A friend of mine was friends with a grandmother who had custody of her granddaughter- who was either half or 3/4 black (I don't remember which) and had cf. That is utterly ridiculous that he said that. What else could he be dismissing? I agree- time for a new doctor!
From :
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.acog.org/from_home/wellness/cf001.htm
(dashes, spacing and bold are mine)
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>The Chance of Being a CF Carrier Depending on Race/Ethnicity
Ethnicity/Race Chance of Being a CF Carrier Chance ----(chance)Both Partners Are CF Carriers
European Caucasian, Ashkenazi Jewish 1 in 29 ------------ 1 in 841
Hispanic American 1 in 46 ------------------------------------ 1 in 2,116
<b>African American 1 in 65 --------------------------------------1 in 4,225 </b>
Asian American 1 in 90---------------------------------------- 1 in 8,100
NOTE: If your ethnic/racial group is not listed above, please ask your provider for this information. Also, you may want to mention your ethnic/racial group to your provider to learn about prenatal tests for diseases other than CF. </end quote></div>