Home sweet home


New member
What a bad week its been.

Olivia got sick on Tuesday with a runny nose, which was no need for concern but as the day went by she seemed to feel realy unwell.
Anyway, Wednesday night she was up screming and crying and seemed in a lot of pain, she had a temp of 40 and kept pulling at her ears. So i said to hubby she must have an ear infection.
Then Thurs mornong she woke hysterical and i called my mother in-law over so she could help me get her ready to take her straight the the doc. So she arrived and as we put her down to change her nappy and give her some panadol she passed out on me.
Oh my god, i thought she was dying i was so scared and almost passed out myself. We then called for an ambulance to come and she was taken straight to hospital. This was the scariest day of my life.
It took them 11/2 day's to fugure out that she had an ear infection, when i kept telling them that her ears were sore.
Thanks to our peadiatricain, who gave us answers straight away.
The reason she passed out was because she had a febrile convulsion (temperature spike) which caused her to become unconciouse for up to 8 mins.

So thankd god, we are home now and are keeping a close eye on her temp and her ear infection will take weeks to heal. If it doesn't then she will have to go back in to have surgery to insatll grommets in her ears.

Thanks all for listening, i will now go to bed as i have only had a few hours sleep all week. I have lot's to catch up on.
Good night.


New member
OH MY a terrible time indeed.....I hope the wee one bounces back quickly as well as Mom. Its scarier then the devil to not know why things are happening to your little ones. She has never had fever induced seizures before? I wish you some restful sleep!


Digital opinion leader
Oh that's so frightening for you. I've never witnessed a seizure, but I've heard its awful to watch. Especially when its your little child. Hope your baby girl is on the mend and you can rest soon.


New member
Eli, your poor baby--and mommy too! The nightmare of ear infections. My daughter, Kaylee's mom had one when she was two, screamed all night--I thought it was her teeth at first cause she had been teething. But you had such a scare! Thank heavens you're all better. Where are you from? Sounds like England. "Grommets"--here in the States we say "tubes" in the ears.


New member
What a week it has been indeed! I sure hope she's getting better each & every day!
Keep us posted, please.


What a scary, scary thing! A good friend of mine has been going through the same thing with her daughter, who is 15 months. She has had a febrile seizure 7 or 8 times in the past four months or so, each of them because her temperature has spiked so quickly, and apparently that is her body's way of dealing with it. My friend was told to watch every fever extremely closely, and that she can expect that this may happen with each temp until her daughter is 7 years old.

I'm glad Olivia is feeling a little bit better, and I hope you both get some good rest!


New member
OMG that must have been terrifying for you! I hope that all is well now, or as well as it can be. Stay tough - I'll be thinking of you.


New member
Wow, how scary!! How awful last week must have been. I'm glad Oivia is doing better now!

She is the cutuest in that picture!


New member
Oh my goodness,

I noticed you hadn't been around for a few days but I figured maybe a vacation during the summer or something. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to her, and to you.

I'm glad she's feeling better, take care of yourself and keep us posted AFTER you've rested.

Many prayers your way!!!!


New member
Thanks all, you guy's. It made me cry reading all your responces, just knowing that there are people out there that care and can understand what a trrifying experience this was for our family.

Olivia, seems happier today and she too is very tired. The poor thing cried every time a nurse came near her and just refused to let them touch her. It was so hard to watch her yell mama mama mama, holding her hand out so i can save her.
She has been having 3 hour naps during the day and 13 hrs through the night, so i am guessing she is tyring to catch up on sleep.
But, she seems better and happier and i hope she continues to stay that way. Al though there is a chance it can happen again, which is frightening to think of.

Jenica, the docs have also said to us it can happen to her over and over again and that we just need to watch her temp very closley every 4 hrs. I realy hope it doesn't happen again, it was the scariest thing i have witnessed in my life and thank god my mother in -law was there to help.
I'm sorry to hear that your friends daughter has had this happen to her many times.

Kayleesgrandma- we are from Australia. The "Grommets" are like you said, little tubes put in a hole in the ear drum to help fluid bilud up escape from the inner/middle ear.

Thanks again, love u guy's<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

ps: sorry for not making a little sence, i read through my post and had a little laugh after my cry. I was so very dying to go and get some sleep.