help :(


New member

Its 5 am and I'm in horrible pain in what I can only imagine is my gall bladder. I am trying to gain weight and in an effort tonight to react to my oncoming hunger, I seized it by eating a TON of food, including a huge amount of haagen dazs icecream, which, during the last bite of i started to feel nauseous..NO nausea now though.

The pain on my right upper side got worse and worse, and I went to sleep, only to awake now with a LOT of pain.

its sat. morning on a long weekend, i have to work tomorrow (easy work, but i have to go), and i DONT want to go to the ER. I've been up reading about gall bladder attacks etc and from what i see i just have to wait for it to pass. BUt i dont want to be stupid

i also hate going to the ER for fear of catching something.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I've experienced pain in this area before, never this severe, though. I think I've ruled out the pancreatitis because of the location of the pain, and its not my appendix b/c its too high up. Also, a previous ultra sound I had for another reason showed that they couldnt even FIND my gall bladder...i.e. atrophied. The problem is we CFers have such distinctive digestive problems that i feel like the information on the internet isnt helpful at all.

anyway, any experience w/ this?



New member

Its 5 am and I'm in horrible pain in what I can only imagine is my gall bladder. I am trying to gain weight and in an effort tonight to react to my oncoming hunger, I seized it by eating a TON of food, including a huge amount of haagen dazs icecream, which, during the last bite of i started to feel nauseous..NO nausea now though.

The pain on my right upper side got worse and worse, and I went to sleep, only to awake now with a LOT of pain.

its sat. morning on a long weekend, i have to work tomorrow (easy work, but i have to go), and i DONT want to go to the ER. I've been up reading about gall bladder attacks etc and from what i see i just have to wait for it to pass. BUt i dont want to be stupid

i also hate going to the ER for fear of catching something.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I've experienced pain in this area before, never this severe, though. I think I've ruled out the pancreatitis because of the location of the pain, and its not my appendix b/c its too high up. Also, a previous ultra sound I had for another reason showed that they couldnt even FIND my gall bladder...i.e. atrophied. The problem is we CFers have such distinctive digestive problems that i feel like the information on the internet isnt helpful at all.

anyway, any experience w/ this?



New member

Its 5 am and I'm in horrible pain in what I can only imagine is my gall bladder. I am trying to gain weight and in an effort tonight to react to my oncoming hunger, I seized it by eating a TON of food, including a huge amount of haagen dazs icecream, which, during the last bite of i started to feel nauseous..NO nausea now though.

The pain on my right upper side got worse and worse, and I went to sleep, only to awake now with a LOT of pain.

its sat. morning on a long weekend, i have to work tomorrow (easy work, but i have to go), and i DONT want to go to the ER. I've been up reading about gall bladder attacks etc and from what i see i just have to wait for it to pass. BUt i dont want to be stupid

i also hate going to the ER for fear of catching something.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I've experienced pain in this area before, never this severe, though. I think I've ruled out the pancreatitis because of the location of the pain, and its not my appendix b/c its too high up. Also, a previous ultra sound I had for another reason showed that they couldnt even FIND my gall bladder...i.e. atrophied. The problem is we CFers have such distinctive digestive problems that i feel like the information on the internet isnt helpful at all.

anyway, any experience w/ this?



New member

Its 5 am and I'm in horrible pain in what I can only imagine is my gall bladder. I am trying to gain weight and in an effort tonight to react to my oncoming hunger, I seized it by eating a TON of food, including a huge amount of haagen dazs icecream, which, during the last bite of i started to feel nauseous..NO nausea now though.

