Hepatits C


New member
Our 25 yr old daughter passed on 060410 we agreed to donate tissue/organs. We did receive a letter that they could use her cornea and now we got a denial letter. Just got a call from the doctor who wanted to express his condolences and express his admiration for our daughter, single mom of 4 yr old. Anyway he advised they could not use cornea they just found out at some point she contracted Heptits C, not sure if this is common for CF folks. Was never mentioned till now I have to inform her son's peditrician.


New member
Our 25 yr old daughter passed on 060410 we agreed to donate tissue/organs. We did receive a letter that they could use her cornea and now we got a denial letter. Just got a call from the doctor who wanted to express his condolences and express his admiration for our daughter, single mom of 4 yr old. Anyway he advised they could not use cornea they just found out at some point she contracted Heptits C, not sure if this is common for CF folks. Was never mentioned till now I have to inform her son's peditrician.


New member
Our 25 yr old daughter passed on 060410 we agreed to donate tissue/organs. We did receive a letter that they could use her cornea and now we got a denial letter. Just got a call from the doctor who wanted to express his condolences and express his admiration for our daughter, single mom of 4 yr old. Anyway he advised they could not use cornea they just found out at some point she contracted Heptits C, not sure if this is common for CF folks. Was never mentioned till now I have to inform her son's peditrician.


New member
Did she deal with hemoptysis and ever need a tranfusion for a major blood loss incident? That's the only cf relation I can think of. And Hep C is often not diagnosed until there is liver damage found. So she easily could have not known about it..especially with another illness to deal with. I'm sorry :-(


New member
Did she deal with hemoptysis and ever need a tranfusion for a major blood loss incident? That's the only cf relation I can think of. And Hep C is often not diagnosed until there is liver damage found. So she easily could have not known about it..especially with another illness to deal with. I'm sorry :-(


New member
Did she deal with hemoptysis and ever need a tranfusion for a major blood loss incident? That's the only cf relation I can think of. And Hep C is often not diagnosed until there is liver damage found. So she easily could have not known about it..especially with another illness to deal with. I'm sorry :-(