Horrible Arthritis


New member
I had croups a couple of weeks ago.... my son and I both got it about the same time. I coughed and coughed for what seemed like forever but since it was viral there was nothing they could do for me. <div><br></div><div>Now... I have such horrible arthritis that I can barely function. My ankles and legs hurt so bad that it wakes me up in the middle of the night.  During the day they continue to hurt and my neck and shoulders hurt during the day... almost at times to the point of tears. I am so incredibly exhausted from pain that I can barely keep up during the day.... I am taking tons of rest breaks!</div><div><br></div><div>I don't have the normal rash on my face that I get with my CF related arthritis. For me the CF arthritis normally comes and goes (I have days off from the pain).  This has been day after day after day....</div><div><br></div><div>Tylenol seems to do the trick if I stay medicated (2 pills every 4-6 hours around the clock).... I worry about my liver being on it day after day non-stop. Because of that I have been only the Tylenol when the pain gets too much to deal with.  The only other thing that helps us deep tissue massage and Hubby can only do that once in a while.  </div><div><br></div><div>I don't have a clue what I am dealing with and I have about 3 weeks until my clinic appointment. </div><div><br></div><div>Any advice??  Did the virus move into my joints?? My cough is tons better.  Today is the first day I am not SOB.... that feels great!!</div><div><br></div><div>(Sorry this was so long.....)</div>


New member
I had croups a couple of weeks ago.... my son and I both got it about the same time. I coughed and coughed for what seemed like forever but since it was viral there was nothing they could do for me.<br>Now... I have such horrible arthritis that I can barely function. My ankles and legs hurt so bad that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. During the day they continue to hurt and my neck and shoulders hurt during the day... almost at times to the point of tears. I am so incredibly exhausted from pain that I can barely keep up during the day.... I am taking tons of rest breaks!<br>I don't have the normal rash on my face that I get with my CF related arthritis. For me the CF arthritis normally comes and goes (I have days off from the pain). This has been day after day after day....<br>Tylenol seems to do the trick if I stay medicated (2 pills every 4-6 hours around the clock).... I worry about my liver being on it day after day non-stop. Because of that I have been only the Tylenol when the pain gets too much to deal with. The only other thing that helps us deep tissue massage and Hubby can only do that once in a while. <br>I don't have a clue what I am dealing with and I have about 3 weeks until my clinic appointment.<br>Any advice?? Did the virus move into my joints?? My cough is tons better. Today is the first day I am not SOB.... that feels great!!<br>(Sorry this was so long.....)


New member
I had croups a couple of weeks ago.... my son and I both got it about the same time. I coughed and coughed for what seemed like forever but since it was viral there was nothing they could do for me.<br>Now... I have such horrible arthritis that I can barely function. My ankles and legs hurt so bad that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. During the day they continue to hurt and my neck and shoulders hurt during the day... almost at times to the point of tears. I am so incredibly exhausted from pain that I can barely keep up during the day.... I am taking tons of rest breaks!<br>I don't have the normal rash on my face that I get with my CF related arthritis. For me the CF arthritis normally comes and goes (I have days off from the pain). This has been day after day after day....<br>Tylenol seems to do the trick if I stay medicated (2 pills every 4-6 hours around the clock).... I worry about my liver being on it day after day non-stop. Because of that I have been only the Tylenol when the pain gets too much to deal with. The only other thing that helps us deep tissue massage and Hubby can only do that once in a while. <br>I don't have a clue what I am dealing with and I have about 3 weeks until my clinic appointment.<br>Any advice?? Did the virus move into my joints?? My cough is tons better. Today is the first day I am not SOB.... that feels great!!<br>(Sorry this was so long.....)


New member
Lymes disease, or another immuno thing? I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I'd call a doc and ask some questions. Chronic join pain is the pits.


New member
Lymes disease, or another immuno thing? I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I'd call a doc and ask some questions. Chronic join pain is the pits.


New member
Lymes disease, or another immuno thing? I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I'd call a doc and ask some questions. Chronic join pain is the pits.