The pain on my right upper side got worse and worse, and I went to sleep, only to awake now with a LOT of pain.

its sat. morning on a long weekend, i have to work tomorrow (easy work, but i have to go), and i DONT want to go to the ER. I've been up reading about gall bladder attacks etc and from what i see i just have to wait for it to pass. BUt i dont want to be stupid

i also hate going to the ER for fear of catching something.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I've experienced pain in this area before, never this severe, though. I think I've ruled out the pancreatitis because of the location of the pain, and its not my appendix b/c its too high up. Also, a previous ultra sound I had for another reason showed that they couldnt even FIND my gall bladder...i.e. atrophied. The problem is we CFers have such distinctive digestive problems that i feel like the information on the internet isnt helpful at all.

anyway, any experience w/ this?



New member

Its 5 am and I'm in horrible pain in what I can only imagine is my gall bladder. I am trying to gain weight and in an effort tonight to react to my oncoming hunger, I seized it by eating a TON of food, including a huge amount of haagen dazs icecream, which, during the last bite of i started to feel nauseous..NO nausea now though.

The pain on my right upper side got worse and worse, and I went to sleep, only to awake now with a LOT of pain.

its sat. morning on a long weekend, i have to work tomorrow (easy work, but i have to go), and i DONT want to go to the ER. I've been up reading about gall bladder attacks etc and from what i see i just have to wait for it to pass. BUt i dont want to be stupid

i also hate going to the ER for fear of catching something.

Anyone have any experience with this?

I've experienced pain in this area before, never this severe, though. I think I've ruled out the pancreatitis because of the location of the pain, and its not my appendix b/c its too high up. Also, a previous ultra sound I had for another reason showed that they couldnt even FIND my gall bladder...i.e. atrophied. The problem is we CFers have such distinctive digestive problems that i feel like the information on the internet isnt helpful at all.

anyway, any experience w/ this?



I had my first gall bladder attack around 7 or more years ago... The pain is undescribable...

I had gall stones and they were getting caught in the bile ducts...which was making my liver back up with bile

I ended up having my gall bladder removed and having an ERCP (they cut a hole in the spincter to allow the bile to drain)

I still get what's called bilary colic which can usually drop me like a sack of wheat... Buscopan helps ease the spasm, so if you can get some I would recommend it, you can buy it over the counter here (not sure if you guys have it, or if it goes by the same name)

I also have Urso (Ursodeoxycolicacid) which helps keep the bile from back up, and it also has helped...

Good luck with it, I definitely feel your pain!


I had my first gall bladder attack around 7 or more years ago... The pain is undescribable...

I had gall stones and they were getting caught in the bile ducts...which was making my liver back up with bile

I ended up having my gall bladder removed and having an ERCP (they cut a hole in the spincter to allow the bile to drain)

I still get what's called bilary colic which can usually drop me like a sack of wheat... Buscopan helps ease the spasm, so if you can get some I would recommend it, you can buy it over the counter here (not sure if you guys have it, or if it goes by the same name)

I also have Urso (Ursodeoxycolicacid) which helps keep the bile from back up, and it also has helped...

Good luck with it, I definitely feel your pain!


I had my first gall bladder attack around 7 or more years ago... The pain is undescribable...

I had gall stones and they were getting caught in the bile ducts...which was making my liver back up with bile

I ended up having my gall bladder removed and having an ERCP (they cut a hole in the spincter to allow the bile to drain)

I still get what's called bilary colic which can usually drop me like a sack of wheat... Buscopan helps ease the spasm, so if you can get some I would recommend it, you can buy it over the counter here (not sure if you guys have it, or if it goes by the same name)

I also have Urso (Ursodeoxycolicacid) which helps keep the bile from back up, and it also has helped...

Good luck with it, I definitely feel your pain!


I had my first gall bladder attack around 7 or more years ago... The pain is undescribable...

I had gall stones and they were getting caught in the bile ducts...which was making my liver back up with bile

I ended up having my gall bladder removed and having an ERCP (they cut a hole in the spincter to allow the bile to drain)

I still get what's called bilary colic which can usually drop me like a sack of wheat... Buscopan helps ease the spasm, so if you can get some I would recommend it, you can buy it over the counter here (not sure if you guys have it, or if it goes by the same name)

I also have Urso (Ursodeoxycolicacid) which helps keep the bile from back up, and it also has helped...

