How do I beef up


New member

This works for Cass. She is a very picky eater as well. We have good days and bad days with eating. I mix up a quarter of a can of Carnation instant Breakfast 560 calories with Nestle Choclate syrup and top with vitamin D milk.Then shake! She calls it her milkshake milk. Thats what she has for breakfast cause that is the hardest meal of the day. And a few times a week my husband makes milkshakes with the same things only adds chocolate icecream to it. She wont drink the Carnation alone that is why we tried to make it fun. Oh yeah, and it has to go in her favorite spongebob cup. Hope you can find something that Alyssa likes!


New member

This works for Cass. She is a very picky eater as well. We have good days and bad days with eating. I mix up a quarter of a can of Carnation instant Breakfast 560 calories with Nestle Choclate syrup and top with vitamin D milk.Then shake! She calls it her milkshake milk. Thats what she has for breakfast cause that is the hardest meal of the day. And a few times a week my husband makes milkshakes with the same things only adds chocolate icecream to it. She wont drink the Carnation alone that is why we tried to make it fun. Oh yeah, and it has to go in her favorite spongebob cup. Hope you can find something that Alyssa likes!


New member
Avery for the last two years has been on Whole milk (Vitamin D) and Nestle Quick. It seems she has taken off the last few months on her height, her weight has always been pretty good. But she has also been on chocolate milk since we found out she had cf. Like many other parents she has her good and bad days, but one thing is for sure, she loves her chocolate milk.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with cf and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
Avery for the last two years has been on Whole milk (Vitamin D) and Nestle Quick. It seems she has taken off the last few months on her height, her weight has always been pretty good. But she has also been on chocolate milk since we found out she had cf. Like many other parents she has her good and bad days, but one thing is for sure, she loves her chocolate milk.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with cf and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
Avery for the last two years has been on Whole milk (Vitamin D) and Nestle Quick. It seems she has taken off the last few months on her height, her weight has always been pretty good. But she has also been on chocolate milk since we found out she had cf. Like many other parents she has her good and bad days, but one thing is for sure, she loves her chocolate milk.

Chuck father to Avery 3 with cf and Rhett 2 carrier


New member
My son is 17 months old and we were and still are, on some level, where you are. i like to make an observation here, your little one is still at the teethin age and that puts a cramp on their appetite. just something to keep in the back of your mind. ok so i started givin my boy a mix of whole milk, half quart of heavy cream and either the carnation instant or the nesquick, oh! and the Duocal to. i mix all that up in the blender and keep it in the frig and i go thru that in a day maybe two. hes on strike from the peanut butter right now. but he loves that chef-boy-r-d stuff. i have a great recipie for alfredo sauce that is simple to make and is 671 calories a serving. and one day i just typed in "high calorie recipies" on the web and surfed from there.
i found that once i narrowed down the few things he will eat, that is what i would give him. and if it needs to be altered or changed to fit his "needs" you do that. trust me you'll figure things out on how to add extra cals to almost everything you feed your child. then try and make up a big portion of it and take from that when you feed the little one. one last thing that i learned that i think is really important: you cant feed a child that isn't hungry. i would get so mad at my son if he didnt eat when I thought he should eat. so now i know when he is the most hungry and that is when i really pack in the calories. like when he wakes, or after playing outside. and i dont give a snack between lunch and dinner. just my milk combination. so hes hungry at dinner and before bed too. i hope this helps and hang in there.

mom to Aidan 17 months w/cf


New member
My son is 17 months old and we were and still are, on some level, where you are. i like to make an observation here, your little one is still at the teethin age and that puts a cramp on their appetite. just something to keep in the back of your mind. ok so i started givin my boy a mix of whole milk, half quart of heavy cream and either the carnation instant or the nesquick, oh! and the Duocal to. i mix all that up in the blender and keep it in the frig and i go thru that in a day maybe two. hes on strike from the peanut butter right now. but he loves that chef-boy-r-d stuff. i have a great recipie for alfredo sauce that is simple to make and is 671 calories a serving. and one day i just typed in "high calorie recipies" on the web and surfed from there.
i found that once i narrowed down the few things he will eat, that is what i would give him. and if it needs to be altered or changed to fit his "needs" you do that. trust me you'll figure things out on how to add extra cals to almost everything you feed your child. then try and make up a big portion of it and take from that when you feed the little one. one last thing that i learned that i think is really important: you cant feed a child that isn't hungry. i would get so mad at my son if he didnt eat when I thought he should eat. so now i know when he is the most hungry and that is when i really pack in the calories. like when he wakes, or after playing outside. and i dont give a snack between lunch and dinner. just my milk combination. so hes hungry at dinner and before bed too. i hope this helps and hang in there.

