Help please with my 3 year old son.


New member
Hi Everyone, I am totally new here. My son, Xander has a sweat test scheduled on September 25 and I am nerve wracked every moment until then. Let me elaborate a little, I know this sounds like everyone elses post but I guess I just think it might be a little comfort to get some responses. My husband is in the military and we have spent the last three years in Belgium where my son is born. He did not have any new born screenings. Medical care there was also very difficult and somewhat poor. Since my son has been born he has had the following issues:
CHRONIC constipation, with one hospitalization and a prescribed stool softener for one year. He has just recently stopped the softener with immediate constipation returning, and now a rectal prolapse that we noticed when he was straingin to push. His stools themselves are mostly (but not 100%) really pale, and horribly smells, and very bulky, very difficult for him to pass. Other than this, he is a bit underweight for his age but he just cant seem to gain anything, and has been diagnosed with "cough persistant asthma" because he has had a lingering cough mostly at night but not always since he was born. He also constantly has a nose full of hard, dried snot and sometimes has bad fits of coughing when triggered by something. Other than this he has been hospitalized several times for high fevers, but I dont see how that could have anything to do with CF. I just figured I would list everything here and see if anyone has some personal opionions on it or not. I guess its th enot knowing that is killing me, and im worried about the sweat test coming out negative and him actually having CF, b/c it would just mean more anxious waiting. Also, I seem to notice tha tmost ppl on here say their kids have loose stools, and my son is the opposite, always being constipated. I dont know , just looking for people to converse with about this, thanks a bunch.
Lauren Winn, 23 Mom to Xander 3, and Zoe 6 months<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Everyone, I am totally new here. My son, Xander has a sweat test scheduled on September 25 and I am nerve wracked every moment until then. Let me elaborate a little, I know this sounds like everyone elses post but I guess I just think it might be a little comfort to get some responses. My husband is in the military and we have spent the last three years in Belgium where my son is born. He did not have any new born screenings. Medical care there was also very difficult and somewhat poor. Since my son has been born he has had the following issues:
CHRONIC constipation, with one hospitalization and a prescribed stool softener for one year. He has just recently stopped the softener with immediate constipation returning, and now a rectal prolapse that we noticed when he was straingin to push. His stools themselves are mostly (but not 100%) really pale, and horribly smells, and very bulky, very difficult for him to pass. Other than this, he is a bit underweight for his age but he just cant seem to gain anything, and has been diagnosed with "cough persistant asthma" because he has had a lingering cough mostly at night but not always since he was born. He also constantly has a nose full of hard, dried snot and sometimes has bad fits of coughing when triggered by something. Other than this he has been hospitalized several times for high fevers, but I dont see how that could have anything to do with CF. I just figured I would list everything here and see if anyone has some personal opionions on it or not. I guess its th enot knowing that is killing me, and im worried about the sweat test coming out negative and him actually having CF, b/c it would just mean more anxious waiting. Also, I seem to notice tha tmost ppl on here say their kids have loose stools, and my son is the opposite, always being constipated. I dont know , just looking for people to converse with about this, thanks a bunch.
Lauren Winn, 23 Mom to Xander 3, and Zoe 6 months<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Everyone, I am totally new here. My son, Xander has a sweat test scheduled on September 25 and I am nerve wracked every moment until then. Let me elaborate a little, I know this sounds like everyone elses post but I guess I just think it might be a little comfort to get some responses. My husband is in the military and we have spent the last three years in Belgium where my son is born. He did not have any new born screenings. Medical care there was also very difficult and somewhat poor. Since my son has been born he has had the following issues:
CHRONIC constipation, with one hospitalization and a prescribed stool softener for one year. He has just recently stopped the softener with immediate constipation returning, and now a rectal prolapse that we noticed when he was straingin to push. His stools themselves are mostly (but not 100%) really pale, and horribly smells, and very bulky, very difficult for him to pass. Other than this, he is a bit underweight for his age but he just cant seem to gain anything, and has been diagnosed with "cough persistant asthma" because he has had a lingering cough mostly at night but not always since he was born. He also constantly has a nose full of hard, dried snot and sometimes has bad fits of coughing when triggered by something. Other than this he has been hospitalized several times for high fevers, but I dont see how that could have anything to do with CF. I just figured I would list everything here and see if anyone has some personal opionions on it or not. I guess its th enot knowing that is killing me, and im worried about the sweat test coming out negative and him actually having CF, b/c it would just mean more anxious waiting. Also, I seem to notice tha tmost ppl on here say their kids have loose stools, and my son is the opposite, always being constipated. I dont know , just looking for people to converse with about this, thanks a bunch.
Lauren Winn, 23 Mom to Xander 3, and Zoe 6 months<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Everyone, I am totally new here. My son, Xander has a sweat test scheduled on September 25 and I am nerve wracked every moment until then. Let me elaborate a little, I know this sounds like everyone elses post but I guess I just think it might be a little comfort to get some responses. My husband is in the military and we have spent the last three years in Belgium where my son is born. He did not have any new born screenings. Medical care there was also very difficult and somewhat poor. Since my son has been born he has had the following issues:
CHRONIC constipation, with one hospitalization and a prescribed stool softener for one year. He has just recently stopped the softener with immediate constipation returning, and now a rectal prolapse that we noticed when he was straingin to push. His stools themselves are mostly (but not 100%) really pale, and horribly smells, and very bulky, very difficult for him to pass. Other than this, he is a bit underweight for his age but he just cant seem to gain anything, and has been diagnosed with "cough persistant asthma" because he has had a lingering cough mostly at night but not always since he was born. He also constantly has a nose full of hard, dried snot and sometimes has bad fits of coughing when triggered by something. Other than this he has been hospitalized several times for high fevers, but I dont see how that could have anything to do with CF. I just figured I would list everything here and see if anyone has some personal opionions on it or not. I guess its th enot knowing that is killing me, and im worried about the sweat test coming out negative and him actually having CF, b/c it would just mean more anxious waiting. Also, I seem to notice tha tmost ppl on here say their kids have loose stools, and my son is the opposite, always being constipated. I dont know , just looking for people to converse with about this, thanks a bunch.
Lauren Winn, 23 Mom to Xander 3, and Zoe 6 months<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Everyone, I am totally new here. My son, Xander has a sweat test scheduled on September 25 and I am nerve wracked every moment until then. Let me elaborate a little, I know this sounds like everyone elses post but I guess I just think it might be a little comfort to get some responses. My husband is in the military and we have spent the last three years in Belgium where my son is born. He did not have any new born screenings. Medical care there was also very difficult and somewhat poor. Since my son has been born he has had the following issues:
<br />CHRONIC constipation, with one hospitalization and a prescribed stool softener for one year. He has just recently stopped the softener with immediate constipation returning, and now a rectal prolapse that we noticed when he was straingin to push. His stools themselves are mostly (but not 100%) really pale, and horribly smells, and very bulky, very difficult for him to pass. Other than this, he is a bit underweight for his age but he just cant seem to gain anything, and has been diagnosed with "cough persistant asthma" because he has had a lingering cough mostly at night but not always since he was born. He also constantly has a nose full of hard, dried snot and sometimes has bad fits of coughing when triggered by something. Other than this he has been hospitalized several times for high fevers, but I dont see how that could have anything to do with CF. I just figured I would list everything here and see if anyone has some personal opionions on it or not. I guess its th enot knowing that is killing me, and im worried about the sweat test coming out negative and him actually having CF, b/c it would just mean more anxious waiting. Also, I seem to notice tha tmost ppl on here say their kids have loose stools, and my son is the opposite, always being constipated. I dont know , just looking for people to converse with about this, thanks a bunch.
<br />Lauren Winn, 23 Mom to Xander 3, and Zoe 6 months<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, it is impossible to know without testing, but yes everything you describe can be CF related. Hopefully for your son it is not AND they can figure out what is actually going on.

