day 2 of formula, so far so good. morgan has not been fussy at all, she has actually been really happy.
i think i made the right decision, because i can already tell in how i feel. it might be the antibiotics too that are kicking in. i really liked bf, but the bottle isn't as bad as i thought. i'm just going to go get more bottles so i don't have to do so much washing and steralizing all the time.
when i start back to work i really don't think i would enjoy having to pump during my breaks and lunch. the day care provides formula so i made sure that i started morgan on the same one they provide. that will be one less expense. also my pump is almost dead, it's a piece of crap, i'm the third person to use it. and i just didn't have the money to go buy a new one.
my cf doctor never told me to stop bf, morgan's doctor just said its not recommended with the meds i'm on. i was just frustrated and i didn't feel like asking the doctors about other medicines. i wanted to get started on the antibiotics as soon as possible.
jenny-yes my gestational diabetes disappeared, thank goodness!! i don't have to watch what i eat.