Good luck with it, I definitely feel your pain!


I had my first gall bladder attack around 7 or more years ago... The pain is undescribable...

I had gall stones and they were getting caught in the bile ducts...which was making my liver back up with bile

I ended up having my gall bladder removed and having an ERCP (they cut a hole in the spincter to allow the bile to drain)

I still get what's called bilary colic which can usually drop me like a sack of wheat... Buscopan helps ease the spasm, so if you can get some I would recommend it, you can buy it over the counter here (not sure if you guys have it, or if it goes by the same name)

I also have Urso (Ursodeoxycolicacid) which helps keep the bile from back up, and it also has helped...

Good luck with it, I definitely feel your pain!


New member
I've experienced gall attacks. They happen particularly when I eat high volumes of fatty foods. The pain is on the right (like you said) but also aches from my diaphragm all under my sternum.

I had that sort of pain back in December and thought it was another gall attack since it felt the same as the others. However, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction--one that very nearly required surgery. Something that commonly happens in CFers is that the portion of our intestine that's right near that bile duct is where things can start to get backed up. Instead of the food traveling into the intestine where it's met with water and stuff that fecalizes it, it back up and stays dry right around the duodenum. That's why it's so painful.

On a related note, ice cream is not the best way to gain a lot of weight. It's a lot of calories, but mostly sugars. You'd be better off with a peanut butter sandwich or ham and cheese sandwiches as a snack. The body needs a balance, not just the calories. I know it's frustrating. I only recently was able to put on a lot of weight. A large part of what helped with that was changing enzymes (I'm on pacreacarb now) and also starting a weight lifting program to build muscle. I've gained 25 pounds over the last 7 months and I finally look and feel GREAT. I hope you'll hit upon a good solution for yourself too.

Bowel obstruction can be very serious if left unchecked. Call your doctor, explain your pain, and see about scheduling an abdominal CT or x-ray.

Good luck


New member
I've experienced gall attacks. They happen particularly when I eat high volumes of fatty foods. The pain is on the right (like you said) but also aches from my diaphragm all under my sternum.

I had that sort of pain back in December and thought it was another gall attack since it felt the same as the others. However, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction--one that very nearly required surgery. Something that commonly happens in CFers is that the portion of our intestine that's right near that bile duct is where things can start to get backed up. Instead of the food traveling into the intestine where it's met with water and stuff that fecalizes it, it back up and stays dry right around the duodenum. That's why it's so painful.

On a related note, ice cream is not the best way to gain a lot of weight. It's a lot of calories, but mostly sugars. You'd be better off with a peanut butter sandwich or ham and cheese sandwiches as a snack. The body needs a balance, not just the calories. I know it's frustrating. I only recently was able to put on a lot of weight. A large part of what helped with that was changing enzymes (I'm on pacreacarb now) and also starting a weight lifting program to build muscle. I've gained 25 pounds over the last 7 months and I finally look and feel GREAT. I hope you'll hit upon a good solution for yourself too.

Bowel obstruction can be very serious if left unchecked. Call your doctor, explain your pain, and see about scheduling an abdominal CT or x-ray.

Good luck


New member
I've experienced gall attacks. They happen particularly when I eat high volumes of fatty foods. The pain is on the right (like you said) but also aches from my diaphragm all under my sternum.

I had that sort of pain back in December and thought it was another gall attack since it felt the same as the others. However, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction--one that very nearly required surgery. Something that commonly happens in CFers is that the portion of our intestine that's right near that bile duct is where things can start to get backed up. Instead of the food traveling into the intestine where it's met with water and stuff that fecalizes it, it back up and stays dry right around the duodenum. That's why it's so painful.

