Alyssa had another appointment at the CF center today. Good news, she's finally gained a little weight and her cough is finally gone, so they were pretty happy. But as I was discussing vitamins and how they taste with the pulm, CF nurse, and dietician, I mentioned that Alyssa only seems to like the taste of tylenol. DEAD silence as they looked at one another. Then the pulm says that we should only give her motrin, tylenol could have bad liver consequences in CF patients. WHEN were they going to tell me this??? Shouldn't this be a part of the very first day patient education??? Infant Tylenol is pretty much the only thing you can give to a baby under 6 months for pain, and I used it for all three kids. I never considered this to be an issue.
Am I the only one who missed this piece of information? I consider myself well-read. I'm a college professor, I have not stopped reading CF stuff since our diagnosis nearly 6 months ago, and I have never come accross this.
Any other major pieces of information I'm missing??? Once again, CF turns normal upside down!!!!!!
Am I the only one who missed this piece of information? I consider myself well-read. I'm a college professor, I have not stopped reading CF stuff since our diagnosis nearly 6 months ago, and I have never come accross this.
Any other major pieces of information I'm missing??? Once again, CF turns normal upside down!!!!!!