Hirschsprungs Disease and CF


New member
Hi Una,
I wanted to make sure you see this post from me so I made a new topic.
My daughter Lauren was diagnosed with Hirschsprungs Disease at birth and had her colostomy done at birth and her pull through at 1 year old. CF was diagnosed at 10 years old and they have done all the testing available and have only found one mutation L997F, they feel her other mutation may not be discovered yet. I know how you feel, it is alot to hear when your little baby son is going through so much. I know it is difficult but you sound like a loving, caring mom so your little boy is lucky you are his mom. You are not alone and if you need more help please contact me.
I am from New York.
Hugs to you and your son...........Joan


New member
Hi Una,
I wanted to make sure you see this post from me so I made a new topic.
My daughter Lauren was diagnosed with Hirschsprungs Disease at birth and had her colostomy done at birth and her pull through at 1 year old. CF was diagnosed at 10 years old and they have done all the testing available and have only found one mutation L997F, they feel her other mutation may not be discovered yet. I know how you feel, it is alot to hear when your little baby son is going through so much. I know it is difficult but you sound like a loving, caring mom so your little boy is lucky you are his mom. You are not alone and if you need more help please contact me.
I am from New York.
Hugs to you and your son...........Joan


New member
Hi Joan! Your words mean so lot to me in this moment. I have many question to you ,is there any way to e-mail you?


New member
Hi Joan! Your words mean so lot to me in this moment. I have many question to you ,is there any way to e-mail you?