I don't think that 'dropping that bomb' might be the best way to do things. I like the fact, that it may not be CF that kills me. I could very well die of 'old age'. And you might have more peace if you tell her this way. When I was a kid it was important for me to do everything that other kids did. I did know the gory deatails of CF (and wished I hadn't known them at the time) but that's life.
Maybe take a softer approach and it might go easier.
When we were telling my niece about CF (we both have CF). I had a bunny that had respritory problems so we associated the 2 of us with the bunny who coughed. Silly, I know, but it worked really well.
Good luck with things. I think that you're smart to do this while she is not in school so she can adjust and not have to worry about keeping her straight A's.
There are some good websites out there for kids with CF. Maybe look at those and take one of their approaches.
My heart breaks for the conversation you will have to have.
29 Female CF
Maybe take a softer approach and it might go easier.
When we were telling my niece about CF (we both have CF). I had a bunny that had respritory problems so we associated the 2 of us with the bunny who coughed. Silly, I know, but it worked really well.
Good luck with things. I think that you're smart to do this while she is not in school so she can adjust and not have to worry about keeping her straight A's.
There are some good websites out there for kids with CF. Maybe look at those and take one of their approaches.
My heart breaks for the conversation you will have to have.
29 Female CF