Thanks guys. It really does piss me off. Here I am 5'11, 200lbs, very much in shape, high PFT's, and I know if it wasn't for bleeding, I could do some real crazy stuff and get jobs in very crazy fields. But no. Before I went out for detention deputy, and I really tore up the physical abilities course. The cut off time was 6:20 minutes. There were tons of people who were immediately disqualified due to blood pressure/pulse/weight etc. Some very in shape people made it half way and then called it quits. I ran my course with more of the knowledge that it was a marathon, and not a sprint. Sure there were of course the ultra very young, ultra healthy gung ho 20 year olds who hauled ass through the whole thing like they were trying to break a land speed record, and finished with incredible times...But i was just wanting to finish it, and not have my time be so out of whack with everyone elses who finished it. Guess what? With a ceiling of 6:20 minutes, I finished @ 4:20, and the last 30 or so seconds was due to me knowing I had a crapload of time left (I set my stop watch with my instructor who gave the test), and I fast walked the last several hundred yards of the course. I ended up getting a "Good job, very good time" from my instructor. And when I was done, I was VERY far from exhausted. I could have easily done it 2 or 3 more times.
This hemoptysis ***** is complete BS though. Here I am, I could be working as a fireman, for a wellknown firehouse physical abilities wise, but I can't because bursts of physical exertion, can mean i'm coughing up pure blood in front of someone I don't want to.
I have heard several angles from other CF patients saying how they feel it is pulmozyme. I have also heard some of those same people say that when they stopped pulmozyme, their lung function went way down, even though their bleeds stopped. Where is the comfy trade off? Should I stop pulmozyme to avoid possible (again, POSSIBLE) related bleeds, and then have my overall lung function go down due to increased thickness in my sputum clinging in my lungs? I know I hate where i am now. I know that even if I had CF, but no bleeds, the military would take me in (as long as I lied about CF) and let me enlist due to my physical state. My god I can do 80+ push ups in a row, good amount of sit ups, and pretty much fight at the drop of a hat if needed. But bleeding issues are stopping me from being exactly what I want to be in the end, which is a certified LEO, and a dad. I'm not willing to 100% call it quits and be on 100% disability just yet. Due to my supplements and care regimen, i'm more than able to hang around for quite a long time. But i'm not fully able to apply my education and experience where I want to apply it due to some weird gremlin who keeps throwing his wrenches in the cogs of my life.
If they (care workers) were able to find the culprit, and told me they could remove the culprit, even if it meant something as crazy as removing a large part of my lung, i'd say yes please. because the worst thing to happen to you, is something that erodes you, messes you up, screws up your entire life, and you have zero idea who/what/why is doing it. That is all I want, an identification as to what is kicking my ass. Give me that and i'll be happy.