how do i find out if someone is lying about having cf?


New member
I have no comment on the story because it would just be my guess, but I wanted to say about the clubbed fingers... I don't have any clubbing what so ever and I have CF so you can't go by that really...... Not to be argumentative at all just wanted to say ..can't go by that alone...


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br> That is not always present in people w/ CF but quite frequently it is. This condition is called "clubbing".<hr></blockquote>

It does say "not always present" I was just trying to give him another possible indicator.


New member
I really don't understand how this topic is getting people irritated with each other and causing arguments. All the guy wanted was some advice on what he should do. It's crazy to me how people are treating each other over this.


New member
Back to the subject at hand.... I don't know your girlfriend, but from what you've said? She sounds like a giant liar to me. Whatever the reason for her lying, I haven't a clue. It could be a whole lot of different things, but in the end... Whatever the cause, the result is lying.


New member
I kind of doubt the hospital would mail out x-rays, maybe they would mail out the results of what they found but looking at an x-ray isn't going to tell you if you have CF. They would show scarring and possibly signs of bronchiectesis etc. but you need to have sweat tests or gene testing to confirm a diagnosis. As far as the smoking thing goes I grew up in a house where my step dad smoked (I hadn't been diagnosed at that time) but was sick and coughing alot of my life. Now on holidays when I'm exposed for a short period of time I'm usually sick for at least a few days and my lungs hurt. I don't know how she could smoke and not be sick all the time. Good Luck


New member
Some people are rebellious and dont take care of themselves. Remember the girl on MTV who had CF and smoked on the show!!

I cannot imagine why anyone would lie about this either. She obviously has some serious issues and you would probably be better off moving on and meeting a more stable person. You dont sound like you deserve this treatment.

Also, as the mom of two w/cf -- I eat, live and breathe CF everyday. There is no way I wouldnt know everything you wanted to know about CF. Good Luck!!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Does she do breathing treatment? Almost everyone with CF does some kind of breathing treatmen. Ask her what kind of meds she takes. Then post back and we can pretty much let ya know if they are CF drugs or not. She also should have lots of meds and vitamins around her room or kitchen. Or better yet. She should be taking enzymes (a capsule) right before she eats. Most people take afew or more capsules to aid in digestion. It is entirely possible she may not need them yet. But she should be doing breathing treatments. Espeically if she smokes. When your doing the treatments its with a nebulizer machine. Hope this helps. Becky


New member
well i found out it's not true. she doesn't have it. i apologize to everyone on here who has to deal with someone being a fraud about a serious disease. im not going to say her name, but if she has any backbone left whatsoever, she will apologize to all of you publicly on her own. im so sorry to everyone here and on her behalf words can't describe how sorry i feel for all of you to have to have someone do this. she used you guys to help cover her lie. she didn't even have the guts to tell me on her own. she had her mother tell me, and then she confirmed it to me by sending me an email. not even the respect to tell me with her voice, let alone look me in the eye. im sorry, but i wont mention her name. i'll leave it up to her. i'm so sorry to all of you. i dont know how to move on from this. i had to make a decision to be with someone with a terminal disease and mentally prepare myself for the worst, and it turns out to be a big lie. she lied to me, my family and my friends, and everyone bought it. but the worst thing she could have done was use you guys to help cover it. i know how serious CF is, one of my best friends' ex girlfriends had it and i wouldn't wish it on anyone. god, i think about how nervous i got every time she coughed, how i patted her back when she supposedly needed it done, how i banned people from smoking anywhere near her, how she lied about going to the hospital and told one of her friends to tell me she was there but wouldnt give me a number or call me herself while i was away for the weekend doing nothing but worrying for her and the other time she said she was going but refused to let my father drive her because she was never going in the first place. how could someone put a person who's put his whole life into her for 9 months do such a thing? im so sorry everybody. i hope she atleast has the decency to come clean with you all, especially the ones she's befriended on here and talks to on AIM. i cant say im sorry enough for even letting her go this far and use you guys. you dont deserve that


