


So I had pain around and under my left lung. I went to the ER where it was assumed that I had pulled an intercostal muscle. When trying to lay down to sleep, I laid on my right side and it felt like a ball invaded my left lung cavity--lots of pressure, shortness of breath and about 8 on pain. I sat up and pain gradually subsided. I tried this again with the same result. I am wondering if this could be a hernia and my stomach is going into my left lung cavity. Thoughts???


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Although I'm 64, I was surprised to read that I apparently have both types of hernias. Actually, I was doing something different when they ran an abdominal CT. Instead of taking a deep breath and holding it in my chest, I pushed my diaphragm down, hoping to get a better image.

If something like pooching out your belly can demonstrate a hernia, my guess is they are not uncommon in CFers. My brother in law redefines skinny. A piano professor, he actually has callouses on his butt from sitting on a piano bench. He has two boys and one is a 22 year old with his ultra thin body. At 6'3" and 125 pounds, they both have long muscles and five hernias between them.

A hernia is common in thin, lanky people who have Marfan's disease. Marfan's is characteristic with weak tendons and connective tissue. Lazy eye and long, thin fingers are marks of Marfan's disease.

Hernias are far better taken care of early. Ask your doctor,
