He's coming!!


New member
I went to my OB today and got quite a surprise. I'm 35 weeks (36 on Friday) and I'm already dilated 2cm and my blood pressure was 150/100. He's worried about my blood pressure and may put me in the hospital if it dosen't go down by friday. He also "uncorked" me (removed my mucus plug) to get the ball rolling. He said I am far enough along that the baby shouldn't have any problems. I have been having horrible abdominal for the past few days, but I assumed it was my Crohn's acting up. I can't believe this, I am so excited, scared, and unprepared. I will keep you posted, wish me luck!


New member
I went to my OB today and got quite a surprise. I'm 35 weeks (36 on Friday) and I'm already dilated 2cm and my blood pressure was 150/100. He's worried about my blood pressure and may put me in the hospital if it dosen't go down by friday. He also "uncorked" me (removed my mucus plug) to get the ball rolling. He said I am far enough along that the baby shouldn't have any problems. I have been having horrible abdominal for the past few days, but I assumed it was my Crohn's acting up. I can't believe this, I am so excited, scared, and unprepared. I will keep you posted, wish me luck!


New member
I went to my OB today and got quite a surprise. I'm 35 weeks (36 on Friday) and I'm already dilated 2cm and my blood pressure was 150/100. He's worried about my blood pressure and may put me in the hospital if it dosen't go down by friday. He also "uncorked" me (removed my mucus plug) to get the ball rolling. He said I am far enough along that the baby shouldn't have any problems. I have been having horrible abdominal for the past few days, but I assumed it was my Crohn's acting up. I can't believe this, I am so excited, scared, and unprepared. I will keep you posted, wish me luck!


New member
Congratulations! I guess the baby is in a bit more of a rush then you. Good luck, I hope everything goes great and update when you can. We'll be thinking of you (and waiting for pics lol!)


New member
Congratulations! I guess the baby is in a bit more of a rush then you. Good luck, I hope everything goes great and update when you can. We'll be thinking of you (and waiting for pics lol!)


New member
Congratulations! I guess the baby is in a bit more of a rush then you. Good luck, I hope everything goes great and update when you can. We'll be thinking of you (and waiting for pics lol!)


New member
I dont think he is coming right away. He just wants you to think that. He will build the suspense with a bit of dialation here and there, but will hold out for a GRAND finale LOL!


New member
I dont think he is coming right away. He just wants you to think that. He will build the suspense with a bit of dialation here and there, but will hold out for a GRAND finale LOL!


New member
I dont think he is coming right away. He just wants you to think that. He will build the suspense with a bit of dialation here and there, but will hold out for a GRAND finale LOL!


New member
Oh i'm so excited for you!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck and i can't wait until he gets here!!! babies are so much fun! .... sometimes!!!!!!


New member
Oh i'm so excited for you!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck and i can't wait until he gets here!!! babies are so much fun! .... sometimes!!!!!!


New member
Oh i'm so excited for you!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck and i can't wait until he gets here!!! babies are so much fun! .... sometimes!!!!!!


best of luck!!!! Wishing you an easy labor and a safe birth.


best of luck!!!! Wishing you an easy labor and a safe birth.


best of luck!!!! Wishing you an easy labor and a safe birth.