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Aren't you worried that your girlfriend will read this post and realize you are talking about her? If she is smart enough to come up with such a lie she's probably smart enough to piece together your story and realize it's her. Although, maybe that is your motive so she realizes you are on to her.<hr></blockquote>

that was pretty much my motive, though she supposedly didnt use this site at all since i posted this...the ananymity is not for her, it was for you guys. i didnt want to embarass her or drag her name through the mud if i was wrong, and im still not giving her name bc im leaving it up to her to admit it. obviously, she wont be posting on here anymore now that i know about it for sure. im sorry if some of you think im lying, and i dont know the history of this place and who's done what on here. i know that she posted here and i thought this would ne the best place to get advice to find out the truth, while at the same time hoping she would see this to let her far as the smoking thing goes, i did try to quit for her, but im pretty weak when it comes to quitting and i never lasted more than 3 days when i've tried, but i never smoked around sorry some of you feel like im lying, but i dont know how someone can make this stuff up, and i dont see how the fact that i smoke makes my story any less so devestated by all of this that i havent slept since friday and im delirious right now and i have work in less than 6 hours...i loved her so much...i feel so empty right now


New member
You did the right thing. She has posted a public apology, but it was anonomus. I think everyone who was rude to you owes you an apology. Good luck in the future.


New member
I do have to agree that you did get blasted. For anyone new to CF some questions seem "normal", but yet "obvious" to us old timers. Sorry about the pain you are dealing with. Just think of what lies ahead for you now. Best of Luck!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I'm glad you at least got the truth!


im not...i loved her so much


New member
Adapt and overcome, that's life. If you still love her, help her through this. I am dumbfounded that someone would lie about this and it enrages me since people really do suffer through life with CF everyday and its no joking matter. But still, everone has their issues and her's is just a HUGE one about lying. Nobody's perfect you know. If it's meant to be, she'll get the help she needs-because believe me SHE NEEDS HELP and you will help her through it and you two can grow together.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
I'm glad you at least got the truth!


im not...i loved her so much<hr></blockquote>


New member
im not...i loved her so much<hr></blockquote>

So you would rather love a girl who has been deceitful, lied to you about other things & put you & others through this crap. Bull....that isnt love. Thats stupidity. Maybe you attracted to that side of her even if you say otherwise. In her apology I posted that those of us with the true CF issue should abandon this whole soap opera. Its doesnt sound right & is taking away from more important issues for us.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i><br>im not...i loved her so much<hr></blockquote>

So you would rather love a girl who has been deceitful, lied to you about other things & put you & others through this crap. Bull....that isnt love. Thats stupidity. Maybe you attracted to that side of her even if you say otherwise. In her apology I posted that those of us with the true CF issue should abandon this whole soap opera. Its doesnt sound right & is taking away from more important issues for us.<hr></blockquote>

you're right...i made her come back and post an apology as sorry i brought this issue to the table but when i first did, obviously, i wasnt sure and i needed to know and thought 'who better to ask than people who would know?'

right now im at a real crossroads with this issue. i'm 25 years old and she's 18. when we first started dating, she didnt think that a 24 year old would take an 18 year old seriously (i just turned 25 july 2), so she made up a lie about a terminal illness to get me to feel sorry for her and stay. she got so caught up in the lie that by the time it did become a serious relationship, she didnt have it in her and was scared to come out with the truth. i had to find it out on my own and bc she was posting here, i figured this was where i can find out if there were any holes in her story, and you guys helped alot and i thank you all for that. she's decided to go to therapy and possibly even commit herself into a hospital for a couple weeks. i dont know what im gonna do but as for now we're broken up. part of me wants to think that now that there's a clean slate tyhings can get better from here on out, and another part says what else is she gonna keep lying about? the worst part about what she did was to come on here and use you guys to make her story seem more true, and i wasnt going to let her get away with apologizing anonymously and having you all think this was a joke or something. but whatever happens happens, and i wont be sure whats going to happen for a good long while. maybe somewhere down the line ill be able to forgive her and take her back or maybe i'll realize what a fool i'd be to do that. love sucks like that. i should know better, i DO know better, but i love her, and that alone can make me blind to anything. im gonna leave you all alone and let you get back to normal around here. thank you all for your help and im sorry this ever happened
