<P>Our experience has been a little different. Andrew has been on pulmozyme for 8 years..since he was 5. I have never noticed that Pulmozyme does anything for him.</P>
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<P>The reason I say this is that once he started hypertonic saline I noticed a HUGE difference in what and how much he was able to cough up. Pulmozyme never had that affect on him. And once he had to stop HTS for two weeks for a research study he was doing. During the time he was off the HTS he became very congested, coughed hardly anything up. But once he had his first dose of HTS the junk that came out of his lungs was amazing. I could not believe how much just kept coming, and coming, and coming..and it was dark and thick..not thinned out like it's supposed to be since he had never stopped the pulmozyme. </P>
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<P>Honestly, if it were MY CF and MY body, I would have stopped taking pulmozyme a long time ago. I just don't think it works for Andrew. The only reason I keep him on it is because the doctors recommend it, and I never want to look back and say I made a mistake, or took a chance with Andrew's body. When he gets older it will be his choice if he wants to stop it. </P>
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<P>But boy, it sure hurts to pay that $250 copay every month on a med that doesn't seem to do anything for him.</P>
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<P>I know Pulmozyme works very well for many many people. Just not for Andrew. Good luck! I hope you notice a difference!</P>