While many/most cf patients have loose stools, it is possible to be on the other end. CF has many facets and any one patient can have a multitude of variations.

I'm glad they are doing the sweat test, but as I'm sure you've read here, if it is negative don't just walk away. If your mommy-gut tells you something is wrong, demand they figure out what it is, and if needed do the genetic test to rule in/out CF.

Hopefully it is not, but if so then know you have a place to come for questions and answers, and sometimes just to de-stress.


New member
Well, it is impossible to know without testing, but yes everything you describe can be CF related. Hopefully for your son it is not AND they can figure out what is actually going on.

While many/most cf patients have loose stools, it is possible to be on the other end. CF has many facets and any one patient can have a multitude of variations.

I'm glad they are doing the sweat test, but as I'm sure you've read here, if it is negative don't just walk away. If your mommy-gut tells you something is wrong, demand they figure out what it is, and if needed do the genetic test to rule in/out CF.

Hopefully it is not, but if so then know you have a place to come for questions and answers, and sometimes just to de-stress.


New member
Well, it is impossible to know without testing, but yes everything you describe can be CF related. Hopefully for your son it is not AND they can figure out what is actually going on.

While many/most cf patients have loose stools, it is possible to be on the other end. CF has many facets and any one patient can have a multitude of variations.

I'm glad they are doing the sweat test, but as I'm sure you've read here, if it is negative don't just walk away. If your mommy-gut tells you something is wrong, demand they figure out what it is, and if needed do the genetic test to rule in/out CF.

Hopefully it is not, but if so then know you have a place to come for questions and answers, and sometimes just to de-stress.


New member
Well, it is impossible to know without testing, but yes everything you describe can be CF related. Hopefully for your son it is not AND they can figure out what is actually going on.

While many/most cf patients have loose stools, it is possible to be on the other end. CF has many facets and any one patient can have a multitude of variations.

I'm glad they are doing the sweat test, but as I'm sure you've read here, if it is negative don't just walk away. If your mommy-gut tells you something is wrong, demand they figure out what it is, and if needed do the genetic test to rule in/out CF.

Hopefully it is not, but if so then know you have a place to come for questions and answers, and sometimes just to de-stress.


New member
Well, it is impossible to know without testing, but yes everything you describe can be CF related. Hopefully for your son it is not AND they can figure out what is actually going on.
<br />
<br />While many/most cf patients have loose stools, it is possible to be on the other end. CF has many facets and any one patient can have a multitude of variations.
<br />
<br />I'm glad they are doing the sweat test, but as I'm sure you've read here, if it is negative don't just walk away. If your mommy-gut tells you something is wrong, demand they figure out what it is, and if needed do the genetic test to rule in/out CF.
<br />
<br />Hopefully it is not, but if so then know you have a place to come for questions and answers, and sometimes just to de-stress.
<br />


New member
Hi Lauren. I'm sorry you are playing the waiting game. It's really tough. Posting here, and hearing from people probably will help. It helps me. You really aren't alone, and we completely understand what you are going through.

I second Tom's (Just1more) statements. Please keep us posted.



New member
Hi Lauren. I'm sorry you are playing the waiting game. It's really tough. Posting here, and hearing from people probably will help. It helps me. You really aren't alone, and we completely understand what you are going through.

I second Tom's (Just1more) statements. Please keep us posted.



New member
Hi Lauren. I'm sorry you are playing the waiting game. It's really tough. Posting here, and hearing from people probably will help. It helps me. You really aren't alone, and we completely understand what you are going through.

I second Tom's (Just1more) statements. Please keep us posted.



New member
Hi Lauren. I'm sorry you are playing the waiting game. It's really tough. Posting here, and hearing from people probably will help. It helps me. You really aren't alone, and we completely understand what you are going through.

I second Tom's (Just1more) statements. Please keep us posted.



New member
Hi Lauren. I'm sorry you are playing the waiting game. It's really tough. Posting here, and hearing from people probably will help. It helps me. You really aren't alone, and we completely understand what you are going through.
<br />
<br />I second Tom's (Just1more) statements. Please keep us posted.
<br />
<br />Stacey