
New member
After my baby was diganosed with Cf ( 2 months ago) a doctor said to me 'You and your husband better get tested in case you have CF!!!!!' I had to explain it and she looked at right wally !!!! How frightening.....


New member
hey I'm really depressed right now....I'm not spilling my guts about Cf, but about someone who I love....I hope thats ok.

We met and it was awesome, he liked me, I liked him. It was bliss. Now he has moved on, doesnt even think about me anymore.
So, here I am, just standing here feeling alone. I know it will be ok, I know that I will move on too. But it was so wonderful, like a breath of fresh air it was so fleeting. I just wish i could have seen him on last time, before he moved on...


New member
well then obviously he doesnt deserve you.

you will find mr. wonderfull
when you least expect it.

for a guy that would just drop you like that,
means he's a pr!ck.

guys can be id!ots, dont let him keep you down.
go out and have fun, and when you least expect it, you meet 'him'

i can DEF vow to that.
but it may not be today tomorrow, next week
it might be next year or in two years, but just know one day he'll be there
and you'll always have that moment of bliss everyday.

ive had alot of guys try and play me and treat me like sh!t, and then i met casey 22 w/cf
the most amazing man i have ever met!
at the most RANDOM time.

good luck.
dont let boys do that to you,
your tooo GOOD for that.


New member
Thanks, your words have been encouraging to me, I know I will find some one someday. But for now I will just sit back & wait. Thanks again!


New member
hello i am a mother of a cf son he is 25 his live is so hard not so much because he is sick but because ppl dont understand what cf is and wont work with him, he is having such a hard time finding or even keeping a job due to his illness my heart hurts for him and dont now where to get any kind of help , i am stuck and feel lost for my son he trys so hard , he is in engaged to be married and so wants to take care of his family but he is finding it very hard to get a good job he also has a learning problem so testing is hard for him , does anyone know how to help please i feel so lost now that he is an adult it is even harder, thank u so much for your time, pamela (mother of cf son)