Oooh, unfortunately, I understand EXACTLY how you feel! I was once put into long term care after being hospitalized for 2 weeks for prolonged IV treatment, an additional 8 weeks worth. As most of those who have medicare know, they do not cover home IV's which is asinine, but that is another discussion altogether. Personally, I think that it is the most unwise thing a doctor could do. A LTC facility does not have the expertise in caring with CF patients and it usually takes alot of arguing and threatening to get anything done. I have told my doc that this option will no longer work ever again, period. I would rather drive to the hospital and get my IV"s outpatient every 8 hours than to be put into one of those facilities again. I also am vent dependent so that made things just a tad more complicated. I always felt like I was constantly arguing with the doctor about meds especially and most importantly, when things go wrong and something needs to be done ASAP. I am sorry you are in this position. Like Mel said, you should not have to put up with LTC facilities. They don't have RT's who even know about CF for the most part, but I will say this. Because I was on a respiratory floor in a vent unit, the RT's did do routine CPT which was probably the only positive thing about that facility.
I read that you see a local doctor, unfortunately, local hospitals will often send patients who need additional care to nursing homes, CF or not. In a university hospital, they would probably keep you until your therapy is done. I have been in myself for nearly 4 weeks this time around, they don't even mention long term care for IV's.
It might be worth the drive to see your CF specialist, especially when a flare is coming up so that you can be treated appropriately.
I hope that your time passes quickly and that the doctors are on their game as far as your care goes. I also understand how you feel about being the youngest in a nursing home setting, at 35 I was the youngest on my floor too. Weird isn't it?
Hang in there..
Hugs, Jenn