Hey, the CF Pharmacy is closed due to an emergency


New member
Yes and no.

I have had many occasions where bills had arrived to my house that certainly weren't supposed to. However, it was always (thankfully) their fault. They either submitted it to the wrong insurance or to none of them. I have Blue Cross, PACE, and the Pulmozyme Endowment. Usually, they submit the Pulmozyme only to BC and forget about the Endowment portion. Now, I get smart.

I call 1-800-541-4959 and push extension 434. That takes me to Pam's voicemail, sometimes she picks up. They told me that she was my main person or something to that effect. If she doesn't pick up, I push 0 on her voicemail and hold to speak with someone. When I get someone (which always works), I say (for example), I need my Pulmozyme refilled and please bill it to BC first then the Endowment pays the rest. That has resolved most of the billing issues. If I forget to say that, I WILL get a bill one or two months down the road.

As far as being sent to collection that has not ever happened to me AND IT BETTER NOT!!! As a matter of fact, I spoke for 1 hour about 1 month ago to someone in the billing department about a charge of $3,600 for a 1 month supply of Pulmozyme (which I do twice a day). By the way, this charge was from February 2006!!! I called Laverne (the head of the billing department) 4 times about the bill (once each month). She never called me back. So the 5th month, I sent a detailed letter with the statement explaining their mess up. That failed!!! Finally the 6th month, I called again, and she picked up. It was their fault!!! They didn't bill Blue Shield (at that time) or the Endowment.

To be honest, the Maryland office could care less if they get their money. They don't return calls. They don't read letters with statements or anything else for that matter. I have had other charges that they messed up as well that were let go for 6 months or longer. I've NEVER been reported to collection.

IF THEY EVER REPORTED ME, SH*T WOULD HIT THE FAN. When it comes to insurance or more properly lack of insurance, I'm am always ready to knock you out. I do not qualify for any state assistance of any sorts (trust me) because I am married, and it's only me and my husband. We make $100.00 a month over the cut off!!! Money isn't tight, but it could be better. I'd like to see many of these people have to pay the expenses that we have to pay day in and day out. I have always paid my bills on time, but I have had to pay them in payments or sometimes they are deducted a certain percentage due to the fact that I don't qualify for any assistance. THE ONE THING I HAVE PRIDE IN IS MY CREDIT SCORE - 740. If they destroy that, I'd be beyond pissed...

Now, financially things are fine since my husband got a promotion but last December it was a different story since he sold cars as a living. People don't buy too many cars in winter...


New member

Glad you got it straightened out. Seems odd to me that a pharmacy like that can close for two days cause of a leak. I mean, couldn't they at the very least re-route calls to another line (another CF services or this one only re-routed to an off-site place) so at least you can TALK to someone? I can't imagine Walgreens shutting down for 2 full days even with a water leak. They would have some sort of way of getting people their meds, even if it has to come from another Walgreens or be shipped or something. I would just think they COULD have tried harder to answer their phones and maybe try to get people their meds another way. JMO though. I can't stand CF Services Pharmacy.


New member

Glad you got it straightened out. Seems odd to me that a pharmacy like that can close for two days cause of a leak. I mean, couldn't they at the very least re-route calls to another line (another CF services or this one only re-routed to an off-site place) so at least you can TALK to someone? I can't imagine Walgreens shutting down for 2 full days even with a water leak. They would have some sort of way of getting people their meds, even if it has to come from another Walgreens or be shipped or something. I would just think they COULD have tried harder to answer their phones and maybe try to get people their meds another way. JMO though. I can't stand CF Services Pharmacy.


New member

Glad you got it straightened out. Seems odd to me that a pharmacy like that can close for two days cause of a leak. I mean, couldn't they at the very least re-route calls to another line (another CF services or this one only re-routed to an off-site place) so at least you can TALK to someone? I can't imagine Walgreens shutting down for 2 full days even with a water leak. They would have some sort of way of getting people their meds, even if it has to come from another Walgreens or be shipped or something. I would just think they COULD have tried harder to answer their phones and maybe try to get people their meds another way. JMO though. I can't stand CF Services Pharmacy.