Help with Creon - URGENT


New member
Call your clinic and see if they have some samples that can get you through until your pharmacy can get you some more. If you can't get samples from them I'd go with the 12's until your order for the 6's comes in. If she takes 3 6's you can give her 1 12 for meals until you get the right ones. 6's cover 3-4 grams of fat per pill and 12's cover 5-6 grams of fat per pill. It sounds confusing, but all you have to do is look at the labels. It will get easier and you'll get used to it!


New member
Call your clinic and see if they have some samples that can get you through until your pharmacy can get you some more. If you can't get samples from them I'd go with the 12's until your order for the 6's comes in. If she takes 3 6's you can give her 1 12 for meals until you get the right ones. 6's cover 3-4 grams of fat per pill and 12's cover 5-6 grams of fat per pill. It sounds confusing, but all you have to do is look at the labels. It will get easier and you'll get used to it!


New member
Call your clinic and see if they have some samples that can get you through until your pharmacy can get you some more. If you can't get samples from them I'd go with the 12's until your order for the 6's comes in. If she takes 3 6's you can give her 1 12 for meals until you get the right ones. 6's cover 3-4 grams of fat per pill and 12's cover 5-6 grams of fat per pill. It sounds confusing, but all you have to do is look at the labels. It will get easier and you'll get used to it!