


The older I get, I'm finding housecleaning to really wipe me out.  Scrubbing the bathtub and the floor is the worst; I like things to be SCRUBBED and not just wiped down.  I'm wondering what other cfers have found that do a lot of the work for you.  I use scrubbing bubbles most of the time for the tub, but can't find something that really cleans out tile grout on the flour that WORKS and that I can BREATHE at the same time.  Anyone have suggestions?<br>


The older I get, I'm finding housecleaning to really wipe me out. Scrubbing the bathtub and the floor is the worst; I like things to be SCRUBBED and not just wiped down. I'm wondering what other cfers have found that do a lot of the work for you. I use scrubbing bubbles most of the time for the tub, but can't find something that really cleans out tile grout on the flour that WORKS and that I can BREATHE at the same time. Anyone have suggestions?<br>


The older I get, I'm finding housecleaning to really wipe me out. Scrubbing the bathtub and the floor is the worst; I like things to be SCRUBBED and not just wiped down. I'm wondering what other cfers have found that do a lot of the work for you. I use scrubbing bubbles most of the time for the tub, but can't find something that really cleans out tile grout on the flour that WORKS and that I can BREATHE at the same time. Anyone have suggestions?<br>


New member
Yes, I have found a very efficient solution. I hired a cleaning lady.. <div><br></div><div>:)</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>


Hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle with some water, makes the grout stains fizzle and fade, less elbow grease. I
Beware of staining your clothes--though no more danger than cleaners with bleach.

Ditto the cleaning person, as long as you can be on the same wavelength in terms of chemical smells. I've a cleaning person every two weeks. She gets that I'd rather something be less shiny but be lickable by my dog and not cause me to wheeze with it's smell. I run an air purifier/filter the day that she comes.

What is so crazy is that it takes me about 4 hrs+ to straighten up the day before she comes: put away toys, books, laundry, shoes, extra coats, school projects, recycling and general clutter. (3 kids, a dog, a husband with a long work day) I once tried having her come every week, it was actually too stressful, in addition to hard on the wallet.


Hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle with some water, makes the grout stains fizzle and fade, less elbow grease. I
Beware of staining your clothes--though no more danger than cleaners with bleach.

Ditto the cleaning person, as long as you can be on the same wavelength in terms of chemical smells. I've a cleaning person every two weeks. She gets that I'd rather something be less shiny but be lickable by my dog and not cause me to wheeze with it's smell. I run an air purifier/filter the day that she comes.

What is so crazy is that it takes me about 4 hrs+ to straighten up the day before she comes: put away toys, books, laundry, shoes, extra coats, school projects, recycling and general clutter. (3 kids, a dog, a husband with a long work day) I once tried having her come every week, it was actually too stressful, in addition to hard on the wallet.


Hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle with some water, makes the grout stains fizzle and fade, less elbow grease. I
<br />Beware of staining your clothes--though no more danger than cleaners with bleach.
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<br />
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<br />Ditto the cleaning person, as long as you can be on the same wavelength in terms of chemical smells. I've a cleaning person every two weeks. She gets that I'd rather something be less shiny but be lickable by my dog and not cause me to wheeze with it's smell. I run an air purifier/filter the day that she comes.
<br />
<br />What is so crazy is that it takes me about 4 hrs+ to straighten up the day before she comes: put away toys, books, laundry, shoes, extra coats, school projects, recycling and general clutter. (3 kids, a dog, a husband with a long work day) I once tried having her come every week, it was actually too stressful, in addition to hard on the wallet.


It would be great to hire someone, but I can't afford it! I'll try the peroxide though...thanks!


It would be great to hire someone, but I can't afford it! I'll try the peroxide though...thanks!


It would be great to hire someone, but I can't afford it! I'll try the peroxide though...thanks!


New member
I also have a cleaning lady due to the generosity of a family member , Thank God for family !  My husband also will deep clean (he is the best cleaner that I have ever seen)<div><br></div><div> I can not breathe in any cleaning fumes..  It causes hemoptysis for me ..  Are there any family members/friends that can do those two chores for you ???  <div><br></div><div>Take care  <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">  joni</div></div>


New member
I also have a cleaning lady due to the generosity of a family member , Thank God for family ! My husband also will deep clean (he is the best cleaner that I have ever seen)<br>I can not breathe in any cleaning fumes.. It causes hemoptysis for me .. Are there any family members/friends that can do those two chores for you ??? <br>Take care <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
I also have a cleaning lady due to the generosity of a family member , Thank God for family ! My husband also will deep clean (he is the best cleaner that I have ever seen)<br>I can not breathe in any cleaning fumes.. It causes hemoptysis for me .. Are there any family members/friends that can do those two chores for you ??? <br>Take care <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
i, too, wish i could afford a cleaning lady but i simply cannot; however, my mom and niece are more than willing to help out (though i still have a hard time speaking up and saying i need help). my boyfriend is very good about helping out, too, but more w/ cooking and waiting on me LOL


New member
i, too, wish i could afford a cleaning lady but i simply cannot; however, my mom and niece are more than willing to help out (though i still have a hard time speaking up and saying i need help). my boyfriend is very good about helping out, too, but more w/ cooking and waiting on me LOL


New member
i, too, wish i could afford a cleaning lady but i simply cannot; however, my mom and niece are more than willing to help out (though i still have a hard time speaking up and saying i need help). my boyfriend is very good about helping out, too, but more w/ cooking and waiting on me LOL


New member
I would love a cleaning lady once in a while. Just can't afford it right now.

I will be trying out that grout cleaning trick. I like a clean house but my fatigue levels have caused me to lower my standards a bit. My mom is coming out for Thanksgiving and has promised to help me and do some of the hard to reach spots.

I have taught my son how to do simple things around the house and in a pinch he will do them for me. I just caught my second cold in two months so I will be having him help out this weekend.


New member
I would love a cleaning lady once in a while. Just can't afford it right now.

I will be trying out that grout cleaning trick. I like a clean house but my fatigue levels have caused me to lower my standards a bit. My mom is coming out for Thanksgiving and has promised to help me and do some of the hard to reach spots.

I have taught my son how to do simple things around the house and in a pinch he will do them for me. I just caught my second cold in two months so I will be having him help out this weekend.