On a related note, ice cream is not the best way to gain a lot of weight. It's a lot of calories, but mostly sugars. You'd be better off with a peanut butter sandwich or ham and cheese sandwiches as a snack. The body needs a balance, not just the calories. I know it's frustrating. I only recently was able to put on a lot of weight. A large part of what helped with that was changing enzymes (I'm on pacreacarb now) and also starting a weight lifting program to build muscle. I've gained 25 pounds over the last 7 months and I finally look and feel GREAT. I hope you'll hit upon a good solution for yourself too.

Bowel obstruction can be very serious if left unchecked. Call your doctor, explain your pain, and see about scheduling an abdominal CT or x-ray.

Good luck


New member
I've experienced gall attacks. They happen particularly when I eat high volumes of fatty foods. The pain is on the right (like you said) but also aches from my diaphragm all under my sternum.

I had that sort of pain back in December and thought it was another gall attack since it felt the same as the others. However, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction--one that very nearly required surgery. Something that commonly happens in CFers is that the portion of our intestine that's right near that bile duct is where things can start to get backed up. Instead of the food traveling into the intestine where it's met with water and stuff that fecalizes it, it back up and stays dry right around the duodenum. That's why it's so painful.

On a related note, ice cream is not the best way to gain a lot of weight. It's a lot of calories, but mostly sugars. You'd be better off with a peanut butter sandwich or ham and cheese sandwiches as a snack. The body needs a balance, not just the calories. I know it's frustrating. I only recently was able to put on a lot of weight. A large part of what helped with that was changing enzymes (I'm on pacreacarb now) and also starting a weight lifting program to build muscle. I've gained 25 pounds over the last 7 months and I finally look and feel GREAT. I hope you'll hit upon a good solution for yourself too.

Bowel obstruction can be very serious if left unchecked. Call your doctor, explain your pain, and see about scheduling an abdominal CT or x-ray.

Good luck


New member
I've experienced gall attacks. They happen particularly when I eat high volumes of fatty foods. The pain is on the right (like you said) but also aches from my diaphragm all under my sternum.

I had that sort of pain back in December and thought it was another gall attack since it felt the same as the others. However, it turned out to be a bowel obstruction--one that very nearly required surgery. Something that commonly happens in CFers is that the portion of our intestine that's right near that bile duct is where things can start to get backed up. Instead of the food traveling into the intestine where it's met with water and stuff that fecalizes it, it back up and stays dry right around the duodenum. That's why it's so painful.

On a related note, ice cream is not the best way to gain a lot of weight. It's a lot of calories, but mostly sugars. You'd be better off with a peanut butter sandwich or ham and cheese sandwiches as a snack. The body needs a balance, not just the calories. I know it's frustrating. I only recently was able to put on a lot of weight. A large part of what helped with that was changing enzymes (I'm on pacreacarb now) and also starting a weight lifting program to build muscle. I've gained 25 pounds over the last 7 months and I finally look and feel GREAT. I hope you'll hit upon a good solution for yourself too.

Bowel obstruction can be very serious if left unchecked. Call your doctor, explain your pain, and see about scheduling an abdominal CT or x-ray.

Good luck


New member
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago.. It was very painful. I remember the pain being more in the upper midsection.. I would call my dr. if i were you and let them know what is going on.. better to be safe than sorry.. Feel Better ... joni


New member
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago.. It was very painful. I remember the pain being more in the upper midsection.. I would call my dr. if i were you and let them know what is going on.. better to be safe than sorry.. Feel Better ... joni


New member
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago.. It was very painful. I remember the pain being more in the upper midsection.. I would call my dr. if i were you and let them know what is going on.. better to be safe than sorry.. Feel Better ... joni


New member
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago.. It was very painful. I remember the pain being more in the upper midsection.. I would call my dr. if i were you and let them know what is going on.. better to be safe than sorry.. Feel Better ... joni


New member
I had my gall bladder removed several years ago.. It was very painful. I remember the pain being more in the upper midsection.. I would call my dr. if i were you and let them know what is going on.. better to be safe than sorry.. Feel Better ... joni