I'm going to apologize beforehand because this post may be a bit erratic. My daughters FEV1 dropped from 97% to 64% from May to July with only S. aureus and H. influenza being cultured. Her pulm. started tweaking treatment times, current med doses and amounts to no effect. He added prednisone at the beginning of August and within a week, her FEV1 went from 64% to 83% and we were ecstatic! She goes back in Sept. for another PFT. My concern is the immunosupression that comes with taking prednisone. She just started school again last week and I'm nervous that she'll catch a bug (although not complaining because she IS doing well) and her pulmonologist is, too. My question is: Are any of you on the high dose NSAID therapy? I read this morning that inflammation is actually the main cause of exacerbations in CF. NSAIDs have been proven very effective, yet only 10% of CFers are prescribed high-dose NSAIDs due to the rare, but serious risk of gastric bleeding (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3425089/?tool=pubmed). Any thoughts on this form of therapy?