus done some half days. I do send in a note; I also call the office and check in with the nurse at times, just to communicate with them...It's a two way street.

However, remind them every kid is different, every CF kid is different and it is quite unpredictable. They have to flexible; writing them a note keeps them in the loop. Our CF doctor also wrote a letter to the school about CF; the accomadations she may need, the fact that she has a disability, etc. He offered to speak with them if necessary...He never needed to. HTH


New member
We have a 504, a health plan and a GIEP. Apparently the 504 means they have to let us know if an "epidemic" hits his class (I think they only called me becaue the Dept. of Health was called in with almost 40% absent) but does not really give us any rights to choose if it is safe to send him into a potentially flu ridden class without even the protection of the flu vaccine. Luckily, our wonderful ped stepped up to the plate and wrote a note and a letter explaining why hewas out this week and is absent a lot. Bad day. Really tired from all the treatments, pills, catch up of work, worry that he is getting sick or will get sick. Worried because we have to send him back tomorrow. Also told from CF that if he goes back while he is still getting over a virus, he is much more likily to pick up something else. I don't mean to whine, but I am sure I am not the only one that feels overwhelmed by everything. On top of everything else is the worry that his cold/virus will lead to something else. He seems pale, tires easily and coughing a lot. Thanks for allowing me to vent.


New member
Sorry for the complaining last night. I try not to do that much. As all of you, I hate seeing him not feel well. Sometimes gets me down. Today will be better. Thanks for your patience.


New member
We have it written into our IEP that student might have to miss excessive days because of her cystic fibrosis. We've has a hard time keeping her in school because she gets really sick each time. After discussing it with her cf team we decided to put her on homebound status. The teachers come to our house for the rest of the year. We are trying to figure out how to make her immune system stronger so she can hopefully go back next year. But the school is really helpful working with us.

I understand the complaining and the anger. I am the same way. Many people dont understand.