New member
<P>I'm the father of a girl with CF, which is why I read this.  She has a lot of muscle aches and soreness after exercise (any help on that anybody?), but I have bad arthritis.  Psoriatic arthritis, which is an auto-immune disease.  It's common for outbreaks to be triggered by other illnesses, like a bad flu.  A good rheumatologist can diagnose and treat it.  The first bad outbreak I had was stopped by several short courses of prednisone.  But a worse one last year eventually resulted in me going on shots of Humira, which has taken away the pain completely.  It was horrible, crippling.  I know what you feel but get it checked out the sooner the better.  I"m not a doctor by the way, but have a lot of personal experience with what sounds like the same kind of pain.</P>
<P> </P>


New member
<P>I'm the father of a girl with CF, which is why I read this. She has a lot of muscle aches and soreness after exercise (any help on that anybody?), but I have bad arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis, which is an auto-immune disease. It's common for outbreaks to be triggered by other illnesses, like a bad flu. A good rheumatologist can diagnose and treat it. The first bad outbreak I had was stopped by several short courses of prednisone. But a worse one last year eventually resulted in me going on shots of Humira, which has taken away the pain completely. It was horrible, crippling. I know what you feel but get it checked out the sooner the better. I"m not a doctor by the way, but have a lot of personal experience with what sounds like the same kind of pain.</P>


New member
<P><BR>I'm the father of a girl with CF, which is why I read this. She has a lot of muscle aches and soreness after exercise (any help on that anybody?), but I have bad arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis, which is an auto-immune disease. It's common for outbreaks to be triggered by other illnesses, like a bad flu. A good rheumatologist can diagnose and treat it. The first bad outbreak I had was stopped by several short courses of prednisone. But a worse one last year eventually resulted in me going on shots of Humira, which has taken away the pain completely. It was horrible, crippling. I know what you feel but get it checked out the sooner the better. I"m not a doctor by the way, but have a lot of personal experience with what sounds like the same kind of pain.</P>


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
I have problems with arthritis feeling pains. Comes with a hive like rash for me and gets worse with lung infection, stress, lack of sleep, etc. When i was younger, 15-17 years old, I would have 'episodes' every 6months or year and as I get older it they get closer together and now are just continious. Seems to only be helped with prednisone and as I get older hydrocodone 2 of the 500-10 every 4 hours.


New member
You know, my hips were bothering me so much that there was nothing I wouldn't do to at least feel comfortable. It's a terrible feeling when you are betrayed by your own body. I couldn't do the things I was so used to doing. I searched far and wide, and ordered a pill from the internet. It was called Zimosine. It worked tremendously, the only thing that bothered me was the glucosamine in it. It really wreaked havoc on my blood sugars. So I had to quit taking it and it seems I was in the same boat. But I refused to settle, I noted all of the ingredients in Zimosine and planned to buy them all, minus the glucosamine, to pinpoint the exact cause of my relief.

The first ingredient I tried was Devil's Claw Extract. I was on it for 2 weeks and it did nothing to relieve me, but I noticed it did cause me to have more sputum; chest congestion. So I quit that, and it was off to buy the next ingredient, Bromelain. After the first dose, I felt noticeably better, and I have not looked back since. I take 2 capsules daily, and I am a lot more normal then I ever was.

Now I really don't have arthritis pains, but I don't see why this wouldn't help. Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory, and much stronger then any OTC medicine without the nasty side effects. Plus, it's ridiculously cheap. I got 100 pills for $7!


New member
You know, my hips were bothering me so much that there was nothing I wouldn't do to at least feel comfortable. It's a terrible feeling when you are betrayed by your own body. I couldn't do the things I was so used to doing. I searched far and wide, and ordered a pill from the internet. It was called Zimosine. It worked tremendously, the only thing that bothered me was the glucosamine in it. It really wreaked havoc on my blood sugars. So I had to quit taking it and it seems I was in the same boat. But I refused to settle, I noted all of the ingredients in Zimosine and planned to buy them all, minus the glucosamine, to pinpoint the exact cause of my relief.

The first ingredient I tried was Devil's Claw Extract. I was on it for 2 weeks and it did nothing to relieve me, but I noticed it did cause me to have more sputum; chest congestion. So I quit that, and it was off to buy the next ingredient, Bromelain. After the first dose, I felt noticeably better, and I have not looked back since. I take 2 capsules daily, and I am a lot more normal then I ever was.

Now I really don't have arthritis pains, but I don't see why this wouldn't help. Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory, and much stronger then any OTC medicine without the nasty side effects. Plus, it's ridiculously cheap. I got 100 pills for $7!