Hi I wanted to share a great site I have found on the history of CF. Quite informativ



Very informative but a lot I did not understand I have only have one functioning lung for years now and this collapsed lung has caused medialstinal shift to the right so everything down from my larynx is being pushed to the right. I am not sure this has anything to do with the articles but my I often worry about my heart.


Hi windex.. Yes there is a lot of info on that site. I am very much at a loss and do not have any diagnose at of yet. I sure hope it does not affect your heart. (what ever affected me, I went down hill four yrs ago) I have heart issues and a pace maker due to sinus node dysfunction. Many health issues I have ended up with do not fit! Meaning fit my life style, body type and family history. I find the site interesting but they are just on the tip of the ice berg with older adults with CF. I really was wondering how many older adults have other major health issues and if that has ever been connected to CF. As people are living longer and they are diagnosing more adults, maybe they will be able to make any connections. (Just would make sense to me why proper treatment is so important with a CF diagnose) I would think this would be based on the person, what genes they have, and if they have been without proper treatment for yrs. The site speaks of most illness's are more prevalent in CFers. Could be this is what has affected many other organ problems with me. I just do not know. I also have a abnormal Straightened larynx and have no idea why? this showed up when I had trouble breathing with a medication side affect. I also have a deviated spectrum. I also have sinus nodules in different areas. One showed up in the area close to the brain. And I always have mucus !! All this needs addressed. Through my life I have had major sinus issues and infections. You take care of yourself.