hi im new here and need some advise


New member
hi, mi name is hanna and i'm new here. I might have to get my first IV for my lungs so I could prob get some advise. I'm not realy sure if I will but i prob will. it took my parents three years before they found out what i had (cf). I like acting,basketball,soccer,singing,dancing,and babysitting. A lot of people ask me "what is cf"it gets kind of anoying. Well i want to get to know some of you write back.

11 year old girl with cf



Digital opinion leader
Hi Hanna,

My boys are doing IVs right now. My son Josh right turned 15 and my son Jesse just turned 11. He's in the fifth grade, are you too?

Going in for IVs isn't that bad, my kids find it more annoying than anything else. Of course the first time can be scary because you don't know what to expect. You will definately feel better when you come home.

Usually what happens is you check in at the hospital, you go to your room and the nurses help get you settled. You and your parents will answer LOTS of questions about your health. Usually you will get your IV line placed by a special nurse. My kids get a PICC line which is an IV line that goes into your arm with a little tube. On the end of the tube there is a plastic screw cap where the nurses put in your medicine. When its time for the medicine they bring a small pump on a pole that pumps the medicine into your IV (usually takes 30 minutes). Then they disconnect you until your next dose. You can walk around your room without being hooked up. My kids like to bring their own clothes to wear because they think hospital clothes are dumb. Sweats or flannels are good, and slippers or flip-flops.

During the day you will have chest PT two or three times to help you clear the junk out of your lungs. Again, that's annoying especially if you are trying to watch TV.

Bring lots of stuff to do, puzzles, game boy homework etc. It sometimes gets pretty boring. The activity person will probably bring you fun stuff too.

If you have any questions, write back. Right now I'm home, but I'm going up to stay with my kids tonight. I'll ask them if they have any advice to share.

Good Luck Hannah! Let us know.



New member
Hi, Jane thank you so much for the advise.And yes i am in the fifth grade.My mom and doctor said I might be having my IV at home.

I hope your sons get better. How many IV's have they had?

I have never met anyone with cf or talked to anyone w/ cf either. when Josh or Jesse get finished with their IV's could we probably chat?

Thanks again for the advise. OH and my mom says hi lol.

hanna,11 year old girl w/ cf/Or(state)


New member
Hi my name is Brittany I have cf too.
Im 13 and I found out that I had cf when I was 8 months .

It's good that you are active most people with cf arent active.

Is this your first time getting an I.V???

Well don't worry you will be fine just do what they say and trust me you will get out much faster.
I am writing to you from the nurse's computer in the hosptial.

I have been getting I.V's since I was a babby.

I have very bad vanes so it's hard for them to get i.v's on me so they gave me what is called a pic-line.

But know I have something called a port. A port is a little round mettel thing that they put in your chest(you have to have surgry to get it) and it stays there for ever and when you need meds threw the i.v. they just stick a needle in it . I like it much better then the i.v.

But if you have any more questions ask.

feel better



New member
hi, thanks for the info Brittany.I'm hanna my username won't come up on the side i don't know why? But anyway back to the topic. Yes this isi my first IV. I know a lot of you have had many IV's but i'm not use to it.I'm not even sure if i'm realy going to get an IV. But I havn't gon up to see my doctor for my next Xray. But I'm pretty sure Im going to get it.

well thanks again for the info

hanna/ 11 year old girl w/ cf/Or(state)


New member
Hi my name is Kristina and i have cf to my mom didn't find out that i had cf until i was 6 weeks old and i don't like doing my meds and my vest because i have to do it one in the morning at 6:00 and one at night at 9:00 and i think it sucks P.S write back

12 years old girl with cf




New member
hi,Kristina it's hanna.I also have to do my vest but i only do it at night.But I think I should start doing it in the morning and night.
Well thanks for writing !!!write back!!!

hanna 11 year old girl w/ cf/Or(state)


New member
hi hanna,

uhh..my name is samantha and i didnt get diagnosed until September of last year...Im 14. I have had ALOT of IVs and i gotta say theyre not that bad...the first time i had an IV was when i was like 6 wks old and i got my first case of pneumonia. well i dunno neone else with Cf either so *write back*


New member
hi, "Samyantha" it's hanna... thanks for writing to me. I have always wanted to meet someone w/ cf but theirs no one around where i live. but i have a friend who is going to get a cf test,well ime not neciseriley hoping she has cf,but it still would still be exiting to meet someone w/ cf. well thanks again and write back
"OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK"



New member
hi hannah im from northern ireland an im currently goin with a boy who has cf ive never been in this situation an its so hard but i hope ur doing well as ive seen wot its like to go thorough hes jus decided to get a lung transplant hes 19 an sick with it to but suppose it gets tough sometimes


New member
Hey my name is meagan and im gonna be 18 years old in Aug. I have over 10 IV because of my CF i actually get a thing callled a PICCLINE which starts in your arm and goes into your chest. It dont even hurt because your put to sleep and it helps the medicine beat the infection fatser. Dont be scared. Ask for numbing cream. Believe me its for the best.. Good Luck and im here



New member
hi gy's hanna here, i lived in Ireland for two years when i was two.it's an awsome place pretty cold but still awsome. i am going to be doing my iv treatment at home because it caused to much money. my doc. said i am going to get a picline... and ile be sure to ask for that numbing cream.



New member
hi my name is dani
piclines rnt 2 bad but i have them every time i go 2 the hospital which is about 6 times a year. ya the numbing cream does work. when u get it my technique is 2 look away hold(or squeze)something and clench ur teeth. it may not be the best 4 ur teeth(and the people or thing that u squeze)haha. i would love 4 u 2 e-mail me at pocassetsweetie1@aol.com. im 12/f so please e-mail me.

love dani<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">