mom to Aidan 17 months w/cf


New member
My son is 17 months old and we were and still are, on some level, where you are. i like to make an observation here, your little one is still at the teethin age and that puts a cramp on their appetite. just something to keep in the back of your mind. ok so i started givin my boy a mix of whole milk, half quart of heavy cream and either the carnation instant or the nesquick, oh! and the Duocal to. i mix all that up in the blender and keep it in the frig and i go thru that in a day maybe two. hes on strike from the peanut butter right now. but he loves that chef-boy-r-d stuff. i have a great recipie for alfredo sauce that is simple to make and is 671 calories a serving. and one day i just typed in "high calorie recipies" on the web and surfed from there.
i found that once i narrowed down the few things he will eat, that is what i would give him. and if it needs to be altered or changed to fit his "needs" you do that. trust me you'll figure things out on how to add extra cals to almost everything you feed your child. then try and make up a big portion of it and take from that when you feed the little one. one last thing that i learned that i think is really important: you cant feed a child that isn't hungry. i would get so mad at my son if he didnt eat when I thought he should eat. so now i know when he is the most hungry and that is when i really pack in the calories. like when he wakes, or after playing outside. and i dont give a snack between lunch and dinner. just my milk combination. so hes hungry at dinner and before bed too. i hope this helps and hang in there.

mom to Aidan 17 months w/cf


New member
I have a 3 yr-old who isn't so much picky as he is stubborn. But we've found lots of high cal snacks throughout the day instead of three huge meals works better for him. He eats probably 6-7 mini-meals pre day. The only drawback is that it feels like I'm constantly in the kithchen!! But what ever works!

We've also found that he LOVES popcorn! Orville has the ultimate butter popcorn and we add butter and salt and scandical. And he also drinks 2 carnation breakfast 560 cal drinks a day!

I know it's frustrating, but don't give up. This will has too.....right?!?


New member
I have a 3 yr-old who isn't so much picky as he is stubborn. But we've found lots of high cal snacks throughout the day instead of three huge meals works better for him. He eats probably 6-7 mini-meals pre day. The only drawback is that it feels like I'm constantly in the kithchen!! But what ever works!

We've also found that he LOVES popcorn! Orville has the ultimate butter popcorn and we add butter and salt and scandical. And he also drinks 2 carnation breakfast 560 cal drinks a day!

I know it's frustrating, but don't give up. This will has too.....right?!?


New member
I have a 3 yr-old who isn't so much picky as he is stubborn. But we've found lots of high cal snacks throughout the day instead of three huge meals works better for him. He eats probably 6-7 mini-meals pre day. The only drawback is that it feels like I'm constantly in the kithchen!! But what ever works!

We've also found that he LOVES popcorn! Orville has the ultimate butter popcorn and we add butter and salt and scandical. And he also drinks 2 carnation breakfast 560 cal drinks a day!

I know it's frustrating, but don't give up. This will has too.....right?!?


Staff member
Toddlers! DS is on a strike from mac & cheese, chocolate milk, spagettios lately. And last month when he did his dirty food -- food strike, he told me that during snack time he wanted a green cupcake and didn't get one, so he refused to eat one. Guess he showed them (preschool teachers). Sometimes it just HAS to be the correct color! Argh!


Staff member
Toddlers! DS is on a strike from mac & cheese, chocolate milk, spagettios lately. And last month when he did his dirty food -- food strike, he told me that during snack time he wanted a green cupcake and didn't get one, so he refused to eat one. Guess he showed them (preschool teachers). Sometimes it just HAS to be the correct color! Argh!


Staff member
Toddlers! DS is on a strike from mac & cheese, chocolate milk, spagettios lately. And last month when he did his dirty food -- food strike, he told me that during snack time he wanted a green cupcake and didn't get one, so he refused to eat one. Guess he showed them (preschool teachers). Sometimes it just HAS to be the correct color! Argh!


New member
When I want to bulk up I eat make a fluffernutter sandwich on eggo waffles. Peanut butter on one Eggo and Fluff on the other. Eat that with a carnation instant breakfast and I think it's almost 800 calories!

My mom used to make me corn meal mush for breakfast. For added calories she'd add an egg yolk while it was cooking. Corn meal mush is a hot cereal made of milk and corn meal. Just look in the baking aisle for yellow corn meal. She'd pour the cereal on a big dinner plate in a shape appropriate for the season. Snowman in winter, flower in summer. She'd decorate it with raisens. I love this and still make it for myself as an adult. Mmmmm!


New member
When I want to bulk up I eat make a fluffernutter sandwich on eggo waffles. Peanut butter on one Eggo and Fluff on the other. Eat that with a carnation instant breakfast and I think it's almost 800 calories!

My mom used to make me corn meal mush for breakfast. For added calories she'd add an egg yolk while it was cooking. Corn meal mush is a hot cereal made of milk and corn meal. Just look in the baking aisle for yellow corn meal. She'd pour the cereal on a big dinner plate in a shape appropriate for the season. Snowman in winter, flower in summer. She'd decorate it with raisens. I love this and still make it for myself as an adult. Mmmmm!


New member
When I want to bulk up I eat make a fluffernutter sandwich on eggo waffles. Peanut butter on one Eggo and Fluff on the other. Eat that with a carnation instant breakfast and I think it's almost 800 calories!

My mom used to make me corn meal mush for breakfast. For added calories she'd add an egg yolk while it was cooking. Corn meal mush is a hot cereal made of milk and corn meal. Just look in the baking aisle for yellow corn meal. She'd pour the cereal on a big dinner plate in a shape appropriate for the season. Snowman in winter, flower in summer. She'd decorate it with raisens. I love this and still make it for myself as an adult. Mmmmm!