

New member
One of my boys are being admitted into hospital again next week. Two weeks ago a mass was found in his upper left lobe, diagnosed as pnemonia. He was put on another two week course of cipro (he had just come off a three week course). Anyway, back we went today for more x rays and the mass is quite a bit larger. They have now ruled out pnemonia, his cultures of two weeks ago didnt produce anything new either. They dont seem to know what it is. Today he went for a catscan, next week he goes for a bronc. They say he will be admitted next week and treated but for what they dont know. Im going out of my mind! He seems to be pretty healthy other than the x ray and his pfts dropped. Has anybody had anything similiar arise? The waiting is making me go nuts!


New member
this may or may not be the case, but my daughter had an atelectasis in her lower left lobe (they never described what they saw on the x-ray as a mass though). Essentially, it was a part of her lung that is collapsed or plugged with mucus. It was originally thought to be bronchitis/pneumonia. It did not cause her any breathing issues and for all we know it was that way from birth. After a year of 4 treatments (albuterol and saline w/CPT), we finally got it cleared. Like I said, not sure if that is what you are dealing with, but thought I'd throw it out there..

Dad of Maddie 18 mo. old w/CF


Im the original poster of the message, sorry I always forget to sign in. The hospital just called and the good news is the radiololgist has ruled out anything foreign, ie. an abcess or any type of nodes. She seems to think it is his aspregillius flaring up again. They cant be sure though until his cultures come back (beginning of next week) and until the bronc is done. Then they will decide upon what treatment to start him on. He is already on itraconazole for the aspregillus and has been for the last couple of years (this time around).


New member
I am sorry to hear about the trouble you and your son are having health wise. My son also suffers with aspergillas trouble. He almost died in 97 from the highest count the docs had seen. It took them 3 weeks to find out what it was. He is also on the itraconazole meds. What they also put him on was a styroid called prednisone it helped him out greatly. A couple years ago they found a large white spot on his xrays with his right lung. They found it to be a collapsed part of his lung from 97. So hang in there I know it can be scary keep your hopes and your spirits up. God bless and take care Becca


My son and his twin brother were also on the prednisone for about six months after the last aspregillus flare up. To make matters worse they are both allergic to aspregillus (I know Im not spelling that right, lol). The last time it flared up they were in hospital for two months.